Big Country Sports

Chapter 152: Seoul Raiders (Part 2)

Qin Jian's victory gave the Chinese team great encouragement, but when he saw ten other players with bruises and bruises, neither the leaders nor the coaches could laugh.

On the first day, the whole army was almost wiped out, and the whole team was left with the only seedling of Qin Jian.

No matter how good Qin Jian's performance is, it is difficult to hide the fact that Chinese boxing is generally vulnerable.

The South Korean media, as well as the media of Taiwan and Hong Kong, will naturally focus on the news of the Chinese team’s ten defeats the next day!

As for the name Qin Jian, it was not mentioned at all.

Only the domestic official media collectively published a photo of Qin Jian nearly boxing a Taiwanese player, and there was originally a photo of Qin Jian spilling the cup of warm Xifeng wine in the direction of the Taiwanese player.

However, this action was too dissonant, and even the team leader suggested that Qin Jian should not use this action anymore.

Of course, Qin Jian will not face the leader in the face, but after confirming that drinking after the game will not affect the urine test, he decided to change this action from "going to grave" to "sending". The difference is that one is "sprinkling" and the other is "drinking" ".

Three days after the second round of competition, another difference between amateur and professional competitions is here. The frequency difference between the two is very large.

An outstanding amateur boxer can play dozens of boxing matches a year during the peak period. In large leagues, there will even be five or six games a week, so most of the players will not be informed of their opponents before the game and cannot be played. For training, compact training is required throughout the year to prepare for the game from time to time.

Professional boxers are different. Most of them only need to play three or five games a year. The champion with a gold belt may only play two or three defending games. They also know who they are going to fight. training.

In this Asian Qualifying Tournament, each level is a three-day battle.

A total of 30 boxers participated in Qin Jian's weight class. In the first round, there were two byes, and the next round was a game of 16 into 8.

This means that to reach the finals all the way to qualify for the Olympics, there will be three more games to win, and the Asian Qualifiers will have to play four more games.

Two days later, the Chinese team only received the information of the opponent in the next game. As for whether the opponent also got the information of the Chinese team, it is unknown.

This time Qin Jian's opponent is a Japanese player, which should be considered as a draw.

Compared with the United States and Europe, Japanese boxing naturally belongs to the last class.

But compared to China, then I don't know where it is going.

In the 1980s, Japan became the sixth largest professional boxing country in the world. Its domestic boxing management system has developed for more than 40 years and has been formed for more than 20 years. It is relatively strict and orderly, and its overall strength exceeds that of North and South Korea. How many top athletes, Olympic results are not very good.

But in terms of the number of registered professional boxers and the number of active professional boxers who can compete in the past year, especially the number of boxers currently registered in the two world boxing organizations, Japan is undoubtedly the first in Asia

Chinese boxing is much more embarrassing, just like the industrial level before receiving Soviet aid, let alone compared with Japan, it is estimated that it is much worse than Hong Kong and Macau.

Wu Jie also knows that if Chinese boxing is to reach the international top level, it is not enough to be a super boxer.

But an invincible boxing champion can help accelerate the development of domestic boxing, which is certainly no doubt.

Especially when Qin Jian got the huge bonus of astronomical figures in the professional boxing field in China at that time, then there will definitely be a large number of talented good seedlings on the road of boxing.

There are more than one billion people in China in the future. As long as a good environment can be established, the talents that will emerge at that time will be beyond imagination.

Of course, at this stage, a **** is created first. After Qin Jian gets the information of tomorrow's opponent, he already knows how to fight.


On December 6, the Asian Boxing Qualification Tournament in Asia continued.

The opponent drawn by Qin Jian in this round is called Inoue Shuki, 22 years old, 180cm tall, 178cm in arm length and 76kg in weight.

How to fight this kind of opponent, of course Qin Jian is familiar.

Normally, it is sure to use narrow frame control tactics, take advantage of your height and wingspan to maintain distance, do not stop jab and straight punches to limit the opponent's position, and control the rhythm of the field. In this way, in addition to the points, it can also kill and defeat the opponent. Once the opponent's rhythm is disrupted and the mentality is problematic, then the victory will come.

He used this tactic to have a very high win rate against his peer Tyson in dream training, which is also the best way to deal with short boxers.

However, this is a tactic in the face of opponents of the same level. This Inoue Shueki obviously has no such treatment.

This time around the boxing ring of the Chinese team is also very interesting. Since the remaining 10 players thrashed the street collectively in the first round, today a lot of guys with swollen nose and swollen face are watching the scene.

This makes the Japanese team feel a little dazed, so many of you are watching, can you rush up together later?

However, these Chinese players can only watch this game. The body has already bought them the tickets for tomorrow. Tonight is their last day in Nanba.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the match between Qin Jian and Inoue Tree Planting took place on time.

He still didn't wear a head protector in this battle. The Liu Qingshan who was on the court was wearing a head protector. The result was at most a moderate concussion injury, and he was turned into a severe concussion. I can't remember the name.

"I suggest you don't wear a head protector, that thing is useless under my fist."

"You are stronger than the other Chinese, but you are all Chinese and weak!"

The two of them will not say anything naturally in the literary fight, but when they see each other with a dumb expression on their faces, they can only shut their mouths in sorrow. This is completely cross-service communication!

After the game started, Inoue Plantation did not choose to attack, but chose to play steadily and tactics, ready to test the true level of Qin Jian first.

This is actually a bit of an apologetic, because the short players face the tall players, they must try their best to get close to the close fight, and then fight with the opponent in close combat, then only one inch short and one inch strong can be played. kite.

Qin Jian didn't give up his advantage to get close as soon as he came up, but first tried it with his forehand punch.

Generally speaking, jab is like a spear in boxing. It is a very practical weapon at a long distance. It is mainly used to limit the opponent's position, measure the attack distance, obtain points, or form a combined punch with other punches. .

Qin Jian's original intention was only to test it, but he clearly underestimated his level, or too overestimated the ability of Asian amateur boxers. His first forehand jabber easily opened the opponent's defense.

Inoue planted a tree with great horror. He didn't expect the opponent's jab to be so fast and full of power. This punch was not protected and was hit in the front.

Qin Jian didn't expect his opponent to be so weak. After seeing the opponent's fist, his steps were a little chaotic, and he almost subconsciously took a right-hand straight fist.

Inoue still failed to stop the tree planting, and punched a punch in the middle of the temple on the left, immediately fell to the ground.

Qin Jian naturally had to step forward to make a fist, but was stopped by the quick-response referee.

Inoue Shueki was a bit stunned at this time. He never dreamed that the opponent's jab would actually have the power of a straight punch. The straight punch behind him even beat his head buzzing, and then it was a dizzy shock. Come, there is no way to stand up for the first time.


"Good fight!"

"Down with Little Japan!"


At the moment, the Chinese players who were eliminated from the audience shouted loudly, and Qin Jian's two punches were too morale.

"Get up!"

"stand up!"

"hold onto!"


The Japanese team’s coaches and team members naturally desperately shouted at Inoue Planting Tree. From these two punches, they have seen that Qin Jian’s level is far beyond. This is less than ten seconds!

Inoue also knows that he must not be able to hold on for ten seconds, but when the referee reads the fifth second and wants to stand up, he almost sat back with his legs down until the referee counted to the eighth second. Got up.

Qin Jian shook his head, which really saved the opposite. If the boxing of professional boxing hit him with a heavy punch on the temple, players of this level would definitely not stand up.

After the referee on the stage confirmed that Inoue could still persist in planting trees, he signaled the game again.

This time Qin Jian no longer tried, and immediately changed to an offensive stand, almost rushing to the other side.

This is basically Tyson’s stand-up style. Ieki Inoue wants to use his footsteps to avoid contact with Qin Jian’s short soldiers, but it is obvious that his footsteps and moving speed are far worse than Qin Jian, and Qin Jian is forced to win in the blink of an eye. in the corner.

Inoue's head is still a bit confused, and now he is forced to the corner and can only raise his hands to protect the door.

But Qin Jian did not cut in from the middle, but attacked from the side, using a fast and powerful hook to launch the attack.

If faced with top professional players, it is difficult for Qin Jian to break the defense with one punch.

But in the face of this amateur player, Qin Jian's first punch once again broke Inoue's defense, and a right uppercut punched **** the other's cheek.

Inoue Shueki felt that there was a trance of consciousness, and there was almost no consciousness in the moment of fist, and there was a blank in his mind.

Qin Jian didn't stop his hand. The right uppercut just hit the opponent. The uppercut on the left hand had hit the chin of Inoue Planting Tree.

This fist made the Inoue tree planting even the pain of his chin broken, and suddenly fell into syncope and lay on the rope behind him.

Seeing this, Qin Jian stretched out his hand and helped, because the two legs of Inoue's tree planting had already been bent, so falling directly to the ground might be hurt.

The referee hurried forward to push him away, and at the same time went to help the well to plant trees.

Qin Jian is not angry because this is a normal reaction. How can the referee know if he will make up?

However, this push caused Inoue to plant trees paralyzed sitting on the ground, I don’t know if I hurt my But this has nothing to do with Qin Jian First name, and even more than 20 boxers died on the boxing platform.

Nan Bangzi should have a deep understanding of this, because last year's WBA light heavyweight champion defending battle, South Korean boxing star Jin Dejiu was killed by American boxing champion Mancini in the challenge.

"Today's wine is still warm!"

After the referee announced the end of the game, Wei Hongjun handed over the warm Xifeng liquor again.

Qin Jian took it and drank it. This action naturally made the Japanese across the eyelids jump straight, because they are too familiar with the allusions of this action!

But Qin Jian is not deliberately provocative. Since he wants to use this action as his signature, he has to use it all the time.

In this way, for a long time, it is not targeted at a certain person.

PS: My arm was bleeding when I wrote it. This time I went directly to the hospital to get an injection. My delicate jade hand can no longer be inserted with eight needles.

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