Big Country Sports

Chapter 250: Seoul Raiders (Part 1)

Wu Jie now has seven tool men. Ruda was the first to be upgraded to a five-star talent because he wanted to lead the single-core team VS the US team and the Soviet team.

Because of his young age, Shen Lang has only been upgraded to four and a half stars for the time being, but will definitely be upgraded to a five-star talent in the future. After all, he has to face all kinds of chemical monsters and disabled people.

Chen Haonan and Lin Yaodong were unable to grab his limelight, and Wu Jie would upgrade them to four and a half stars and would not rise again.

The two brothers and sisters of the Luo family do not need actual combat for the time being. At this stage, they are only four-star physical talents, but they will be upgraded to five-star in the future.

At present, another monster that has been upgraded to a five-star talent is naturally Qin Jian who cannot be knocked down.

Qin Jian has arrived in Seoul in mid-November, preparing to participate in the Los Angeles Olympic Boxing Qualification Tournament held in early December.

Olympic boxing is an amateur boxing match, which is divided into 11 weight classes.

Qin Jian's current weight is 78 kilograms, which belongs to the 75-81 kilogram class. This weight belongs to super middleweight in professional boxing.

Wu Jie clicked on the attributes of Qin Jian. This old Qin person has turned upside down compared with a year ago.

Qin Jian: height 188cm, age: 17 years and 11 months, weight 78 kg ↑, arm length 199cm, physical talent (?????)

Comprehensive ability: 89

Attack: 80

Defense: 82

Pace: 99

Technology: 99

Tactics: 99

special power--

[Speed ​​of Fly Peak]: ?????

【man of Steel】:????

[Vajra is not bad]: ????

The attribute of Qin Jian seems very unreasonable, the attributes of attack and defense are a bit low, and the rest of the attributes are too high.

But if you know that he has played against all the super middleweight masters from 1950 to 2020 in the dream training, the record is 169 wins, 25 losses and 18 draws, and 86 knockdown opponents win, you can understand why he will Have such ability value.

In addition, his record was played with his physical condition at the ages of 19 and 20. At that time, he was 189cm+83 kg and 189cm+90 kg. He had not yet entered the real peak period of his body, otherwise he would like to lose It’s really not easy.

So it is obvious that his lack of attacking power and defensive ability is mainly because the body has not entered the peak period.

Now Qin Jian is only 18 months away, and his skeletal line is basically closed, which means that his height will not exceed 190cm, and he is naturally a little lighter. This height is not even 80 kilograms.

But when discussing “weight”, the premise of not using “age” and “body fat rate” is to play hooligans. This will be three years older than him. Holyfield is only 80 kilograms. Thailand, who was just eliminated in the United States in the Olympic trials, was eliminated. Sen is only 79 kg. Qin Jian's weight is almost the same as these two future heavyweight champions.

This Olympic boxing competition is not run by the International Amateur Boxing Federation, but is carried out by the Olympic Boxing Working Group set up directly by the International Olympic Committee. The boxing qualifications on different continents are handled by different working groups.

Every country and region with IOC seats can send two players at each level to participate. The top 8 players in the last Olympics can get the pass-through qualification without occupying these two places.

China first selected from various provinces. At that time, Qin Jian won all five games in Beijing, and no one could hold it for a minute.

That's right, it's not a round, but no one can hold it for a minute.

But this is still the result of Qin Jian's vigorous release of water. Otherwise, domestic amateur players of this era faced his front attack and heavy punching. It should be difficult to persist even for ten seconds. A combination of punches must be KO.

In the end, the Chinese boxing team, which was temporarily formed by the body, selected a total of 11 different weights to give them advanced training for half a year of special training, and then went to participate in this Asian qualifying tournament.

This number is indeed less, but it is the decision of the "Preparation Office of the Olympic Organizing Committee".

China's boxing has lagged behind the world, and its inheritance was interrupted for 30 years soon after the founding of New China.

After so many years, the gap has been too large to describe, let alone compared with the world level, even in Asia, it is a first-class vegetable chicken.

This group of boxing athletes took part in a half-year training class in Beijing, and invited North Korean boxing coaches for training. Otherwise, it would be a shame to go to the competition.

But such a short time level is still too much difference. The talents of these people are really few to see.

So after the evaluation, the body even felt that it was not necessary to send so many people to participate.

There are several of these 11 people who have nothing to learn and exercise except for their shame.

But Qin Jian was an accident. Some people in the body felt that it was enough to send him alone. This kid definitely has the ability to help Chinese boxing fight.

Qin Jian also felt that the other 10 people had better be sent out, because these people must not be qualified for the race and could be considered as super-level players without being played by KO.

However, there are still many inadequacies in doing so. The Chinese boxing team, which was organized in a hurry, decided to send one person of each weight and arrived in South Korea in mid-November, preparing to adapt in advance.

After the Chinese boxing team arrived in South Korea, they were a little surprised by this country that had never looked down on!

In recent years, South Korea has developed rapidly in economy. Seoul has surpassed Beijing and Shanghai in infrastructure construction, and its prosperity has also improved rapidly.

Of course, South Korea in this society is still in the dictatorship of the junta. It can even be said that the economic take-off of South Korea appeared during the dictatorship of the junta.

But this is not to praise dictatorship, but to prove that the so-called Western democracy is not a necessary condition for economic development. The "Han River Miracle" was not created by the Western democratic government 87 years later.

Of course, although the national economy of South Korea is much better than that of the 1960s and 1970s, and the heavy chemical industry is much better than that of China during this period, the improvement of the people’s living standards is still very limited compared to the 1970s.

To put it plainly, the chaebols began to get rich, and some high-end talents had a place to use, but a large number of people at the bottom had not yet reached the time to drink soup.

People in the bottom of a country are not rich, and the entertainment industry will naturally be monotonous, so movies, TV, music, comics, video games, sports events... These fields are still in their infancy in South Korea, and there are not many of them in the country. Star.

This also enabled the small Hong Kong in the 1980s to export the entertainment industry to South Korea. Basically, the Hong Kong tycoons in the 1980s were not low in popularity in South Korea, and the "port flow" was found throughout East and Southeast Asia. Very popular.

In recent years, Chinese sports stars have also begun to set off an output trend, especially the three big ball sports have quickly become representatives of Asian and yellow races.

At the beginning, South Korea did not actively report on Chinese sports stars, but it also benefited from the "Han River Spring" movement a few years ago. Those media that used democracy as a slogan all day long began to report Wu Jie and others in order to stimulate sales. People's news.

Facts have proved that these news really help sales. The outstanding performance of Wu Jie and others in the face of European and American stars, combined with their good appearance conditions, is indeed too easy to **** powder.

The most painful thing is that even his "ET House" went to South Korea to develop, and even carried out localization reforms, but Wu Jie did not really want to come here as a leader!

The news that China sent the boxing team this time has also aroused a lot of attention from the people of South Korea, because South Korea has recently had some sense of presence in the boxing of the Olympic Games, especially in the 54kg-75kg range that can impact the medals Players.

In fact, North Korea also has a certain strength in boxing, otherwise China will not hire North Korean coaches to make assault lessons.

South sticks naturally want to see the joke of the Chinese boxing team, but this is one of the few sports that can gain national pride in the Chinese team.

Now South Korea has long been rubbed on the ground by China on the three big balls, and it hasn't even been looked at by the eye.

As for the table tennis, badminton, diving, gymnastics, weightlifting and other items that the yellow races are good at, it has also recently been ruthlessly crushed by the Chinese team.

Counting now, in addition to an archery can show off, in recent years, that is, boxing and baseball can save the national pride.

But when the Chinese team came to South Korea, they immediately appeared in the newspapers, but what the South Korean people paid attention to was their clothes.

Wu Jie could not help laughing in Germany. Now his Uniqlo has opened three stores in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and the business is actually very good.

This is of course very strange. At this stage in China, it is still the food stamp era. Does this kind of store really have a market?

But not to mention that there really is a market because he mainly deals with the business of the second generation and civil servants.

How can those second generations have money to buy, of course, he is too lazy to control.

However, civil servants do not use their own money. They are basically paid by the public when they go abroad for public school/training.

This is not corruption, because civil servants who go abroad to work or study must take care of the national image. In the past, the country will also distribute a suit. Ni Guangnan, Zhong Nanshan, including Wu Zhengsong and others will also distribute one for free. A suit.

But since the beginning of this year, these distributed suits have been changed into Chinese suits designed by Shen Lang and Chinese stand-up collars designed by Wu Jie.

At present, his Uniqlo mainly sells these two kinds of clothing in China, of course, both men's and women's models. In addition, the improved tunic and cheongsam series have also joined the family bucket.

Wu Jie also has to sigh that this kind of monopoly business is really good, because there is no bargaining at all and no competitors.

But considering that there are a large number of people going abroad for training every year during this period, each one is a business of millions of yuan per year, and the accompanying advertising effect will explode!

Next year's Olympics, the body will also order two sets of clothing for each athlete, coach, leader, and official, which will be another big business and publicity.

This time, the Chinese boxing team will be divided into one set, and it is one of three choices: Chinese stand-up collar, new tunic suit, and Chinese suit.

Qin Jian, as the only genius in the Chinese boxing field at present, now has an extraordinary right to speak. He naturally suggests that everyone choose a suit.

But this suggestion was actually ordered by Wu Jie from behind. Many people did not pay attention to the fact that Chinese athletes in all fields choose Chinese suits when they go to South Korea.

The reason here is very funny, because the Chinese suit is designed according to the original Korean suit, he is deliberately angry.

But it has to be said that this Chinese suit is very distinctive in both men's and women's styles. Don't say that the South Stick in this era is not yet known, even the Japanese who have always led Asian fashion are fascinated.

Last year, he opened the first Uniqlo store in Tokyo, which is basically a high-end route that has been ordered out before new items arrive, and also in the price of clothing.

In particular, the Chinese suit series endorsed by Wu Jie is basically synonymous with high-end fashion from birth.

After the Chinese boxing team showed up in a fashionable Chinese suit collectively, this time has not yet developed the South Sticks of their own clothing characteristics, naturally the teeth are sore.

How could they think that the poor and backward China reported on TV and newspapers would have such modern and fashionable clothing.

But after the surprise, there was a burst of sourness, and many media were clamoring for the Chinese boxing team, who was more amateur than amateur, to be wiped out in Seoul!

In this Asian Olympic Boxing Qualifying Tournament, the top three of each weight can directly lock the qualifications for the Los Angeles Olympic Games, and the fourth to sixth place will continue to compete with other continents.

In this way, the top three direct promotion has become the goal of all the Asian contestants. It should be known that even Tyson, who was also eliminated in the United States qualifiers, did not even get the qualification for the resurrection match.

So once the Asian players go to the resurrection, it basically means GG Smecta.

On November 26th, Bayern almost overturned the less powerful Kaiserslautern in the guest scene, and finally relied on Wu Jie's personal ability to pass the risk 2:1.

However, a few days later, another bad news came.

Bayern is about to be the main force of the 31-year-old midfielder. Wolfgang torn his tendon during training and reimbursed directly for the season.

This time Bayern's main lineup has already had three absolute main players suffering from injuries. The result is that on December 3, when facing Dortmund, who also has the same crotch this season, Bayern actually got only one game at his home. At the scene, nearly 100,000 Bayern fans held the number representing the 31st goal of Wu Jie, but the expression on their faces was mixed, I really don’t know if they were happy or angry!

Wu Jie must be mostly happy. Anyway, Wu Dashao will never lose to others. If the team doesn’t force it, it’s teammate junk, it’s coach junk!

That's right, there is no way for the media to throw the pot to Wu Jie now, and Chernay, who is the head coach, naturally wants to back the pot.

At this time, many media in Munich were counting the countdown for the Hungarian coach who was also hailed as the "best head coach in Bayern history" last year. .

Wu Jie was too lazy to control the question of who was carrying the pan at this time. He first went to the hospital to see Wolfgang in a high-profile Chinese suit and then asked the media to take a lot of handsome photos. He soon wore his own suit. Accompanied by personal bodyguards, agents, and assistants of branded apparel, they went home to watch the Olympic Boxing Qualification Tournament in Seoul.

Today is Qin Jian's first offline show, he must see for himself how this old Qin man beat the stick with his big fist!

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