Harry followed Solim to the fourth floor. This place was still fresh in Harry's memory. There was a wooden door in the corridor not far away, where Lu Wei was once locked. The experience in the first grade was not a good memory for Harry. Harry would never come here to take Professor Flitwick's Charms class.

"Why did you bring me to a place like this?"Harry looked at the one-eyed witch statue in front of him in confusion.

"Don't you want to go to Hogsmeade? Here is the shortcut."Solim pointed to the statue in front of him.

"this?"Harry doesn't quite understand.

"This is a secret passage that leads directly to Duke Bee's underground warehouse. Solim explained:"But you must promise me that you will never tell anyone this news - anyone." If you promise me, I will tell you the secret of how to enter the secret passage."

"I promise you, I will never tell anyone the secret of the secret passage."Harry, who wanted to go to Hogsmeade, simply agreed to Solim's request.

"very good. Solim nodded with satisfaction,"Come on, come over here.""Waving, Solim motioned for Harry to follow.

"A spell is required to open the secret passage. Solim took out his wand and pointed at the back of the statue,"Separate the left and right.""

In Harry's surprised gaze, the statue's hunchback opened, revealing the dark entrance.

"It seems a little small, but you can still get in."Harry looked carefully at the entrance to the secret passage.

"Of course you will feel small.

Solim closed the entrance to the secret passage and put away his wand,"Because this secret passage is not prepared for wizards at all, but for goblins.

" Professor Binns should have talked about the goblin rebellion in class, right? Their headquarters at the time was located in Hogsmeade.

Solim jumped down the steps, patted the ashes in his hands, turned around and said to Harry:"I have already told you the method, but I still want to advise you: Don't think that everything will be fine when you get to Hogsmeade.

There are many people like you who don't have an application.

Don't let the professors catch you and implicate me.


Hearing Solim say this, Harry waved his hands quickly:"Don't worry, I will be careful, and even if the professors catch me, I will not expose you."

"That's good, you'd better bring your invisibility cloak when you go."After that, Solim left.

Harry stayed here for a while and looked at the statue of the one-eyed witch, feeling a little excited. Hogsmeade Day was coming soon, and he could go play with his friends then. After Ron came back from Hogsmeade last time, he kept talking in Harry's ear about how delicious Beedukes' candies were and how many new products they had released; he used his poor vocabulary to describe the contents of the Three Broomsticks. How delicious the butterbeer is, etc...

Harry can't wait to experience the joy of Germany and Japan. You know, Harry has not had an easy time during this period.

Solim just turned the corner, and a The door opened by itself

"this is not……"He looked at the door in front of him with surprise. If he remembered correctly, this should be where Evans lived.

"Come in, I have something to tell you."A round face poked out from the crack of the door.

Evans' room was even more messy than when Solim came last time. Wizards didn't seem to like tidying up the room. Without a house elf, Wizards' rooms are always messy. Solim blamed the flying charm, which is extremely useful when wizards can't find something. Maybe that's why wizards don't like tidying up their rooms. reason

"Well, let’s talk about it."After looking around the room, Solim sat down and turned to look at Evans and said

"Why don't you take a guess if you are so smart?"Evans waved his wand and roughly cleaned up the things around him.

"What are you asking me to guess without starting or ending?"Solim crossed his legs.

"You told me something last semester, and you know how I felt when I found out someone had escaped from Azkaban?"Evans sat down opposite Solim.

"Others can take it as a joke, but I can't. Evans sighed,"The location of Azkaban is top secret. I've asked the elders in the family, but none of them know.""

"Azkaban is said to be in——"

"——Beihai, yes, almost everyone has heard this rumor, but can anyone tell me where it is specifically?"Evans said

"And aren't you curious about how that boy from the Black family returned to England?"Evans leaned forward, looked at Solim and said:"You don't have to think about it to know that there will never be a Muggle ship passing by where Azkaban is. A person who was tortured in Azkaban for ten years How did a prisoner who had not had enough to eat for a year swim back from the sea?"

"Why do you care about this? Solim asked doubtfully.

However, Evans ignored him and continued:"But he just came back from the sea. Not only did he come back, he was actually able to be hunted by Aurors and strikers. He passed through almost the entire island of Great Britain, and finally arrived at Hogwarts smoothly. If he really did all this alone, then I have to say one thing: amazing. But is it really all up to him? I don't think so"

"Because you can't do it? So you doubt that others can’t do it?"Solim yawned.

"Apart from anything else, he must have received some help as soon as he came out of Azkaban, otherwise he would not be able to swim back without eating or drinking!

"Evans said loudly,"Being able to avoid being hunted by Aurors after coming back...

is indeed remarkable, but have you noticed how long it took him to escape from Azkaban and arrive at Hogwarts? Are you there? He escaped from prison on August 1st, and he broke into Hogwarts on Halloween eve.

He definitely didn't break in blindly when he first arrived at the school.

If he was really so stupid, he wouldn't be able to get there.

Hogwarts, who knows how long he was outside of Hogwarts? In less than three months, he swam from the North Sea to the land, and then all the way north to Hogwarts.

The Ministry of Magic had already informed the Muggles at that time, which meant that Black was under the Muggle It only took less than three months for him to arrive at Hogwarts under the double arrest of the Ministry of Magic.


At this point, Evans stared at Solim,"Do you believe that no one helped Blake get through the difficulties during this period?"

"Although Black may have added to your workload……"Seeing Evans's face, Solim quickly changed his words:"Okay...it must have increased your work load, but it doesn't have much impact on you, right?"_

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