Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 904: Wife, you have to believe me

"I always feel that Emperor Feng's words are not reliable, but I'm afraid in case ..."

In case of true, a man so proud of Dorsett, his self-esteem will not stand!

The emperor picked up the cup at hand and shouted warmly: "It's already cold, let me change it for you!"

"no need!"

The emperor finished drinking the cold tea, and a word came out of his thin lips: "I will investigate this matter myself!"

Warm lightly leaned on his shoulders, "Juehao, I said, no matter what changes you have, my children and I will always stand with you forever! I only hope that if this happens It ’s true, do n’t worry too much! ”

It's impossible not to care, even if you don't care, the outside world will always follow, and the drool will drown people!

Warm knows the harm of public opinion, not to mention the huge economic pressure. She only hopes that once the matter is true, the emperor will not be crushed by it!

Although I feel that this matter may not be "sexual", but because I was too afraid of the damage it caused to the emperor, warmth had to vaccinate the emperor early.

Looking at the warm and nervous look, the emperor Hao felt a little distressed and reached out to squeeze the tip of her nose, jokingly said: "There is nothing to care about, at most it is leaving the emperor's house and becoming a poor egg. ! "

Smiled warmly, cooperated: "Okay!"

The emperor lowered his head, pecked at the corner of her lips again, then raised her head slightly, staring down at the warmth, and said seriously, "Wife, you must believe me!"

Warmly nodded: "Well."

After doing enough psychological construction for the emperor, Warm told him exactly the conversation with the emperor in the wine cellar.

"I'm just covering this stuff, I don't know if it is useful to you?"

"Emperor style looks very similar to you, but it is not the case. Both his words and deeds were taught by micro-expression experts, deliberately imitated, his actual appearance, with amber" color "eyes, green chestnut" color " This curly hair is very similar to the Ai Landi family. "

Because this is a typical feature also in Yves!

Having just finished speaking, Warm suddenly thought that Yev was not actually a member of Emperor Ai Lan's family.

"You said that your father had a completely oriental face, how could he give birth to a child with curly hair with amber eyes and chestnut?"

Warm, frowning and delicate brows, he was very embarrassed for the emperor, and grumbled with dissatisfaction: "Call me to say that he is the most likely to be an illegitimate child!"

The Emperor Hao was amused by her short-handed look, feeling that the depression in her heart was all gone, and could not help but chuckled a little, jokingly said: "Aren't you distressed me because the illegitimate child has no inheritance right?"

"You hate!"

With a fist of warmth, he thumped on the emperor's chest and shouted: "How can you think of me like that?"

The emperor squeezed her warm fists and pulled her whole person into her arms, coaxing with courage: "Okay wife, I was wrong, I just wanted to tease you!"


Warmly struggling out of the emperor's arms, he reminded seriously: "Don't make trouble when you are talking about business!" "Good wife!"

The emperor immediately sat upright and behaved like a pupil.

Warm thought for a while, and continued: "I guess this is not out of thin air, because I observed him deliberately, and found that when he heard the three words of illegitimate child, the whole person will become particularly irritable! I have not seen it before A psychiatrist? How much understanding of psychological knowledge, his performance, shows that he is particularly concerned about this matter in his heart, or instinctively escapes! "

The emperor nodded: "It is indeed possible! I used to think that the people who wanted to secretly count me were not the people of the Emperor Ai Lan family, because they only took measures against me in economic cases, and the emperor wind wanted to replace me. Will die! "

"If the imperial family is really a branch of the Ai Landi family, then the purpose of the imperial style can not be more obvious. He wants to replace me to obtain the emperor family, and then take advantage of the opportunity of the Ai Landi family to choose candidates and enter This is a good plan for Emperor Ai Lan's family, but is he treating everyone else as a fool? "

Warm lip: "It is!"

The Emperor Hao followed her warm hair. “Do n’t tell the twins about this matter for a while. I ’ll ask the grandfather when I go back! About the Emperor Ai Lan ’s family, there ’s also the emperor style. Correct answer!"

"Well." Nodded warmly. "But you need to pay attention to the way you interrogate. The heart of the old man is not very good!"

The emperor “rubbed” his warm hair and joked: “Your daughter-in-law“ wife ”is a virtue!”


Warm and blushing opened the hand of the emperor, and hummed: "This is a good example for children, do you know? In the future, Holy will also find us a virtuous daughter-in-law" women "!"

The emperor chuckled: "I will convey your wish to be a mother to holy!"

Warmly handed his tea cup directly to the ear of the emperor: "Okay, drink tea!"

The Emperor Hao was filled with a large cup of tea by the warmth, and then the tea was warmed up little by little.

This villain!

Warm while weeping in my heart, and at the same time worrying that the twins will burst into the cold, that part of the torment, it is simply!


In the evening, when everyone walked together, holy said: "I found many history of Emperor Ai Lan's family. Their family has intermarried with the Orientals, but did not find any relationship with the Emperor's family!"

The emperor patted holy's shoulder: "Son, don't worry!"

Poppy pouted aside: "Yeah, I told my brother, no matter whether it's related or not, our family is doing well, it doesn't matter!"

holy glanced at poppy lightly and said lightly, do you think it's that simple thing? naive!

poppy raised his eyebrows in reverence, your elm head is dead!

The two murmured back to each other silently, looking very warm and speechless.

No matter how good the two beasts are, there may be a fight. However, poppy dare to provoke holy that big ice cube! At the beginning, the emperor was also an iceberg. Was it still melted by himself?

Thinking of this, Warm felt a special sense of accomplishment, and couldn't help but bend his lips and smile.

The emperor walked on the warm side, looking at the cheerful smile on her face, and somewhere in the heart was filled in an instant. To be honest, women may value the stability and happiness at home, while men are more concerned about the foundation of this stability and happiness. Especially the battle between big families, that is, a brutal war that kills no blood, it is almost impossible to withdraw from the whole body. It is not safe and happy to give up some money and property.

but now……

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