Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 895: why you?

"Yev, you let go! I have very important things to do! I don't have time to play any games with you!"

"Or, you give me your phone first and let me send a message, I am really in a hurry!"

However, Yev couldn't listen at all. The word speed in the short message stimulated his nerves. How many times did he compete online, he just lost the speed, no matter how difficult the password was, the other party could quickly decipher it. Sometimes, he did n’t understand it. It's already unlocked!

The two ran panting and walked through the grove in just a few minutes.

On the east side, there is a jungle road with a buggy parked at the intersection.

"Here, what about people?"

Yeff finally let go of the warmth and walked excitedly towards the car.

The warmth was already too tired, bent over and gasped there: "Hoo-Huo-"


A familiar and crisp voice came, warmly and suspiciously, his eyes widened instantly.


She blinked and couldn't believe it!

Is the little girl who came out of the probe in the car really poppy? Wouldn't it be a child who resembled her pretend to be?

The warmth was shocking and joyful, so I stared at the poppy dexterously and jumped out of the car, ran over, rammed into her arms like a shell and hugged her with her arms!

"Mommy, are you okay?" Poppy asked, looking up.

A familiar face, a familiar voice, a real and warm hug, the warmth finally returned, and a loving smile appeared, reaching out to caress the poppy little flowery face, "poppy, how are you?"

poppy smiled sweetly, "I'll pick you up, mummy!"

Warm and anxious, "poppy, you daddy him ..."

"Don't worry, Mommy, Daddy's okay!" Poppy kissed on the warm cheek. "Daddy already knows about your safety, and Holy is here too!"

He was relieved by the warmth and frowned lightly, "Holy is also here? Juehao is really, how can you let your two children be in danger?"

"calm down!"

Poppy raised his eyebrows for the warmth and smiled sweetly.

"Mommy, we have all grown up, you have to believe us, just like you believe in Daddy! Daddy said it was a good exercise opportunity, and, don't you think we did a great job?"

Poppy squeezed his eyes toward the warm and mischievous, "Anyway, it's saving you mommy, we are willing to be dangerous no matter what!"

My nose was sour, and I stretched my arms to embrace poppy, "Baby, I'm really happy with you, I'm so happy to die!"

Poppy reached out and patted his warm back, comforting: "Okay mommy, don't be sensational anymore, let's leave here first!"

Nodded warmly, "Look at me! Let's go quickly!"

Poppy pulled the warmth, and the two quickly stepped forward. Poppy pulled the door for the warmth, waited for her to sit, closed the door, walked around the driver's seat, first fastened the seat belt for the warmth, and then fastened their own.

All the movements are done in one go, clean and tidy, and there is a kind of unspeakable elegance.

Looking at poppy silently and warmly, I just felt that the child had disappeared for a while, like suddenly growing up a lot.

You know, the poppy when I was a child was quite naive and simple. He was always taken care of and protected by holy. Except for sticking people and being naughty, he would hardly do anything.

Look at the current poppy, and in a flash, it will grow into a capable little fairy!

When the children are older, it means that they are getting older.

The warmth is both happy and a little sad, and secretly sighed with emotion: Time passes so fast!

"Mommy, go!" Longlong Novel Network.lonbook.

Poppy turned his head and suddenly found a warm and lonely look, stopped quickly, and came over to stare, "Mummy, what's wrong with you?"

This little action is the same as when she was sticking to herself when she was a child.

Warm smile widened instantly, "Nothing, just suddenly found you growing up, I am very happy!"

Poppy looked into his warm eyes. "Are you afraid you are getting old?"

Warm looks away and smiles embarrassedly.

Which woman does not care about her appearance? Who doesn't want to stay young forever? It is false to say that you are not afraid of getting old.

Poppy giggled and reached out and squeezed his warm cheeks, "Mommy, in fact you are not getting old at all, still as young and beautiful as before! And, it's more attractive than before!"

Warm was teased by poppy, and also reached out and squeezed her face, "little guy! Just your mouth sweet!"

Poppy leaned in on her head and rubbed her head on her shoulder. "Mommy, no matter when, I will always be your most intimate jacket!"

Warmly praised: "It seems that the level of Chinese language has improved a lot recently, and even the little cotton jackets know it!"

"That is!"

Poppy straightened up, checked the warm seat belt, and reminded: "Mommy, sit down, we're going to go!"

Looking at her warmly and lovingly, "Look at what you can do now and be careful. When training, you must have suffered a lot?"

Although holy usually spoils her, she will definitely not help her during training.

Poppy muttered: "Mommy, look at what you said, like I used to be a straw bag! People have always been able to do it carefully, okay? And, Daddy specifically told me that I must take good care of it. you!"

There was a layer of sweetness in my warm heart, and I actually felt a little fever on my cheeks.

poppy pointed at her with a grin: "Hah! Mommy, you are shy, your face is red!"

Keep your face warm, "Go! Hurry up!"

Poppy started the engine skillfully, but the rear seat door was suddenly pulled open, and a chestnut-shaped head appeared.

poppy stared, "Who are you?"

Yeff sat in the position, closed the door smoothly, and leaned forward, his head leaned over, glanced at the warmth, and looked down at Poppy's side, no longer willing to move away.

"Sweetheart, have you forgotten me? Are you going to piggyback me?"

"Tuck!" Poppy sucked his lips. "It's sour!"

"Little sweetheart!"

Yeff gave a big smile to poppy.

"Hi! My name is Yev!"

Poppy returned an embarrassing rather than a polite smile and turned his head to ask Warm: "Mommy, your suitor?"

Warm heart was annoyed, and it was not easy to attack in front of the child, so he had to explain: "No, just a friend, he likes to joke! Oh yeah, he just saved me!"

"I know!" Poppy gave Geff a slight glance, "My brother's men are defeated! But this time, I want to thank you!"

"Who is your brother?"

"What the **** is going on?"

Warm asked in unison with Yves.

Poppy started the engine and explained to Warm while driving: "You suddenly hung up the phone, and the moment the video was cut, I found your expression was very wrong, so holy checked your location and found that you are getting more and more remote, I followed it all the way. "

Thinking of this, the warmth was still a little scared, and I was very regretful. I am so impulsive and reckless, thanks to the cleverness of two children!


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