Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 888: The relationship between the imperial family

The emperor wind blocked for a while!

It is said that a woman is an animal that thinks emotionally. Sure enough, it is not false. The so-called loving drinking is the most nonsense! No money, no bread, when you can't fill your stomach, what do you use to talk about feelings?

People who talk empty of feelings are people who have not lived a hard life!

He hates those born with gold spoons!

Seeing his face full of depression, the warm heart was very refreshing, and the corners of his lips were ticked silently.

"Mr. Emperor, since we all open the skylight to speak brightly, you might as well remove all your disguise!"

Listening to her brisk and pleasant voice, the emperor wind was even more annoyed, and he grabbed his wig with a gloomy face, revealing a fluffy maroon natural curl.

Maroon natural roll, amber eyes ...

Shaving the stunned handsome face of Yev in his warm mind, he asked, "Are you from Emperor Ai Lan's family?"

The Monarch wind was shocked!

He suddenly found out that the woman who looked so simple and had a special brain damage was so smart!

She hides her coolness and wisdom under the pretty appearance of the harmless human beings and animals, and is very easy to deceive others, especially men!

The Monarch wind was a little annoyed and a little happy.

Although the trick is a bit embarrassing, this woman is smarter, and her plan is more likely to win!

However, for a woman who is too smart, it is not an easy task to persuade her completely!


The emperor nodded and admitted, an attitude of a complete showdown.

He believes that there are no eternal feelings in this world, only eternal benefits. If she is smart enough, she will calculate and measure herself!

Emperor Feng felt that he had a chance to win, the momentum was up again, and he looked at the warmth with a domineering attitude.

"You know the Ai Landi family?"

Warm lightly smiled: "I have heard of it, I don't know much about it!"

The emperor wind found that he was always irritated by the woman's slow attitude. He could not help but clenched his fists secretly, holding back his anger.

"If you do n’t know enough, let me tell you again. The Emperor Ai Lan family is the most prosperous family in the world. Its family business covers all walks of life in various countries in the world. In your eyes, the Emperor ’s family is big enough. Right? But compared with the Ai Landi family, not even 1/10! "

"In other words, if the Emperor Ai Lan family wants to destroy your emperor's clan, it is easier than stepping on an ant!"

Warm raised a sweet smile, seemingly naive to ask: "Aren't you already shot already? Since it's so simple, why do you still need to spend a lot of time here? Take a woman?"


The emperor was speechless.

Emperor Ailan ’s family is indeed one of the best. In terms of overall strength, his family business is indeed much larger than Emperor ’s, but Emperor ’s family ca n’t be underestimated, especially his leading position in the financial industry, because of the emperor Even the Ai Landi family did not dare to shake it easily, otherwise, the two tigers will have a wound if they fight, even if they finally win, they will kill the enemy 1000 and lose 800!

Emperor Ai Lan's centuries-old clan, how could it be possible to do such a stupid thing of self-destruction?

The most important thing is, what can he do? How can it influence the decision of Emperor Ai Lan's family?

Of course, he can't let Warm know these things!

The color of Emperor Feng ’s face only changed for a brief moment, and then calmed down, and he continued to put pressure on the warmth: "You are too naive to be a smart woman! The reason why our family has no real hands-on, but because they do n’t want to ruin Emperor Shi, because of this powerful financial empire, is mine! "

The emperor Feng pointed his finger at his heart and emphasized the following three words.

Warm and pleasant smile.

Powerful financial empire, is this shameless man finally willing to tell the truth?

The wind of the emperor was sullen, but still persevered, and said sullenly: "Only the ignorant will be so blindly naive and joyful! Do you think I am here to be alarmist? I tell you! The bigger the family is, the more serious it is! The emperor is only an illegitimate child, but under the identity of the only son of the emperor, he has occupied all the emperor. This is not allowed by the family! "

"He must return me a lot of Emperor Shi's points!"

Looking at Emperor Feng's warm face that could not hide his anger, I just felt that this man was too far away from Emperor Hao!

If I told him that Dijuehao had given me all of Di's shares, would he be crazy? Angrily strangled me immediately?

The warmth moved the corners of the lips, and there was no sound.

She wouldn't be so stupid!

The emperor wind looked at the warm and smiling look, but only felt that this woman was annoying and wanted to take a bite!

He took a deep breath.

"Do you think I'm alarmist?"

"Many big families, in order to maintain their centuries of reputation and glory, will cover up or eliminate their own stains at all costs, and their means ..."

In the following words, the Monarch wind did not continue, but the threat inside and outside the words meant that it was self-evident.

The warm heart sank.

Although she doesn't know how much credibility this emperor's words have, but there is no wind and no waves, aside from the identity of emperor Hao, Emperor Ai Lan's recent actions against the emperor's frequent, but true!

Warmly squinted to the wind of the emperor, and there was sharpness hidden in the calm eyes.

"Mr. Di, I have some questions to clarify."

"First of all, my ten-year-old husband and wife have never heard of any topic about his different life experience, so please do not accuse him of being an illegitimate child. This question needs to be considered!"

Emperor Feng waved his hand suddenly and raised the volume abruptly: "Is there anything to consider? Is there anything fake that the family has already determined?"

Warm and not humble: "I reserve my opinion! And, no matter what the matter is, this matter should be discussed with them, not with me here!"

"More ..."

The warmth paused, and his eyes fell on the wind of the emperor.

"I have one thing I don't understand, regardless of the status of the emperor, what does this have to do with the Ai Landi family? They stretched their hands too long! Still said ..."

Warm also deliberately said a few words, waiting for the wind to give her an answer.

Seeing that warmth finally asked the question, the emperor wind was a little faintly excited, sweeping the gloomy face, with a bit of arrogance: "Did you even see this? The emperor's family belongs to Emperor Ai Lan A branch of the family! It's just that they are illegitimate children and have not been recognized by the Ai Landi family. The family has tolerated it for so many years. Now, it is time to liquidate! "




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