Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 864: You have been released by the emperor?

Wake up early the next morning, still a lonely individual.

He warmed his head and glanced at the position next to it, not sure if the emperor had already gotten up or had never come back. Anyway, there was no temperature.

Warm bit his lip, while admonishing himself not to think too much. She and the emperor have been married for many years. The previous divisions have been combined. What misunderstandings have not been experienced? The emperor's reluctance to tell himself must have his reason!

Warmly sorted out his emotions to get up, look at the wall clock on the wall, almost ten o'clock.

Last night, she didn't close her eyes for almost one night. She just fell asleep at dawn and fell asleep, getting up a little late.

At that time, the emperor had not returned, and he should never have returned! Did you stay up all night again? Could it be that the group encountered any difficult problems? Or did you encounter any difficult characters?

The warm and unstoppable Hu Si "chaos" remembered. She knows clearly that she accidentally broke into the Unnamed Island, and it was no accident that she encountered an irresponsible Jeff and was entangled by him!

Perhaps, to let yourself stay overnight, is to create some illusion, misunderstanding the emperor?

Thinking of this possibility, warmth only felt a chill in the back.

Who is counting me? What is the purpose?

Warm tightened her eyebrows, the expression on her small face was dignified, she quickly cleaned herself up, and then hurried down the stairs.

The butler stood downstairs and saw the warm, respectful salute: "Miss! Do you need a meal now?"

Warmly glanced at the empty hall, while walking down the spiral staircase, "How about the emperor?"

The butler bowed his head: "I'm sorry, Miss, I didn't see my aunt! Need me to go ..."

"Forget it!" Warmed warmly, "Breakfast is no longer necessary!"

She has no appetite to eat now!

Warm out directly, let the driver drive himself to the company. She had to figure out what happened yesterday!

When Warm just reached the door of the office, he met John head-on. When John saw her, his blue eyes immediately radiated light, his eyebrows raised high, and he asked jokingly, "Miss Daisy, did you have fun yesterday?"


Warm kick kicked open the office door.

"You come in for me!"

John was startled and stared at the warm back. He had never seen such a sturdy side of this woman. Was the emperor put the pigeons yesterday?


"Oh, Miss Daisy, here I am!"

John stepped quickly and saw warm standing behind the desk, his elbows in his hands, his face covered with frost, his eyes cold like ice needles!

John shivered subconsciously!

"Miss Daisy, are you looking for me?"

"sit down!"

Warm took his chin and gestured to the seat opposite, while sitting down in his place, still staring coldly at John.

John sat down cautiously, glanced at the warmth, and found that he was a little scared of this woman. He bowed his head and asked to be ignorant. Warmly reached out and knocked on the edge of the table, "John, do n’t you plan to explain yesterday ’s things? I trust you so much and give you the company!"

John looked up in confusion, "Miss Daisy is not satisfied with my present?"

More than dissatisfaction?

John shrugged. "Miss Daisy, I'm really embarrassed. I thought you would like it! I know that you are a very dedicated woman. Yesterday you were going to the dye shop to handle things, but in fact they have already done it. , This is the "color" template they sent, I think it's not bad! "

John spread out the folder in his hand and handed it to the warmth.

No warm eyelids lifted. Where is she still in the mood to see the "color" template?

"Tell me about the nameless island!" Warm reminded that the tone was not very friendly, with a bitter anger.

John rubbed his hands, "I also heard that the scenery there is unique, and I want you to relax on a romantic love trip. You know, as your admirer, I actually made this decision very difficult. , But I do n’t want to watch you work hard all day long for work, so ... "

Warmly raised his eyebrows: "So the driver and the broken car are not accidents, did you deliberately arrange it?"

"Yes, but ... I called Emperor Di quickly, shouldn't he let you wait too long?"

In fact, he never came!

Warmly observing John's "sex", seeing that he is not lying, and based on his previous understanding of him, he is indeed very likely to do bad things with good intentions and engage in an oolong!

So what went wrong in the middle?

Warm slightly softened his tone: "You say this thing well!"

John also noticed the unusual, thought for a while, and said, "I received a phone call from the dyehouse after you set off, saying that the problem has been solved, and they called up the color you want." Ask if you want to deliver it right away. Then I called the driver and learned that you were near Wumingdao, let him pretend that the car was broken, and let you relax on Wumingdao.

Warm narrowed eyes: "When did you call the emperor?"

"Just after that! If you pass from here, drive faster, about half an hour, how come, hasn't Emperor come?"

John tentatively tentatively, with a gossip expression on his face.

Looking at his appearance, warmth is almost certain, and what happened to him later should have nothing to do with him.

As for why Emperor Hao didn't come ... This problem must be solved after going back.

He warmed himself up, supported his cheeks with both hands, and asked, "How much do you know about Wumingdao?"

John's hands spread: "I've never been there, I don't know anything!"

"What?" The warmth was so fierce. "You don't understand and let me go? Are you not afraid that I will be eaten by the beasts on the island?"

John widened his beautiful blue eyes.

"Isn't that exaggerated? Isn't there any Emperor General? Ohsorry! Maybe he didn't come, but you can't take me as a cannon fodder! I haven't been there, but I have a guide. I saw this book yesterday The city scenery homepage pushed, saying that the island scenery is "fascinating" and the people are beautiful, especially there is a large cane forest above it ... "

That piece of sugar cane forest is really "fascinating" people, warm feeling that he may not nibble sugar cane in the rest of his life.

"I really didn't lie to you, I don't believe you, I pushed yesterday's homepage!"

John lowered his head to flip his phone. "Hey, it's weird. I saw it, why didn't it suddenly happen? It may have been taken by them. I heard that the nameless island has been bought by a mysterious family of wealthy enemies. , I just do n’t have a chance to go up, so I want you to play! "

"I actually want to accompany you even more. You don't know. I made a fierce ideological struggle. Finally, I decided to notify the emperor and complete your romantic journey!"

"Who makes him the one you want?"



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