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Enjoying the roast meat alone, looking at the prosperity of the street, it is rare to enjoy a relaxed and quiet Shen Qiang. After receiving the delivery call, she left the barbecue restaurant and returned to Hesheng Hezhuang.

In fact, when 1000 Shanxue, Ali, Ye Xiaolei left, Shen Qiang was thinking about a problem, that is, the monk of Doushi Temple was really just out of respect for the interpretation of the sacrificial meaning, and the dragon group was forbidden to take the interpretation of the saint. , And those incense made by murder?

This may not be the case.

Because it is better to consider from the perspective of the monk, or from the perspective of the ordinary person.

It is an uncontroversial fact that Shi Shengyi is a murderous demon.

Under such circumstances, even if the members of the dragon group are a little rude, the monks of Doushi Temple have no reason to refuse the dragon group to take those things.

The only possibility is that the monks of Doushi Temple need those incense.

So even if they knew it was a crime, it should be given to the Dragon Team, they still chose to face off.

That’s the case.

Unless the military force forces it, there is no use if 1000 mountains and snow are gone.

The monks would still not agree with them.

In addition to military force.

The simplest solution is to use another incense to replace.

And this is what Shen Qiang has always wanted to do after understanding the case.

Because after a rough estimate, Shen Qiang is very clear that there are about 5100000000 billion Buddhist believers in the whole world, and there are countless Buddhist temples.

Their most important daily expenditure is burning incense to worship Buddha.

So as long as Shen Qiang’s incense is good enough, there is absolutely no problem in making money, and it will be a lot of money.

Back to Hesheng Heshanzhuang.

Uncle steward is standing outside the door of the rear house, looking at the trucks in surprise.

“Boss, are you?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Oh, bring it to play.” While talking, Shen Qiang settled the bill for the delivery person and then let them unload the goods.

When those Chinese herbal medicines and a sawdust poured in the back house of Heshan Village in Hesheng.

The many monsters who stick one’s head around to look for in the mountain village are all in shock.

“What is Boss doing, what’s the use of that many sawdust?”

“It’s not clear, I smell the poplar peel, so I dare to pack the ticket. Those sawdust must be poplar sawdust.”

“What about those herbs? Is Boss ready to pill concocting? It is said that our Boss pill concocting technology is very difficult to deal with.”

“Bullshit, poplar sawdust mixed with Chinese herbal pill concocting? That’s not making a fortune anymore? Don’t look at that big car sawdust looks a lot, in fact, if the freight is not included, that car sawdust is only a few hundred dollars. .”

“The sawdust of 720 yuan per car is really very cheap.” At this time, after the delivery person had left, Shen Qiang waved his hands and piled up various medical ingredients and sawdust at the door of the house. The child is divided into 3 storage rings and 2 Heaven and Earth Bags.

Then Shen Qiang took these materials and entered the side house on the side of the back house.

Uncle Gui’s eyes were a little curious: “Do you need my help?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Also.”

At this time, the window of the back room entertainment room opened, and Miao Xiao Xia shouted helplessly beside the window: “Shen Qiang, they are playing mahjong 3, one is missing, calling you…”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You play with them, I am busy.”

Then, after entering the partial room, Shen Qiang’s eyes became excited.

Sandalwood is a wood name with a natural fragrance.

But in fact, this kind of wood itself can not only make utensils but also be a traditional Chinese medicine.

But under normal circumstances, the overwhelming majority of the kind of sandalwood used to burn worship in temples is just added fragrance.

Because sandalwood is actually a semi-parasitic plant, its growth rate is extremely slow, and it usually takes decades to grow into wood.

It is one of the slowest growing tree species, and is also divided into categories such as white sandalwood, rosewood, red sandalwood.

Take red sandalwood, which often wears bracelets. For a ton of Indian red sandalwood, the raw material price per ton is more than 20010000 yuan.

In other words, the raw material price of one gram of red sandalwood is above 2 yuan.

But a common box of beautifully packed sandalwood sells for only a few dollars, so no need to guess. Shen Qiang can be sure that all of them are just added fragrance.

Not only that, in fact, there are countless kinds of materials that can be used to make incense.

Du Heng, Yuelinxiang, Gansong, Suhe, Sabbath, turmeric, Nadu, He Luo, clove, agarwood, sandalwood, musk, black agarwood, white brain incense, angelica, solitary, Gan Song, 3柰, Agastache rugosa Incense, ligusticum, galangal, fennel, woody incense, mother clove, asarum, rhubarb, frankincense, ganan, water rest, rose petals, borneol, ambergris…

These can be used to make a restful and incense incense.

The incense that Shen Qiang wants to make is called Yamato Rocanan incense.

When this kind of incense burns, the unique aroma produced by it can make the cultivator feel very peaceful, not only will it not be fooled into the devil, or even be distracted.

So it is most suitable for use in cultivation already sacrificed.

The most important thing is that the raw material price of this thing is super cheap.

Poplar sawdust, plus some spices with a unique taste.

Mix their minced pieces in a certain proportion, shape them, and then dry them.

This thing is super simple.

As an Alchemist, Shen Qiang can be manufactured without the need for a machine.

And the speed is very fast.

Not only that, after these incense sticks were made, Shen Qiang didn’t have much time to wait for them to dry slowly.

Instead, he went to the villa and called a few monsters who could make the incense dry quickly to suit the level of ignition.

Their methods are different, there are heat evaporation, there are absorption of water vapor.

one way or another.

At 9 o’clock in the evening, the first batch of incense was made.

It was embarrassing to see many monsters and uncles who came to help in the large number of well-made Yamato Rocanan incense piled in the partial room.

“Boss, you manage 10000 machines today, why do you do this?”

“Yeah, there is not much money to buy this thing, so why bother with it?”

Hearing their words, Shen Qiang smiled.

I took a prepared Yamato Rokana incense and ignited it, then inserted it directly into the wall gap outside the room.

For a moment, the monsters present were stunned. After a while, even a few monsters turned calm.

not only.

Normally, without summon, Ji Wei, who would never come to Hou Zhai, suddenly appeared beside Shen Qiang. He looked at the incense of green smoke with surprise, and said in shock: “Boss, you smell strange After smelling this smell, the killing intent in my heart has disappeared without any suppression.”

Hearing this, the savage came back to his senses, who seemed to have realized nothing.

“Rare treasure! With this incense, I will definitely not make mistakes!”

“Good thing, with it, I will cultivate more smoothly!”

Shen Qiang slightly smiled when he heard them, but he didn’t wait for Shen Qiang to speak.

Ke Bizhu, a woman secretary with the unique fragrance of Sleeping Fire Lotus, suddenly appeared in front of Shen Qiang. She possessed to sniff the smell of Dahe and Luojianan incense. Not only was she intoxicated, but the perfect willow waist and curling The fat buttocks are like a scroll.

“Boss, so rare treasure, can you sell it to Bizhu? The price is up to you!”

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