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Hearing Zhang Shuheng’s lazy and somewhat boring words, Zhang Family Patriarch suddenly raised his eyebrows, then exclaimed: “What are you talking about? The Dragon Group’s safety consultant is for the 10000 demon king? This means that no matter how we do Is it impossible to get pressure?”

Zhang Shuheng, who was paralyzed on the sofa, said quietly while playing mobile games: “Dragon group, unlike other cultivators, other cultivators just think about how to define heaven changing fate, longevity and eternal life, but the people of the dragon group, It is a group of home guards.”

“The members are all selected from the ordinary 100 surnames, and occasionally they will collect a few people who break the small Aristocratic Family, but these great prestigious families and Aristocratic Family disciple in our cultivation industry, they will not accept them.”

“Because the people of the Dragon Group are very clear, according to the tradition of the cultivation field, as a successor of the famous discipline, the priority is to consider the interests of their own Sect. If they only consider the interests of the Dragon Group and China in their hearts, then it is equivalent to deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors must be killed.”

“This means that our disciples of Great prestigious families can cooperate with the Dragon Group only when cultivators from other regions invade China, because then we will fight with the Dragon Group for China.”

“And apart from this, the Dragon Group is never allowed. We are involved in the Dragon Group’s things, so don’t think about the security consultant. Not only are we not playing, all the cultivator forces in China are also not playing.”

Hearing this, Zhang Family Patriarch frowned, saying: “Shen Qiang founded Heshenghe with one hand, and gathered a large number of monsters. What is the difference between him and us? Why should he…”

“Just because he is the 10000 demon king.” Leaving the phone aside, Zhang Shuheng said calmly: “There are many members of the dragon group, but China vast territory and abundant resources. In this way, the members distributed in various places will be distributed less. , So many times, in many places, the dragon group is not the strongest.”

“Then they should accept our application even more!” Zhang Family Patriarch said with great anxiety: “You cultivation base Dao fruit period, another 100 years earlier, that is the Daojun of no one dares provoke in the cultivation world, they even… …”

Zhang Shuheng reluctantly continued, “Listen to me after I finish talking, the biggest enemy of the Dragon group is actually not each cultivator Sect, because the traditional Sect and Aristocratic Family have their own set of rules, even if they secretly do some evil things secretly, it is absolutely No fanfare.”

“Once the dragon group finds evidence, most of them will find scapegoats to the dragon group, and then become more cautiously.”

“But monsters are different.” Zhang Shuheng, who was paralyzed on the sofa, put his legs on his feet, calmly said: “They often have no worries, so the destructive power is amazing. It has always been the scourge of the dragon group. Simple and rough discovery of monsters will not kill He Shiyi, but I can’t believe it even if you collect monsters in the dragon group.”

“In this case, Shen Qiang’s He Sheng He appeared. Shen Qiang is recognized as the 10000 demon king in the cultivation field. How can He Sheng He control those monsters firmly so that they don’t do evil, even in China can let them do some good things when they need it, so for the Dragon Group, Shen Qiang simply solves a major problem in the cultivation field for them.”

“So the Dragon Group is willing to recognize Shen Qiang’s status.” Zhang Shuheng said: “even more how He Shenghe’s purpose is very similar to the Dragon Group. If Shen Qiang, the founder of He Shenghe, has the identity of the Dragon Group, then be the Dragon Group When those monsters are required to contribute, I think Shen Qiang should not refuse, which is equivalent to the dragon group mastering the monsters in the cultivation field in disguise, so I am not surprised that the dragon group gave Shen Qiang the status of a security consultant.”

Zhang Family Patriarch was silent for a long time and sighed: “Are we really no choice?”

Zhang Shuheng, who took the phone back and restarted the game, said with a smile: “The anger is hard to come by, unless all the Sects in the cultivation world are united to put pressure on it, otherwise, except for Shen Qiang, no cultivator can get the corresponding identity. “

Zhang Family Patriarch’s eyes light up instantly: “Joint pressure, this seems to be a good thing! Anyway, the identity of the security consultant will make the cultivator Sect transcendent position. We must never let Shen Qiang enjoy it alone.”

Zhang Shuheng raised his eyebrows boredly: “It doesn’t matter what you do anyway, whatever you want.”


After lunch, the beautiful demon fox Chuqing and Xiuju began to be busy.

Because Chu Qing is mainly responsible for the recruitment of fairies, and Xiu Ju has to consider some things of Heshenghe’s supervision department, at least she must have the ability to enforce family law, otherwise, after waiting for Heshenghe’s interview, after considering these things, obviously Somewhat passive.

So both of them are very busy.

Only Golden Cicada stayed with Shen Qiang and accompanied Shen Qiang. ,

Although her body is small, the extraordinary natural talent and strength are also very strong. With her presence, all the women are very at ease.

apart from this.

Those who stayed at Shen Qiang’s house did not leave, there were Ellie, Ye Xiaolei, and 1000 Shanxue, because today they did not have the task they needed to intervene until after lunch.

So they stay idle and go online at Shen Qiang’s home.

This made Shen Qiang a little curious.

“Do you still have things? Why not do your business.”

Listening to Shen Qiang’s somewhat customer-oriented words, Ye Xiaolei was anxiously and hurriedly explained: “Shen Qiang Senior, our station is very far from the urban area, and the house is so small and broken, the broadband is poor, everything around Can’t buy it, if you don’t mind, let’s stay here, okay? I really don’t want to go back to the place at all.”

Shen Qiang was surprised by this remark, and could not help seeing Aili who was staring at the mobile phone bubble play, and 1000 Mountain Snow who was drinking tea leisurely.

“Really just because it is more comfortable than your residence?”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Allie rolled her eyes: “Yes, our station has no heating, and the Internet is always disconnected. The only benefit is that there are several thousand big men stationed next to the station. 1000 4 2 .”

Shen Qiang smiled.

At this moment, sitting on the side drinking tea, watching the 1000 mountain snow of the computer, suddenly the tone was cold, frowned: “Look at the forum, something happened, it seems that someone is trying to control the direction of public opinion.”

Shen Qiang was shocked.

I dragged my computer and opened the forum’s Jianghu Enrage Edition, and immediately saw a lot of strange posts.

“On seniority, on status, and the identity of a security consultant can’t talk about Shen Qiang! 》

“We need the real image! 》

“Shen Qiang can’t convince the public as a security consultant! 》

Turning back a few pages, basically the same post, Shen Qiang can see unfathomable mystery.

Clicking on it is more advanced, one of the hottest posts with the most replies. Even if you look at the content of the post, even an open-minded Shen Qiang can’t help but frown.

“The dragon group comes out! That Shen Qiang is just a hairless brat with hairs not even grown yet. Even he is qualified to be a safety consultant for the dragon group. Our Lang Yu School First Senior Brother, cultivation base has reached Primordial Chaos Realm is more famous for its chivalry, and it has extraordinary influence locally. It is not a little stronger than Shen Qiang, but you said that he is not qualified, then I will ask, where does Shen Qiang have enough qualifications?”

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