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Here, at the base of the Northern Military Region of the Long Formation, many people were busy for Shen Qiang, and at the restaurant of the headquarter of Datong Jiangding.

The 1000-year-old Colonel Shanxue, who is slightly red, is sitting across from Shen Qiang with a smile. While tasting the food of Datong River, he looks at Shen Qiang tenderly.

At this time, she had a lot to say in her heart.

It’s a pity that there are too many people on this table, there are the beautiful demon fox Chuqing, there are Xiuju, there are beautiful heroes Jiang Hanyang, there are big eyes beautiful demon Feifei, plus Ellie, Ye Xiaolei, except for Shen Qiang In addition, it can be described as beautiful women like clouds.

“This is life!” A young team member of the Dragon Group who ate a lot of food, looked at Shen Qiang who was talking and laughing with the beautiful women, and admired from afar: “With the hottest girl, eat the most Delicious food is simply the most perfect dream in life.”

Another young dragon group chewed vigorously while exclaiming: “Shuang, this dish is so fragrant, I little by little don’t want to eat nutritious bubble compressed biscuits.”

“It’s so cool, this wine is so good, I can come back with 2 bottles by myself.” The young black skinny dragon group said with a smile: “Unfortunately, if Wu team is here, just this wine will do. Make him proud.”

“What about the fun? Quickly order me a bottle of this wine 3888, and I have a half a month allowance. You will hurry and give me some more.”

Hearing that the two were arguing, a young dragon named Pu Chi smiled: “hahaha, you two said, I suddenly thought of Wu Captain’s miserable appearance, hahaha, the guy was swollen like a loaf in the back, hahaha .”

“It is said that it is chili essence.” A young dragon group also smiled and bent his eyes, said: “That guy named Shen Bian, it’s really bad, hahaha.”

“Hush! Hush! Look at that.” At this moment, a young dragon stared at a beautiful waiter serving dishes to other tables, and said: “This is good, it looks gentle and virtuous, tall, Slender legs and big buttocks, you can have a son at a glance.”

As soon as his voice fell, he didn’t hear any other people’s words, and he turned around. He could see at a glance that Shen Qiang full of smiles was standing aside.

The youth of the dragon group was embarrassed.

Shen Qiang smiled, and naturally sat at the table, glanced at the table that was eaten a little smooth, Shen Qiang waved the waiter over, then smiled and said to the waiter: “These gentlemen are me , You have to be entertained.”

The waitress immediately smiled at the several youths in the Dragon Group. Before looking at the young man staring at her, her eyes were straight.

Ordered a few more dishes, after 2 bottles of wine.

The waiter left.

After her graceful back disappeared, the young man turned back suddenly and looked at Shen Qiang with a sharp look: “Can I interact with her?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Of course, if you don’t have a wife, you are single and want to marry her happily for a lifetime, I will be your matchmaker.”

The eyes of several dragon group youths immediately turned on.

“Really? Shen Qiang, we are on a mission all day, and the flies flying around are all public.”

Shen Qiang laughed and opened the wine. A young man from the dragon group immediately took the wine from Shen Qiang and filled it up with Shen Qiang. Then everyone poured the wine.

“It’s very simple. If you play casually, I don’t care. If you really want to find a girlfriend or a wife, a cultivator, I don’t have that ability. Ordinary women have the ability to help you draw a line, it’s like opening a bottle. Wine is easy.”

The eyes of the young and middle-aged people light up instantly.

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “So when you are free, come to Hesheng and play together.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang accompanied them to drink the wine from the glass and left.

Looking at the back of Shen Qiang, the many young dragons sitting at the dining table had their own eyes.

“What does he mean? We often go to Hesheng to play together, will he introduce us to his girlfriend?”

“Well, wherever I think about it, Shen Qiang is a big entrepreneur. There are so many female employees in various companies. It would be easy to introduce girls to us.”

“I don’t think others are bad.” A young dragon group said with sharp eyes.

Several other people said very brightly.

“Shen Qiang is a very generous person. If we pay for this meal, at least it will be more than 30000?”

“More than 3 bottles of wine is more than 10000.”

“I think he’s very particular. We talk like that in a mountain village. He can still drink a glass of wine with us with a smile. This kind of heart is not comparable to the average person.”

“Yeah, I suddenly envy 1000 Shanxue and theirs. Look at this teammate, rich, powerful, and bold, and then look at us, hehe, hehe, he he he…”

“You hehe a fart, next time Wu team will not be able to talk to Shen Qiang again, I won’t follow, shamelessly, we are not comfortable in this heart, people Shen Qiang’s roots are thicker than our waist, but also Respect us, don’t be fooled.”

“Well, come and drink this glass, don’t worry about the Wu team. Anyway, he always thinks he is the head. What he said is everything. Seeing this all day is not good, seeing that is uncomfortable. He loves tossing, tossing, We just have a record in our hearts.”

The youths of the Dragon Group, drinking with all their heart, and their attitude towards Shen Qiang, also obviously changed from being hostile to respecting.

When the wine was full, they were sent away from Datong River.

In the cold wind of winter night, 1000 mountain snow not at all took Ali and Ye Xiaolei straight away as usual, but suddenly smiled and said to Shen Qiang: “Can you walk with me?”

Such a situation not only surprised Ye Xiaolei and Ellie, but also made Xiuju and Meiqihu Chuqing surprised.

Because in their impressions, 1000 Shanxue is a kind of weird person who has never cared about others, and he is arrogant and is not the kind of person who likes to walk with others.

“Maybe she has something to tell Shen Qiang?”

Everyone thinks so, and Shen Qiang is no exception.

“What’s the matter?” Shen Qiang asked curiously as she walked beside 1000 Shanxue, looking at 1000 Shanxue who was wearing her mid-heel leather boots and her head was almost even with herself.

Seeing that everyone didn’t follow, and not at all who was around. Attention, the pretty face was slightly red, 1000 mountains and snow, slightly smiled, and said: “Why? If it’s okay, I can’t ask you to walk with me?”

Shen Qiang froze for a moment, then smiled helplessly and said: “Of course there is no problem, but I still have a bunch of things to deal with here.”

“Are you worried about Colonel Li and the dragon group?” 1000 Shanxue said quietly: “Then you can walk with me with confidence, and there will be no problems there.”

Shen Qiang was surprised: “How do you know what problem will not come out?”

1000 Shan Xue smiled, and the head of the Shanghai-Shanghai Dragon Group appeared in his mind. He smiled in the study, wearing rubber shoes, and a man with no military uniform. He said rarely, “This is a secret.”

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