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Xu Nan and Bai Jiao smiled.

Shen Qiang shook his head disapprovingly. In fact, when he was here, Bai Jiao and Xu Nan only met. They obviously received the news and came to help.

But from the beginning to the end, Shen Qiang didn’t want to owe the affection of these two people because of these personal grudges.

Moreover, the more important point is that Shen Qiang has seen the secret department Hideju shot.

The expert of the Yinling Realm, in front of her, does not have any power to fight back.

With her present, and now Shen Qiang, with the evolution of the tuberculosis bacteria, and the madness of the magic, Shen Qiang simply does not fear Yanshoutang.

In the silence of everyone, Shen Qiang stepped forward and glanced at the host of Yanshoutang, then said indifferently: “My intention, you should have known it for a long time, no nonsense, my purpose here is to smash you Yanshoutang Signboard to drive you out of the provincial capital.”

“So don’t waste everyone’s time, let’s start, I will use the small leaf plum needle method to crush your Yanshoutang signboard.

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Yan Shoutang’s host closed his eyebrows.

Zhong Yongxi, who was standing behind Shen Qiang, stared at Shen Qiang’s back.

“Domineering! It’s Martial Ancestor!”

At this time, so many people were standing on the side of the road. Not only did the pedestrians look sideways, but also police cars came over. The police officers in the police car parked the car on the side of the road, looking at the place unscrupulously while talking on the intercom.

“The comers are all guests, let’s go in and talk.”

Saying that’s all, he turned around with a sullen face and entered Yanshoutang.

Shen Qiang slightly smiled, with people, followed quietly behind him.

The scale of Yanshoutang is obviously larger than that of Zhongjia Medical Center.

Its architectural style originally came from the hospital.

Therefore, after nearly 2 people entered the lobby, they did not appear to be crowded.

It was only at this time that the overall atmosphere was completely free of the previous ease and arrogance.

Both the people in Yanshoutang and the representatives of the Aristocratic Family who came to me before were silent, and the overall atmosphere seemed extremely depressed.

“can we start?”

Shen Qiang smiled lightly.

Returning to his body, Yanshou dignified sitting on the throne, looking at Shen Qiang, his eyes deliberately avoiding Xu Nan and Bai Jiao.

After 5 seconds of silence, he took a deep breath, said resolutely: “Don’t compare, compare with the needle method, we Yanshoutang impossible to win you.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said calmly.

“Zhong Yongxi, go and smash their signboards for me.”

Zhong Yongxi, who was excited, complied excitedly and turned to smash the signboard.

And at this time, the host of Yanshoutang said sharply: “Slow! Today, I admit that no one in Yanshoutang is more powerful than you, Shen Qiang, but you can’t do it if you want to smash our Yanshoutang’s sign. People have also come to me, and the 27 medical Aristocratic Family people in the province have already arrived.”

“Unless there are 2/3, that is more than ten or eight, think that our sign of Yanshoutang should be smashed, you can hit it, otherwise, no matter who, dare to move our sign of Yanshoutang, then we can only meet each other.”

“Frighten me?” Shen Qiang hearing this raised an eyebrow: “Zhong Yongxi, you come back, this signboard I personally.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang turned to Yanshoutang’s sign.

And at this moment, Yanshou dignified sternly said: “Shen Qiang! Before you insist on the shot, today, there is a person who pays the debt mainly to you for negotiation. Shouldn’t you settle the account with him first?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang frowned.

At the same time, peng sound, a picture of He Fatty was placed on the table in the hall.

Then Shen Qiang saw a middle-aged and elderly person similar to He has a few points of, and stepped out.

Shen Qiang frowned at him.

Seeing such a situation, the host of Yanshoutang said with a sneer: “There are no rules, no square, people are in the rivers and lakes, what is important is the word of morality, a debtor must pay his debt, killing life, the successor of He’s bones, and Shen Qiang died after comparing his bones. This account must be counted.”

Xu Nan and Bai Jiao frowned, as if they had something to say.

Yanshou dignified the main channel: “Even the leader of the cultivation field, even the cultivation Number One Person, can’t help but reason, kill the child’s revenge, absolutely irreconcilable, such a private grudge, but there is still a little conscience in the heart, not Will stop.”

Xu Nan slim eyebrows, Li said: “Who can prove that the successor of He’s bones was killed by Shen Qiang?”

Everyone was stunned, and the host of Yanshou Tang smiled: “The two of them tried to test the bones, and then Shen Qiang had nothing, but the heirs died, and the inside story was obvious.”

Bai Jiao coldly said: “Everything must pay attention to evidence, if there is no real evidence, I advise you not to talk nonsense.”

Yanshoutang sneered: “We, Yanshoutang, in front of 10000 Xinhesheng, honesty and integrity can only be regarded as ants, but everything can not escape the word.”

Bai Jiaoqiao’s face was cold and he was about to speak.

At this time, looking at Shen Qiang, his father’s Shen Qiang, frowns saying: “Shut up, I killed Fatty.”

In an instant, the eyes of everyone present widened.

Yanshou dignified mad happily said: “You just admit it, killing lives, a debtor must pay his debt, just right.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled and said indifferently: “tsk tsk, good plot against, and it sounds very fair, but I tell you now that Shen Qiang admits that he killed Fatty, it is because he damn it!”

Looking at his fat father, Shen Qiang coldly said: “If you want to take revenge on me, I welcome you to come to the horse, you come one, I Shen Qiang kill you one, you come two, I Shen Qiang kill you a pair, wrinkle With a frown, Shen Qiang doesn’t count on me.”

Listening to Shen Qiang’s words, Bai Jiao’s eyes immediately turned on: “Domineering! Murder can be so straightforward!”

Xu Nan was also full of surprises in her beautiful eyes, and then smiled.

“This guy is really unexpected.”

At the same time, Fatty He and his father, Humu said with tears: “When I came here, I never thought I would go back alive! Today, I just want to avenge the murder of the child! How can you be so clever, I don’t want to be the one to kill the child today!”

He said, his father suddenly turned his head, looking at the prolonged dignified master, and said, “Master, can you use the big screen in your hall?”

Yanshou dignified, like everyone present, was a little ignorant. He couldn’t figure out what fatty his father was going to do, but he was immediately nodded.

Immediately, my father and Fatty did not look at Shen Qiang, but shook their hands and took out a U disk and linked it to the big screen in the hall to start playing.

The picture flashed, and He appeared in the picture. His expression was solemn. After 3 seconds of silence, he said: “Dad, if you see this video, it means I should be dead, don’t be sad, Don’t cry because it’s a decision I made after careful consideration.”

Some sighing Ho Fatty looked at the camera and was silent for a moment, saying, “I have a new colleague named Shen Qiang, who is very difficult to deal with, and will have 9 leaves of plum blossoms in the leaflet, which is super cow! His presence threatens When I arrived in Yanshoutang, all the people in Yanshoutang asked me to compare his bones with him.”

Speaking of which, I laughed with fatty: “But I know very well that even if I win the Shen Qiang with the orthopedic method, it does not mean that the small leaf plum acupuncture method is not good, so I guess that Yanshoutang and Shen Qiang let me and Shen Qiang be a little smaller than the orthopedic test. Trick, their people should kill Shen Qiang after my competition with Shen Qiang.”

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