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The man leaning against the corner of the wall looked at the back of the wolf in the icefield, and hope rekindled in his eyes.

Shen Qiang has taken the most beautiful Imperial Family Princess Shirley in the reception room of the American camp.

At this time, the jade beauty Shirley was not only beautiful on her face, but full of happiness and sweetness. Even her figure was inexplicably enchanted a little, not only less green, but also brazenly publicized the mature beauty of women.

Coupled with the fair skin like milk in a glass bottle, the light was surging.

Not only is the noble temperament, the face beautiful, but the overall breath of the whole person is also like a blooming rose. Not only does it raise its hand, it also exudes the charm of a mature woman.

With the help of Shen Qiang, she pushed her beautiful beauty that could be called peerless to Peak.

That’s right.

peerless grace and elegance Dan.

In this regard, Shen Qiang has never been stingy.

Her own woman, of course, wants to be permanent.

As for other people’s wives, there must be no one, no matter in the western hemisphere or the eastern hemisphere, any cultivator or demon, their girlfriends will definitely not have peerless grace and elegance Dan.

Only this is fair.

Because this medicine pill is made by Shen Qiang for the beloved woman.

It can be bought if someone else spends some money.

Where can I prove Shen Qiang’s love for them?

So at this time.

Dress up.

All over the body, exudes the charm of an adult woman, the most beautiful Imperial Family Princess beautiful, like pearls, elegant and poised, and calmly holding Shen Qiang’s arm, appeared in the reception room for a moment.

Those Seraphim’s cultivators who are already waiting impatiently.

Instead, he froze instantly.

They looked at the beautiful Shirley dizzyly, their eyes dazzled.

“God! When I saw her, I felt I could no longer breathe because her beauty was 10000 times more beautiful than in the photo! No, it was hundred thousand times!”

“I can no longer feel my heartbeat, Shirley Princess, the best time in my life is when you appear in my sight.”

“I once imagined that with my own excellence, maybe one day in the future, I might be favored by Shirley Princess, but to see her so beautiful, my only luxury at this time was actually kneeling at her feet, Just ask her to look at me!”

Numerous members of Seraphim.

After stunned, after taking Shen Qiang’s peerless Fenghua Dan, the beauty has reached the extreme, at this time not only the jade beauty Shirley exudes the charm of an adult woman.

This situation made Shen Qiang slightly unhappy.

Because it is rude.

In any country, any place, when meeting, staring at the female partner without blinking is a big taboo.

Especially Shirley Princess, who just lived with Shen Qiang last night.

They stared at it.

It would be uncomfortable to change to a man with a little blood.

“Have you never seen a woman?”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows helplessly, inevitably despise, but did not realize that these people were in a daze, just because the jade beauty Shirley was so beautiful.

Especially the slim and slender figure, the beautiful face, like the skin color of sheep-fat white jade, the noble atmosphere, the charm of mature women.

All members of Seraphim were dazzled.

But at this time, I felt the faint rose fragrance exuded from Jade Beauty Shirley, and her tender Shen Qiang, completely unaware of the beauty of Shirley around her.

After all, in Shen Qiang’s view, Shirley is nothing more than a girlfriend. She just has a better background. The talent for cultivation is better, and she looks pretty good.

So seeing the appearance of these Seraphim members at the moment, Shen Qiang has no interest in speaking to them at all.

“When you meet, you know that the guys who stare at women are all waste. Look at me. When you stare at women, even if they are beautiful and beautiful, they just glance at them with admiration, then what should they do. “

Despised in his heart, naturally hung on his face.

Shen Qiang didn’t know at all. He didn’t realize how dangerous Shirley’s idea was.

If you say it.

The Seraphim members present must have a sword with Shen Qiang immediately.

Because she dared to ignore the beauty of Shirley Princess.

It is absolutely unforgivable!

After waiting for a few seconds and seeing that they still did not respond, Shen Qiang coughed.

But even so.

Among them, only two people were shivered, and then looked like Shen Qiang.

The others were still as usual, staring blankly at Yumei Shirley.

This makes Shen Qiang extremely uncomfortable.

“Can’t get on the countertop.”

Shen Qiang has already evaluated the Seraphim members present.

Then he turned his head and whispered in the ear of Jade Beauty Shirley: “Go chat with Ye Guyun, you are here, they obviously can’t talk to me.”

I heard this.

Jade Beauty Shirley smiled beautifully.

The beauty of the picturesque scroll made all Seraphim cultivators present as if the heart had stopped beating.

It is at this time.

They clearly saw the jade beauty Shirley who was smiling beautifully, gently tipped her toes, kissed on the lips of Shen Qiang, then smiled charmingly and left.

At this time, although she was dressed up, she was conservative.

Although the whole body is up and down, there is no place to expose meat.

But it was just a smile, and it was clear that the object of the smile was Shen Qiang, the many Seraphim members present, or a sudden heart shock.

Not only is it shocked like a punch, but there is no pain in my heart.

“She kissed him!”

“My jealous madness!”

“I really want to kill this guy named Shen Qiang!”

They thought about it.

But they were still staring.

Shen Qiang was impatient and couldn’t help but let out a little True Yuan lightly to remind them.

For a moment.

Clearly feel Shen Qiang’s strong breath.

The anger and jealousy in the eyes of the members of Seraphim disappeared instantly.

Not only did she look at Shen Qiang in awe, the brain was sober for an instant.

“Shen Qiang! Dragon Team Super Nova! Medical skills are terrifying, battle strength bursts, and the existence of three Peak powerhouses is slashed! Shirley Princess is so perfect, she deserves such a good man, not a waste like us!”

“He can keep up with Shirley Princess, because no young man in this world is better than him.”

“Although I’m not reconciled, I have to admit that in front of Shen Qiang, I’m just a tiny existence like dust.”

Watching their eyes started restored to sobriety and calmness.

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “I have a very tight time, you can say anything directly, you are welcome.”

I heard this.

Several members of Seraphim glanced at each other.

Among them, the man who seemed to be the leader, said in courtesy: “Mr. Shen, we are here this time to take away the wounded person, and ask if the medical production experts of Heshenghe will arrive as scheduled.”

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