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Outside the launch center, the most beautiful Imperial Family Princess Jade Beauty Shirley who was waiting quietly for Shen Qiang’s return was staring in a daze, and her head was full of Shen Qiang’s sunny smile.

But Ye Guyun, who was sitting beside her, was restless.

“I have another fight today with the wolf of the icefield. If it weren’t for the old man named Milo Valgaro, I’m afraid I have lost now.”

The most beautiful Imperial Family Princess Shirley who heard this said beautifully: “It’s okay, there are still eleven hours, Shen Qiang will return to flight. When Shen Qiang comes back, he will teach them.”

These words made Ye Guyun’s eyes instantly excited.

“Yes, the master is the most powerful. When he comes back, he will be scared witless.”

Jade Beauty Shirley smiled very sweetly and said: “The wolf of the icefield is the great character of Peak in the cultivator world. If someone else says so, I will laugh at him overestimate one’s capabilities, but if it is Shen Qiang, it can be done. .”

Ye Guyun forced nodded.

“Just, master, don’t delay.”

Knowing that Shen Qiang was going to get the keel of Ye Guyun, I was a bit worried.

The most beautiful Imperial Family Princess Shirley, Meimei said seriously: “There will be no mistake. After eleven hours, Shen Qiang will definitely be back on time.”

“I hope!” Ye Guyun said.

On Earth, America, the wolf of the icefields, Milo Valgaro, the first warrior in the Americas, and Qing Xuan and Shirley, all look forward to the return of Shen Qiang.

But it is a pity.

In the whole cultivator world, only Archangel the Elder Moss and his assistants knew that the manned rocket had no equipment to return home.

Moon Palace.

At this time, the gorgeous great hall wafted the rich aroma of old pickled cabbage.

Looking at Taiyin Youying, who even ate three boxes of instant noodles, Shen Qiang’s eyes were full of helplessness.

Especially after she was obviously full, at this time Rong Guanghuan said nothing, and the whole person seemed extremely lazy.

“Do you still eat?” Shen Qiang asked.

She shook her head, her eyes shining.

“It’s really delicious, I didn’t expect such deliciousness in the world.”

Shen Qiang was speechless for a moment.

Is this delicious?

“Otherwise, you and I will go back. I will take you to eat all kinds of delicious food, whatever you want.” Shen Qiang tentatively probed.

It was as beautiful as Taiyinyouying pu chi in the same moon, and he laughed at once.

“Well, I’ve been in your Sea of ​​Consciousness for so long, don’t you know what you are doing? Promised well, and then you are busy, buying a lot of packaged food for them.”

Shen Qiang is embarrassed, thinking not, in this case, it must show the ability of housekeeping.

But at the moment when Shen Qiang pinched his finger.

I saw Taiyin Youying, who was as beautiful as a bright moon, looking at herself with a smile.

“At this time, you should swear, say you swear, you must say it, and then, lie to me and you to go back, and when it comes to Earth, you will say, men should focus on career.”


Shen Qiang is slightly embarrassed.

Let go and say, “Youying, I am really not that kind of person.”

Taiyin Youying pu chi smiled.

“It seems that you really don’t know anything about yourself.”

Shen Qiang was helpless.

“Well, I have a lot of shortcomings, can you let me go? I beg you, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with. If you can’t figure it out, those of my loved ones will die.”

I heard this.

Taiyin Youying smiled and raised her eyebrows: “No, I love you, I like you, so you have to stay here with me, because here, only you and me, no one else can bother us.”

Shen Qiang was helpless in an instant.

Almost all the available methods have been used.

For various reasons, I repeat it.

But Taiyin Youying was like a hardened heart, saying that she would not let Shen Qiang go.

This made Shen Qiang helpless and at the same time helpless.

But when Shen Qiang racked his brain, thinking about how to break the deadlock.

The beautiful Taiyin Youying suddenly smiled and turned around, “Come with me.”

This is the case.

Shen Qiang was shocked.


Taiyin Youying smiled and said, “I am not a benevolent person. I am still trapped in that stone without you anyway, so come with me, I have something good, Give you.”

The moment I heard this.

Shen Qiang’s nervous biu tightened at once.

“Yuying, I don’t want baby, you just let me go.”

Taiyin Youying smiled.

“Stay here to accompany me is the bottom line and the foundation. Apart from letting you leave here, you can make any request. Of course, I can’t do it, I will directly refuse.”


Shen Qiang was a bit desperate.

There is no reason to speak.

Bleed ten or four times a year, one week at a time, and then live a good life, that’s how terrifying.

“It seems that I can only find a way to sneak away.”

Looking at the beautiful back of Taiyin Youying, Shen Qiang had already decided.

“In that case, the treasure she gave was just not to take nothing.”

Thinking in my heart, Shen Qiang took a deep breath and immediately followed behind Taiyin Youying and walked behind the Moon Palace.


But there is no intention to appreciate.

The 7 keys of the Moon Palace are 7 Divine Items. Although they are very difficult to deal with, they are not essential.

It seems that Taiyin Youying has impossible to return them to me.

But the chant ring was borrowed from Kunlun Maiden Xue.

If you go back and meet Maiden Xue, if you can’t get the chant ring, it will undoubtedly be embarrassing.

So if there is a similar magic weapon in the Moon Palace, get one for her, and the problem will be solved.

Thinking in my heart.

Shen Qiang could not help but relax a little bit, followed behind the beautiful Taiyin Youying, and walked all the way to the depths of the Moon Palace.

Soon, he came to a courtyard with a storeroom.

As You Ying’s footsteps approached.

Two statues of female guards with knives suddenly came to life and frightened Shen Qiang.

“Pay respects to Luna!”

In their greetings.

Shen Qiang opened her eyes curiously and found out that they are indeed human female cultivators, but the difference is that their status is between Divine Race and cultivator, and the armor they wear is very strange. There is a different set of arrays.

“Open the door.” Taiyin Youying ordered quietly.

One of the female bodyguards immediately opened the door.

Go through the courtyard.

Got inside.

After opening the warehouse.

Followed by Taiyin Youying and entered the warehouse for a moment.

Shen Qiang’s eyes straightened instantly.

Because the warehouse of Taiyin Youying is not as simple as Hao.

It is undoubtedly more appropriate to describe these two words of rarity.

A gram of hard-to-find Xuan ice iron is packed in a bag and piled up like a pile of garbage. Various rare mineral deposits can be said to be dazzling.

not only.

Shocked Shen Qiang followed her, walked through a corridor of several hundred meters, and after seeing many mineral deposits, her eyes lit up.

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