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While the old Chinese Medicine was stunned, the standing director of the District Chinese Medicine Academy standing beside him, lost his voice in horror: “Qigong! This hot breath must be Qigong!”

His voice was hoarse, and his tone became strange.

In fact, Chinese Medicine takes Yin and Yang Five Elements as the theoretical basis, regards the human body as a unity of qi, shape, and god, and explores the etiology, pathology, disease position, and analysis of the disease through the “Wang Wen Wen Qie” four-diagnosis method. Machines and people within the body internal organs, meridian joints, qi and blood changes, determine whether the evil is increasing or not, and then get the name of the disease, summarize the syndrome type, and treat the disease based on syndrome differentiation.

In the treatment method, the most important components are Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage and diet therapy.

Apart from this, Qigong must be mentioned.

In the traditional Chinese Medicine theory, Qigong is a treatment method that keeps pace with Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, and diet.

It’s just true Qigong, and it’s definitely not something you can learn by going to Xinhua Bookstore and buying 2 Qigong guides.

Plus the popularity of exam-oriented education.

Unified textbooks for Chinese Medicine institutions.

The treatment of Qigong gradually disappeared.

Because the real qigong is actually cultivation.

“What a great youngster!” Old Chinese Medicine looked at Shen Qiang with shock.

Almost at the same time, Ding Yuhuan’s grandmother also said in amazement: “It’s very comfortable. I can clearly feel that there is a warm current entering the body with the needle, which is nourishing the knee joints. The cold seems to be disappearing.”

“Really?” The old Chinese Medicine squatted next to Ding Yuhuan damn it in shock, eyes blinking at the tinplate needle whose tremor was gradually stopping.

The director of the District Chinese Medicine Hospital said with a shocked expression: “It’s amazing, although I don’t know why this happens, but I think this youngster’s acupuncture method is even more powerful than that of the Zhongjia Medical Center. “

Hearing this, Shen Qiang slightly smiled, did not answer the call.

Because Shen Qiang at this time, has clearly understood the real curative effect of the human acupuncture method.

This is simply not comparable to that of Zhongjia’s small-leaf plum blossom needle method.

“So comfortable.”

When the shaking of the tinplate needle stopped completely, Ding Yuhuan’s grandmother was already full of surprises.

Shen Qiang received the needle.

Sitting in a bedside chair, the old lady moved her thighs in surprise, and said excitedly: “It’s strange, I’ve been to Zhongjia Medical Center, and their needlework is very good, and it can effectively relieve the soreness of my legs every time. And cold.”

“But that’s just relief. The pain is still the same, the cold is still the same cold.”

“But now %…”

Looking at the doubts in the old lady’s eyes, the old Chinese Medicine hurriedly said: “Sister Li, how are you doing now?”

“Hurry up, what’s the effect?” The director of the District Chinese Medicine Institute said anxiously: “Just say what you really feel.”

“Real feeling?” The old lady looked at Ding Yuhuan, who was also anxious, and after 3 seconds of silence, she said in surprise as she bent her thighs back and forth: “There seems to be no feeling…”

The old Chinese Medicine was flustered: “No feeling, how is this possible?”

Almost at the same time, the old lady continued: “There is no soreness, no cold, no feeling at all.”

Director of the District Chinese Medicine Academy, his eyes widened in an instant, and he said with shock: “Sister Li, you mean, your legs…”

“Okay!” The old lady was surprised and stood up in disbelief. She walked, sat down, stood up again in the bedroom, and even squatted. While acting, her expression became more and more excited.

“Okay, my legs are well, no soreness, no cold, I seem to be back when I was young…”

The old lady choked up while talking.

“I didn’t expect to correct my old cold legs for most of my life. It was so unexpected.”

Looking at the old lady who was tearing her eyes, Ding Yuhuan also excitedly called grandma.

But at this time, it was the old Chinese Medicine who was even more excited. He looked at all this in shock, and muttered to himself: “very powerful stitching, this is the real stitching, didn ‘t expect, I have lived my whole life, and I encountered a real expert at this age!”

With that said, the old Chinese Medicine looked at Shen Qiang and bowed his knees.

“Dr. Shen, please teach me!”

Shen Qiang, who was quick-witted, quickly pulled him.

What kind of joke?

teach him?

Fifty-sixty years old, seeing the age of retirement, is it time to start cultivation?

“Don’t teach.” Shen Qiang, who stopped the old Chinese Medicine, was very cold and answered very decisively.

After all, to do things is to be human.

Since he didn’t plan to teach him, blunt let him die, so as not to let him mistakenly believe that there is still a chance, but instead of endless entanglement, by then, it was not a fight, nor a curse, and it was annoying.

The cold rejection made the old Chinese Medicine lose his eyes.

The director of the Chinese Medicine Institute in this time zone quickly rescued: “Old Song, you are content, if it is not a coincidence, I am afraid that you will not see such magical medicine in your life. Now that you see it, are you still not satisfied?”

Hearing this, the eyes of the old Chinese Medicine brightened a bit and said, “Yes, contented with happiness, and in my lifetime, I can see Dr. Shen’s awe-inspiring acupuncture. This life is enough.”

Shen Qiang let go of her smile and said to Ding Yuhuan’s grandmother: “Now that your old legs are healed, I should go.”

Upon hearing this, the old lady was in a hurry, and she took hold of Shen Qiang: “No, you can’t go. It’s rare to come today. Even if there is something urgent, you still have to leave for dinner and go, and, our family Yuhuan Ah, the cooking is very good.”

The old lady’s words made Shen Qiang a little embarrassed.

In fact, when Shen Qiang came here, he just wanted to verify the person’s imperial acupuncture method, and it was also a handy help for a colleague.

But the old lady seemed a little misunderstood.

“Dr. Shen, you really can’t leave. Sister Li’s legs have been treated for several decades, and it hasn’t been good for a long time. After you came here, she was cured. Rub a meal.”

Untied the old Chinese Medicine, said with a laugh.

Ding Yuhuan said: “Shen Qiang, don’t leave, I’ll cook now, it will be fine soon.”

Seeing that they are all so enthusiastic, if Shen Qiang insists on leaving, he will appear unreasonable, so the smiling Shen Qiang has to obey.

Ding Yuhuan and two of her grandma cook.

In the small living room that seems to be a little narrow, there are only three members, the permanent director of the District Chinese Medicine Institute, the old Chinese Medicine and Shen Qiang.

After all, they are all peers, and there is no shortage of common languages.

Only in terms of vision and ability, these two people are obviously far behind Shen Qiang, so most of the time, they two people said that Shen Qiang was listening.

It wasn’t until half an hour later that the interest of the two people was not so high, Shen Qiang asked with a smile.

“Where is the Zhongjia Medical Center you mentioned?”

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