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Although there is a rough judgment in mind, 1000 Shanxue still looks at Shen Qiang with expectation, waiting for Shen Qiang’s answer.

But at this time heartbeat hurricane, already realized that his Foundation Establishment should be Shen Qiang of the strongest Emperor Realm Foundation Establishment, but did not want to tell 1000 mountain snow truth.

Because this is the bottom card!

What about even 1000 mountain snow?

Such a secret, Shen Qiang knows it by himself.

Although telling 1000 Shanxue the real situation, she might be able to see her shocked expression, and perhaps even get her praise.

Can apart from this?

The people in the Dragon group should immediately know the situation of Shen Qiang. If the secret work is not good enough, it will not take long before the entire cultivation community will know.

By that time, those who are hostile to Shen Qiang, as long as they have a little brain, they will definitely do everything possible to kill Shen Qiang and then quickly, absolutely will not give Shen Qiang any room for growth.

In order to be happy for a while and leave that many hidden dangers for the future, it is definitely not something that a wise man should do.

So even though he was ecstatic in his heart, Shen Qiang just said quietly: “Oh, I just saw it rain and thunder.”

1000 Mountain Snow was shocked: “You just saw it rain and thunder? How could this be possible, I saw 1000 Mountain Feixue, when the instructor had only Yang Shenjing, he could easily resist, and now his cultivation base has reached Hunyuan Peak, this…”

Immediately realized that 1000 Shan Xuenai is Wang Dao Realm Foundation Establishment, already a top grade talent in ten-thousand does not have one, and in front of her, wanting to lie unreliably is definitely not going to pass.

“Uh… everything I saw was all thunder and lightning, so I really just saw these.”

Hearing this, 1000 Shanxuemei shook her eyes in shock: “All you can see is the combination of thunder and lightning. It’s a great talent. That’s right. Maybe your talent is even higher than mine. The instructor is careless, so I accidentally failed and didn’t stop it for a second…”

Talking, 1000 Shanxue’s eyes were puzzled again.

What she is thinking, of course Shen Qiang is clear.

You know, cultivator, under Nascent Soul Stage, the speed of cultivation is usually very fast, as long as the talents are not too different, the speed of cultivation is about the same, and after Nascent Soul Stage, there is no excellent talent support, cultivator is It is difficult to reach above Primordial Chaos Realm.

The instructor of 1000 Mountain Snow, not only has excellent talent, but also has experience, without certain certainty, he obviously will not shoot at will.

Moreover, even if Shen Qiang’s talent is really only stronger than 1000 mountain snow, it is also impossible to make it more experienced, and the cultivation base is much higher than the original instructor, and he was directly killed in seconds.

Fearing that 1000 Shanxue will continue to struggle with this issue, Shen Qiang quickly interrupted, saying: “The money borrowed from you last time, plus the tatters that helped you deal with it, add up to about 200 million. This money, I can give it back to you on the weekend.”

1000 Mountain Snow screamed, a little surprised: “didn’t expect those broken copper and iron are very valuable.” But then she frowned slightly and seemed to have doubts again.

Shen Qiang hurriedly continued to interrupt the road: “Ali and Ye Xiaolei how are you?”

1000 Shan Xue hearing this raised her eyebrows and said: “Aili received the necklace you exchanged with 1500 points for her, saying that you still have a conscience, Ye Xiaolei is still the same, she was nervous, but her performance in the task , Can only be described by the word genius, it is amazingly amazing.”

“Really?” Shen Qiang smiled.

But when Shen Qiang thought that he had successfully digressed the topic, 1000 Shanxue willow eyebrows tightly knit said: “But I still think that your Foundation Establishment this time, there seems to be something wrong.”

Seeing that she had to pull the topic to her Foundation Establishment again, Shen Qiang had no choice but to frown and pretend to say with cold voice: “Well, now you are understood, my Foundation Establishment is very successful, and my talent is very difficult to deal with , Maybe we should discuss with each other to see who is better.”

1000 As soon as the mountain snow froze, his expression immediately returned to his normal state, and then he looked at Shen Qiang very seriously and said: “There are ants under the Hun Yuan. If you want to learn from me, you are still far away. I will give you ten years. Time, if you can reach Primordial Chaos Realm within ten years, I will give you a chance to play against me.”

Looking at the seriousness of the eyes and not asking about the issue of Shen Qiang Foundation Establishment’s 1000 Shanxue, Shen Qiang relaxed in his heart, but then he was inexplicably disappointed in his heart, because when 1000 Shanxue said this, it was too dangling.

“Did you use the cultivation base for ten years to reach Primordial Chaos Realm?” Shen Qiang asked with a raised eyebrow.

1000 Shan Xue was silent for a moment and looked at Shen Qiang seriously: “I entered Dragon Nest at the age of 3, I started cultivation at the age of 4, I completed Foundation Establishment at 13 years old, and it took 9 years and 3 months to break through. Primordial Chaos Realm, if your talent is really better than me, and the perception is better than me, then ten years is enough.”

“If ten years later, you have not yet reached the cultivation base of Primordial Chaos Realm, then you simply do not have the qualification to do it with me. What you should do is obediently and honestly to be my subordinate all my life.”

Shen Qiang dashing eyebrows, coldly said: “Ten years is too long, it just proves that your ability is not good at all. If it is me, I think 3 years of cultivation to Primordial Chaos Realm is enough. Now.”

1000 The mountain snow was stunned, and a faintly discernable smile was rare on the pretty face: “3 years? I spent 9 years to become the Primordial Chaos Realm powerhouse, known as cultivation rarely seen genius by cultivation, if you can be in 3 Achieving Primordial Chaos Realm within a year, isn’t it a talent for 10000 unique decisions?”

Shen Qiang is proud and wants to say, yes, you guessed it.

But in this situation, he chose to swallow it back when he came to his mouth.

Seeing that Shen Qiang stopped talking, 1000 Shanxue turned and walked to the hospital bed to observe the situation of the middle age person.

Then she clearly felt that no wind automatically drops 7 silver needles, which is guiding Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi to hover in the sea of ​​middle age person.

“Curiously different needles, although there are only 7 needles, the gathered Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi did not lose at all. The small array of training courses! This Shen Qiang is really becoming more and more incomprehensible. What about?”

“But yes, he is a horrible guy with Disaster Level.”

Thinking in my heart, 1000 Shan Xue accompanied him quietly.

At this time, the person of the property came, probably meaning to want to check the lightning rod on the top of the building, and at the same time inform the owner that the person of the property is doing their best to help repair the electric facilities. , Because the backup power supply equipment, the load is not enough.

Shen Qiang did not let them go to the top of the building and told them that his girlfriend was not wearing clothes, so they would come again tomorrow.

After saying that’s all, Shen Qiang, who was delighted with the 10000 points of the Emperor Realm Foundation Establishment, and 2 other items about the Miscellaneous Skills that were about to be used, and was full of expectations with the refining primary medicine pill, so I had a chat with Golden Cicada. While waiting quietly for middle-aged man’s treatment.

After 2 hours.

With a cough, the man woke up, and after 1000 Shanxue briefly communicated with him, Shen Qiang told him to pay attention and asked them to leave. After all, this is Shen Qiang’s home. Shen Qiang doesn’t want to turn it into a hospital. .

Before leaving, the middle age person looked at Shen Qiang with shocking eyes, and hesitantly asked: “Captain Shen, the needle method that can cure the rupture of the sea of ​​air is unheard-of in the cultivation world. If you don’t mind, you can Can’t tell me, the name of this stitch?”

Shen Qiang laughed, said quietly after a moment of silence.

“Ling Yu Acupuncture.”

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