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Under the attention of a beautiful moon like a bright moon, Shen Qiang deliberately cultivated the elemental laws taught by Taiyin Youying, and with the cultivation, Shen Qiang also found that this elemental cultivation was indeed difficult.

Because this is a qualitative change.

Turning the flesh and blood body into an element, speaking of which is very simple, but it is completely different from imagination.

Because of the essential principle.

It is to decompose the fleshy body into elements and then carry out activities.

do as one pleases conversion.

This is, in legend, only true Divine Immortal can do it.

If it were not for seeing the Water Element man in person.

And the beautiful Kunlun Maiden Xue.

This kind of thing, even if it is to Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang will not believe it.

Because it involves the conversion of matter.

Just like a piece of meat, you turn it into various elements in the world, and then change it back in do as one pleases. The difficulty is even more difficult than entering the Dao fruit period.

not only.

more importantly.

This elemental cultivation is not just an ordinary cultivator, it can be done.

This is the cultivation technique that only Divine Race can cultivate.

And there are extremely demanding requirements for talent.

So for ordinary cultivators, the so-called elementalization is simply [unheard-of, see the unseen divine technique.

Even the Medicine Sage of Immortal World, in his inheritance, simply does not have this way of cultivation.

Because, he is not Divine Race.

Even in Immortal World, there are very few people who can complete elementalization, and its cultivation technique is even more secret.

So not at all among inheritance.

Fortunately, for ordinary person, it is the elementalization of the unimaginable divine technique. For Shen Qiang, it is not valuable at all.

Because Shen Qiang has too Yin Youying.

As long as she is present, the practice of Pill Recipe may not be solved, but practicing, it is simply not a problem.

within the body True Yuan surging.

Confluently flowing between the meridians.

“When I was in the stage of merging, I only used 30% and a half minutes, because I regarded Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements as the same kind of element, that is, when Five Elements were all available, It’s just one kind, so my elementalization should also be like this.”

Thinking in my heart, Shen Qiang worked silently.

I have been trying to complete the elementalization of 5 elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth at the same time.

However, the impact continued until Shen Qiang did not complete the alarm when the phone was set to sound.

In addition to feeling full and full of True Yuan, Shen Qiang not at all other feelings.

“Maybe the posture is wrong.”

Shen Qiang frowned, got up and put on his clothes, and walked to the front yard of Hesheng Hezhuang Villa, contemplating in his head.

“Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, bundled together, it should be right, because that’s how I entered the Aikido period, that is to say, my elementalization should be omnipotent, but I can’t do it now, maybe something went wrong, because if this thing is really understood, it should be done overnight.”

Thinking about it, Shen Qiang, who had no results, walked directly to Hesheng Heqianzhai.

“Forget it, if you don’t think about it, you don’t want to think about it first. Let it go and deal with the business first. That’s right.”

At this time, the front yard of Hesheng Hezhuang Villa was overcrowded.

Except for the 2 security teams in Heshenghe, all the other personnel have gathered.

Big demon, cultivator.

Although the 2 sides are still out of place, they seem to be separated by 2 as if they had their own camps.

But the staff arrived.

Including the recently recruited elite cultivator, the number of people is surpassed by those monsters.

Many big demon, relatively quiet.

After all, the world of monsters, strength is respected, so even if it is not clear, Shen Qiang called them to do, no one still spoke.

But cultivator will not work.

At this time we got together and saw so many monsters, and cultivator, could not help discussing spiritedly immediately, all kinds of suspicions.

“Boss gathered us together, what are we doing? Wouldn’t we all be assigned to the Academy to be a teacher? My cultivation base is good, but I can’t understand the lecture, and I don’t have the patience to educate. Those Little Brat.”

“I am also taking this matter together, teaching others to cultivate, and feeling more tired than my own cultivation. This kind of thing is more difficult than fighting with other cultivators.”

“Yeah, if you let me teach others to cultivate, it would be better to kill me, anyway, I have already experienced it, when you say, he knows everything, then he at first cultivation, you can immediately understand Hehe, that’s pure bullshit, they simply won’t.”

Compared to these speculations, does Shen Qiang want to select personnel to cultivate the cultivator of the cultivation Academy?

For more cultivators, the eyebrows are locked.

“There are no lunches that don’t require money. We don’t need to think about such things as pie in the sky. Now that we join Heshenghe, impossible, it’s impossible to eat, just look at it. Shen Qiang must call us for this. Thing.”

“Isn’t that necessary? If I eat here and eat all the time here, and also take money from Heshenghe, even more how, if there is nothing to do, how can we look like awesome? Not awesome, Why does Shen Qiang cover us? So don’t think about it, Shen Qiang asked us to come for this matter.”

“Regardless of power, you have to contribute to someone else’s rice bowl. Since you have entered the Heshenghe and sect is in trouble, we should go through water and tread on fire.”

Except these guys who like to guess.

More cultivators are curious. ,

“There should be something important, otherwise why would Boss let us all come here?”

“Well, understood when he comes.”

“Just do whatever you want. Other cranky ideas are useless.”

The number of cultivators present is close to 2 100, of which more than 90% are all powerhouses.

And the mentality is basically these kinds.

Among these people, the most bizarre is the combination of Spirit King and Qiao Tiangang.

According to the truth, they should all be cultivators, and they should stand on this side of the cultivator. ,

But Spirit King holds the identity of Divine Race as a cultivator to disdain as beneath contempt.

The two of them have a high cultivation base, and one looks beautiful as a person in the painting, and the other is as strong as a muscle beast, so there are no other cultivators at all.

As for those monsters, they are not regarded as their own.

So in this case, the two of them, instead, became the centrist among the two parties with clear barriers.

simply not to be seen, cultivator regards them as aliens, and monsters also regard them as aliens, so in this case, 2 people have remained silent.

At this time, with the rising of morning sun.

When she came to Qian Qiang in Qianzhai, she saw the situation clearly and her lips showed a smile.

In the silent and awesome eyes of everyone, Shen Qiang walked to the stage, faintly smiled and said.

“Today, I invite you to come, there is only one thing, that is to commend in public, Heshenghe members, Spirit King!”

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