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Yu Wenzi, the most beautiful ninja holding Shen Qiang’s arm, beauty eyes instantly saw the content of the letter in Shen Qiang’s hands, and could not help but change the color of the flower. The whole person was not only a little dazed, but also complexion pale.

“Nah… Ichiro Taro guessed everything Shen Qiang had to do? How is this possible? This too terrifying!”

I heard her muttering.

Looking at her shocked expression, Shen Qiang smiled.

Not only did you shatter the letter in your hand, but you also included the letter in the storage ring.

“The highest battle strength of the Ninja Security Agency is 3 General, 5 special and ten battle strengths. There are a total of 8 people and a great reputation, but I am a little curious now. What is the equivalent of a Qinghu Taro in the Ninja Security Agency? “

Looking at the onboard crew who wrote to me, Shen Qiang curiously asked.

The letter was sent, and the person who had confirmed that Shen Qiang had read it said respectfully: “It is equivalent to the lieutenant general of the Dragon Group, and Ichiro Taro is the Legendary among the 5 top grades in the Security Agency.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled, nodded and said: “Trouble you.”

“When you need it, you can call me at any time.” The man turned away.

Wait for him to go.

Delicate Yu Wenzi, holding Shen Qiang’s arm, looked at Shen Qiang, comfortably courageously: “Yi Qingte may be Legendary of Ninja. There are countless stories about his past, so he can guess your thoughts, too It’s normal, you don’t care.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang pu chi smiled, calmly said: “It’s weird if he can’t guess what I’m going to do. I show him the balance ruler. If he can’t think of it, I have a deal with Junshan Prison. Then he is a fool.”

The charming Yu Wenzi hearing this eyes could not help but brighten up, and then said charmingly: “Shen Qiang, you sound a little bit angry.”

Shen Qiang laughed and said: “I just find it interesting because this Yi Qing Hu Taro is playing with my idea. He gave me a favor, and he will return in return, he will not eat at all, and it is really great generosity. Waved me a mess.”

The beautiful Yu Wenzi surprisedly said: “I can help you, in a fight, I’m very difficult to deal with.”

Shen Qiang took a deep breath and said, “I can’t rely on you to help. He wants me to help solve it. It is to ask the dragon team to launch. Because of your identity, they are now understood by everyone. They all know that you are magnetic escape. Storm Lei. Yin is the man of Junshan Prison.”

“Although you are now a person of Heshenghe, no one in Ninja Realm knows that Yi Qinghutaro is not asking for Heshenghe nor you, but the dragon team, so I can only solve this matter personally.”

The charming Yu Wenzi looked at Shen Qiang cautiously and said, “Nah… Are you unwilling? If so, don’t force me, I can help them.”

Shen Qiang frowned and said after a moment of silence: “Forget it, you used to be Junshan prisoner, kill Jiwu Junjie, you can also say that you saved him before, he really didn’t know how to retreat, he had an accident, but If you suddenly turn your face and kill the Junshan prisoner, not only will you be ridiculed, but your family will also be isolated.”

Yu Wenzi raised his eyebrows in surprise: “I am a person from Heshenghe, each of whom is his own, what a shame.”

“The situation is different.” Shen Qiang frowns saying: “You just came to Heshenghe, and laid down the killer to the old owner’s house. It’s impossible to say, unless as a last resort, otherwise, tonight’s thing, you just watch the battle.

Hearing this, the charming Yu Wenzi raised her eyebrows unhappily and said, “I don’t care, anyway… if someone wants to kill you, I’ll kill him first.”

Shen Qiang smiled a little helpless.

But then, I chose to close my eyes and recuperate.

Because Shen Qiang knew that, at this time, in the face of a clear request from Ao Hutaro, Shen Qiang simply impossible refused.

After all, this is his mission to the Ninja Kingdom this time!

This is what Shen Qiang must do.

“It looks like it’s a little troublesome.”

At the same time Shen Qiang closed his eyes and pondered.

Outside the Junshan prison Jingtian branch, the war has begun.

The people in the Ninja Security Agency have already started with many ninjas around them. Not only the sound of fighting is shocking, but with the use of various spells, the earth is shaking.

“Yi Qingte, etc. The situation is not good now. We should concentrate our troops and break through immediately. Now, it should be within time.” A member of the security agency suggested.

The moment I heard this.

Everyone standing next to Yi Qinghu Taro agreed.

“Ten great battle strength not at all walk with us. In the current situation, there are few enemies. Because no reinforcements have been arranged before, so if you persist, you will only get nothing and heavy losses.”

“Yes, Yi Qingte and so on. Now the situation can’t allow us to hesitate. Breaking through in time, saving strength, and returning in a swirl of dust are the perfect choices.”

“Let’s order. After hesitating, wait for the people of Junshan Prison to complete the siege, and miss the opportunity to break through.”

Listening to their words, Yi Qing Hu Taro looked calm and said, “This is our attack. I won’t go until I win, so be prepared to fight.”

This statement surprised everyone present.

But then, Ichiro Taro’s words made all the people in the Ninja Security Bureau present became anxious.

“Shen Qiang and his men of the Dragon Group are already on the road and will arrive soon. They are our reinforcements and the key to reversing the battle.”


A huge wooden pile hit the side, and the ground was shaking.

“Yi Qingte waits! Shen Qiang is just a medical ninja, he has no help at all!”

“He is followed by Junshan Prison’s strongest Assassin, and when they arrive, all of us will die here!”

“Yi Qingte, are you cracking a joke? Expect Shen Qiang to use our medical aid and refining medicine, and no battle strength waste at all, as our reinforcements?”

Amidst their doubts, Aoyu Taro said solemnly angrily: “Enough! I told you that all the negative factors are just because of doubts in my heart. Now, what we need is not discussion, breakout, nor imagination! “

“All we have to do is fight! We must believe that Shen Qiang of the Dragon Team will arrive on time! And we can reverse all these disadvantages!”

In an instant, everyone gritted their teeth.

At this time, Sugi Sugiro, who looked a little sloppy and not tall, smiled. Not only did he walk towards the battlefield, but his tone was lazy and a little boring.

“Why do you say that many, since it’s a fight, it’s enough to fight, anyway, it’s either the enemy’s death or my death!”

With his voice.

A ninja in Junshan Prison has already rushed to him.

He smiled at Xueliang’s blade light.

“go to hell.”

The body flashed him, the blade glow in his hands was shining.

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