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Just when Sugio turned around and left the alley next door, Ichiro Taro said calmly: “I thought you really fell in love with Shen Qiang before you turned down Sugio. It turned out that you were already tired of waiting. .”

In Divine Consciousness, he clearly realized that Tsukio Sugi, who had left, was really embarrassed.

“Some things, dragging is not always the solution. Shen Qiang is a very attractive man. I love him at first sight, which is normal, but my love at first sight does not mean that he will love at first sight.”

Yi Qing Hu Taro was silent for a moment and then said: “Maybe, you are too impulsive.”

He Jianhui really smiled and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose beautifully, saying: “Yi Qingte waits so much, I can clearly distinguish between work and private life. The decision I made, I will never regret it, long. Time has turned our love into friendship.”

Turning his head to look at Aogi Taro, Tsuru Kazue said with a smile: “And, what you should know, when love changes its taste, you can never go back.”

After hearing this, Ichiro Tachiro smiled and seemed to think of something. Then he looked at the sky, and said: “Time will really change everything.”

He Jianhui looked at him in surprise.

Ichiro Taro was silent for a long time, extinguished the smoke in his hand, and then said with a smile to He Jian: “Go ahead and prepare, the war is coming, I need you to be in the best state.”

He Jianhui, who heard this, smiled sweetly and said, “Yi Qingte, I am ready to fight, and I can carry out your orders at any time.”

Yi Qing Hu Taro smiled and took out his mobile phone.

After seeing this scene, I instantly realized and so on He Jianhui’s beautiful eyes lit up and said, “Yi Qingte, wait for this to inform our most reliable ally?”

Yi Qing Hu Taro smiled.

Just glanced at Hejian Eizhen with a smile, and then dialed the phone.

“Consultant Shen, hello, I am Taro Aogi. Tonight’s action will be launched in 3 hours. We will attack the headquarters of Junshan Prison. I believe you will tell this news to your other ally, right? “

In an instant, He Jian was really stunned.

Then I heard Shen Qiang’s hearty laughter on the phone.

“Yi Qingte really believes in me. When I need to, pick me up by car, that’s it.”


The phone hangs up.

Yi Qing Hu Taro was silent for about 3 seconds, then smiled, put away the phone, and said, “Go help me convey the order, and leave in ten or five minutes. After half an hour, attack the Junshan prison branch, try your best to hurt they.”

“Hi!” He Jian Hui Zhen nodded and bowed.

Yi Qing Hu Taro left with a smile.

Looking at his back.

He Jianhua wearing glasses really froze for 5 seconds, surprisedly said: “Is this the trust that Yi Qingte and other respects…”

At the same time, the hotel bedroom room.

The skin color is white, the beautiful Yu Wenzi, and the beautiful eyes are looking at the closed phone, looking at the thoughtful Shen Qiang, and hesitantly said: “Shen Qiang, will you complete the transaction with Junshan Prison?”

Shen Qiang laughed for a moment and said in silence: “What results do you want to see, don’t lie.”

The charming Yu Wenzi froze, hesitating for a moment and then said: “I know that I am a little tough, but from my deep in one’s heart, I really hope to see that you can complete the final transaction with Junshan Prison, Because that means I don鈥檛 owe them anything.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “Because you were a member of them?”

Yu Wenzi, who heard this, nodded, said: “Yuwen Family has very few people, less than 30 people. In the Ninja Kingdom, if we do not depend on the 3 major ninja groups, we will not survive.”

“But you mentioned the deficit.” Shen Qiang said.

The charming Yu Wenzi sighed and muttered, “at first I went to China to approach you, the order I got was really just to approach, and kill you, because at that time, everyone in the family thought you were too strong. Could be a big threat.”

“But then…” Yu Wenzi’s expression suddenly became ashamed, and said with a coquettish smile: “People choose to be with you, now of course I hope you can complete the transaction, so next, we and Junshan Prison will be If there aren鈥檛 any problems, there will naturally be no worries.”

Shen Qiang smiled, raised her eyebrows indifferently, and said, “I won’t embarrass you, trust me.”

With that said, Shen Qiang took out the phone and dialed it.

As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of Junshan Prison’s 39th generation Ayaka Kotaru came from the other end.

“I am Kotaru Kogyo.”

After hearing his voice, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Mr. Xiangye, it’s time to honor your promise. After 30 minutes, Taro Aogi will lead someone to attack. The nearest Junshan prison branch, you receive After this news, I have completed my transaction. From then on, Yu Wenzi officially joined Heshenghe, and her family will be protected by Heshenghe. Please prepare another 30,000,000 US dollars.”

“Are you sure the news is accurate?” Akiha Kota’s tone suddenly became tense.

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Whether it is accurate, you understood after half an hour. In addition, I remind you that the content of the transaction is limited to the news. When I meet, I will not show mercy.”

Aiba Kotaro remained silent for 5 seconds and said, “Neither will I.”

Say that’s all.

The phone hangs up.

The charming Yu Wenzi looked at Shen Qiang with a stunned look, shocked: “You lied to them? Why! Shen Qiang, why did you deceive them?”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang laughed and said, “I didn’t lie to them, I will tell him the truth.”

The beautiful Yu Wenzi was stunned, and his eyes were incredible.

Because before, she heard clearly, Yi Qinghu Taro said that after 3 hours, Junshan prison headquarters.


The charming Yu Wenzi has a complicated mood.

At this time, Shen Qiang had already got out of bed.

Shen Qiang, who watched calm enter the bathroom, disappeared into the bathroom outside.

Yu Wenzi subconsciously took out his phone.

But when she opened the login page and found the other party’s account, she opened the dialog box, and when her finger was about to press the input method, she stopped.

I don鈥檛 know what I鈥檓 thinking about.

After a long time.

The charming Yu Wenzi sighed.

Not only did not speak, but silently uninstalled several consecutive software, after clearing the cache, jade hand gently held, the phone immediately turned into a powder in her jade palm.

Then she let out a breath and was silent for about one minute.

The pretty eyes stood up a little bit arrogantly.

After walking to the bathroom door, after taking a deep breath, he said softly, “Shen Qiang, I want to be with you.”

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