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“It’s too much!”

Seeing Shen Qiang sitting in the car, holding the beautiful Yu Wenzi all the way and leaving the headquarters of Junshan Prison Ninja Group with a smile, sitting in the car, it seems that some sloppy superior search officer Sugio Junfu moved Raised an eyebrow.

“Nominally, I cooperated with us and came to destroy Junshan Mountain Prison. As a result, you can see what he has done. Well, attending the reception, show off one’s military strength. It took less than 2 days to get here, and the reputation was so sensational. World, um, what are they saying?”

Sugi, holding a toothpick, turned his head to see the female search officer He Jian in the back row.

He Jian, who is wearing glasses and is full of figure, is playing with his phone. He smiled and said: “Shen Qiang is really a strong man. He is so handsome. Are the members of China Dragon Group so cool? Has he been fascinated by him, that wind Ordinary man, mysterious smile, just like the Prince in the dream. He is so cute, I have never seen such a domineering, rude, unconservative, but gentleman-like man, oh, I remembered , That called Yapi, the gentleman’s elegance and the prodigal combination.”

“Stop! That’s not what I want to hear.” Sugisuke holding a toothpick looked displeased.

Sitting in the back seat, He Jian Huizhen smilely smiled: “Is it jealous? Because you are still single now, you think Shen Qiang is very popular here, are you very uncomfortable?”

At this point, Susuke Sugi’s expression immediately became a little ugly.

But without waiting for him to speak, Ichiro Taro, who had started the car, said quietly while driving: “Shen Qiang is not a simple person. He came here not only to demonstrate in us, but also to Junshan prison. .”

Hearing this, Susuke Sugi, holding a toothpick, frowns saying: “Demonstration? How is it possible that they are wearing a pair of trousers and, in Chinese terms, called jackals of the same tribe.”

Yi Qinghu Taro smiled and said while driving, “You are still too young, Shen Qiang and them simply are not together.”

Sugisuke was shocked.

Wearing glasses, the plump Hejian was real and his eyes lighted up instantly, saying, “Yi Qingte, wait, do you mean?”

Yi Qing Hu Taro laughed and said, “If Shen Qiang really has a close relationship with Junshan Prison, Jiwu Junjie will not appear at the reception, provoking Shen Qiang repeatedly, so that in the end, he died at the same time as the most subject to Junshan Prison. Strong Assassin magnetic escape. Storm Leiyin’s hands.”

Hearing this, Tosuke Sugi frowns saying: “Yi Qingte, I think they are just making trouble.”

Yi Qingte waited for this and smiled: “Do you like Hejian Huizhen?”

Suddenly Sugio froze for a moment, then immediately frowned, saying, “How could I like her, impossible, Yi Qingte, etc. If you think about it more, I am just an ordinary colleague relationship with her.”

After hearing this, Yi Ting waited, raised his eyebrows with a smile, glanced at the rearview mirror in the cab, glanced at the sullen He Jian Huizhen, and then said with a smile: “I have also been young before, I know What are you thinking, if it is not because He Jianhui really likes Shen Qiang, makes you think he is your rival, with your ability, impossible cannot see it, Junshan prison provoked it first, magnetic escape kills later, not only that, Shen Qiang even got the scale of Junshan Prison.”

“A real partner will not do this. In layman’s terms, Shen Qiang is already bully intolerably, but for some reason, Junshan Prison had to bow his head to Shen Qiang temporarily.”

“You think, Junshan Prison is one of the three major groups in the Ninja Kingdom. Normally, there is wind and wind, and rain and rain. Under such circumstances, why should they do this to Shen Qiang?”

These words made Sugio Suzui silent for a moment and said, “There is a deal between them.”

“What’s the deal?” Yi Qinghu Taro raised his eyebrows coldly said.

Sugio Shizuo was silent for 5 seconds and said: “Of course it is a transaction related to the plan to destroy the King Mountain Prison, otherwise at this time, what can they trade?”

Upon hearing this, Yi Qinghu Taro smiled and said, “Your thoughts are clear. If it is not because of He Jian, I can’t think of any reason why you have such great hostility to Shen Qiang.”

Hearing this, Junfu Junwei smiled and said, “I just saw him as unpleasant. This reason is enough. How could I like He Jian, a woman who will not cook even with rice.”

“You are enough, Sugi Sugi, you hear clearly. I just like the man like Shen Qiang. I will ask him out when I have a chance. I will go to bed with him because he is a charming man, and you are just a fool. !” He Jian Hui really cold face.

“You are very confident, but you are far worse than magnetic escape.” Sugio Coldo said coldly.

He Jianhui’s face is ugly, saying: “At least I can compare with the magnetic escape, you are not a man at all!”

When I heard this, I drove Taro Aogi and said, “Enough is enough. I don’t want to listen to you two. Quarrel, listen well. The enemy we are facing now is Junshan prison, one of the 3 largest ninja groups in Ninja. Their means are very. Ruthless, powerful, not only you, including me, but at any time, may be in the sea of ​​corpses, so I said one last time, if you two can’t calmly deal with the relationship between your personal emotions and work, just Quit immediately, because I don’t want you to kill yourself and to be killed by others.”

Susuke Sugi, the same moment = He Jianhui really didn’t say anything.

For a long time, Sugio said: “I’m sorry, please forgive me for my enthusiasm, I let you down.”

He Jian Hui Zhen took a deep breath and said: “Sorry, I know, emotions can’t be mixed into work, please rest assured that I won’t fall in love with him, even though Mr. Sugi is a charming person.”

Suddenly, Sugio’s expression dimmed.

“I just want to know, do any of you want to quit? It’s too late to say now, if you don’t say that you missed this opportunity, you can’t get off the car.” Yi Qinghu Taro’s voice was cold.

“I will follow you.” He Jian Hui said immediately.

Under the watchful eye of Taro Aogi, Sugio said: “I will not give up halfway.”

After hearing the words of the two of them, Ao Taro watched calmly. The only thing in front of him was the back of the vehicle with a black dot left. He said: “Junshan Prison and Shen Qiang are not important in what kind of transaction. He chose the wrong trading partner.”

“Shen Qiang is not a person with only money in his eyes, he will be loyal to himself, loyal to the dragon team, and loyal to China, so we don’t need to worry at all, he will destroy anything, because that is just the game of Shen Qiang, he has got the magnetic escape , Got the balance ruler, and guessed my purpose, in this case, he chose to come to Junshan Prison is absolutely not doing nothing, so we can not wait any longer, notify our manpower, gather, I will be one before the action Hours, announce the plan.”

“As for Shen Qiang…” Yi Qinghu Taro hesitated and said, “I will decide temporarily if I notify him.”

“Understood!” Susuke Shino’s eyes burst into brilliance, but when his eyes met He Jianhui in the rear-view mirror, he immediately turned his head to look out the window, as if leaving everything on the road. Road sign passing by the wind.

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