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At the moment when he heard the words of the 39th generation leader of Junshan Prison, Yu Wenzi, who was killing the beautiful girl Ninja, who was famous in the world of cruelty, not only surprised her beautifully, but also moved closer to Shen Qiang.

“Mid! I was guessed by Shen Qiang! They really wanted to laugh at Shen Qiang! But all this has already been guessed by Shen Qiang. Which woman would not surrender to such a domineering and intelligent man? “

She has charming eyes all over her eyes.

The lovable body is turned into a soft finger, not only the flawless pretty face brings a faint blush, but Shen Qiang is the only beauty in the eyes.

In this brief moment, in her heart, Shen Qiang is not disappointed.

At the same time, when she heard Aiba Kotaro’s clear sarcasm, Shen Qiang smiled, lightly provoked her eyes to look at Yu Wenzi, her white and smooth jaw, and then said with a smile: ” Okay, let me take a look.”

Hearing this, the man with glasses walked very solemnly into one of the showcases and took out a quaintly shaped famous knife.

The leader of Junshan Prison looked at Shen Qiang with a smile, and said wryly.

“The most famous among the swordsmiths in the Ninja Kingdom is the 5 power transmission, which is the Japanese sword ancient blade period 5 big forging Sect, which has a far-reaching impact and a long history. They are: Yamashiro, Yamato, Sangju, Mino, and Bei Qianling.”

“But foreigners don’t understand.” The 39 generation head of the Junshan prison, Ye Xingtaro, looked at Shen Qiang wryly. “For example, people from China often mentioned the village, they always thought it was a blade, but in fact, the village It’s a Sect.”

“It belongs to Mino Ling, and the distinctive feature is that the cast blade is mixed with the tip of the blade, and the village is only beginning to have the titles of “evil sword” and “demon sword” in the Edo period, but in fact, at the same time There are many people who use this kind of knife, and the village is just a sword inscription.”

Looking at the somewhat surprised Shen Qiang, Ayaka Kotaro took the quaint and famous knife placed in the scabbard from the hands of the glasses man, said with a smile.

“The Lianhua 1000 hand garden that you once cut off, the real sword name is Lianhua, the 1000 hand garden is its source, and the Divine Weapon in my hand is named Kirikawa, from the famous sword Sect , So its full name is Kirikawamura Masao.”

sulfuric acid!

The long knife snaps away, and the sharp blade has extended about 2 fingers from the scabbard.

In just a moment, not only the beautiful Ninja Yu Wenzi, who nestled beside Shen Qiang, changed color.

Even Shen Qiang felt the chill of the bone at the moment the blade appeared.

not only.

Because the temperature drops suddenly.

The water molecules in the air immediately condense, so that the air in the entire Hidden Treasure Pavilion has condensed 1000 mists of 10000 floes almost instantly.

“Kirikawa, really a good name.”

Shen Qiang started the technique of Micro Observation while talking.

After all, Shen Qiang came here with the goal of ending the mission of the Ninja Kingdom as soon as possible, so it is very important to understand the details of these three knives.

If it’s good enough, then Shen Qiang should get them as Heshenghe’s sect protecting treasure and go to the Saibao Conference. If the level is not up to standard, then it is also necessary to end the matter here as soon as possible. Shenghe Megatron 8 is not just a few treasures.

But when Shen Qiang’s eyes clearly saw the moment of the blade, the answer given by the technique of Micro Observation, or a moment, made Shen Qiang’s eyes excited.

Fierce Blade! Only the soul of 1000 warriors can be broken!

Features: unknown.

Remarks: The fierce blade is more from the hands of General during the time of the war. It is extremely arrogant and contains a killing heart. The sword is spirited, but compared to the ordinary Immortal Grade spirit, the spirit of this blade is extremely brutal, and it is fun to kill. It should be selected carefully and used by those who have perseverance.

Then, no more.

This identification result made Shen Qiang want to laugh.

Because it is obvious, Medicine Sage seems unwilling to leave more records about the murderous blade in the inheritance, otherwise, with the eyesight of Immortal World Medicine Sage, more things should be seen.

However, fortunately Shen Qiang was smart enough to find the knife from the seemingly ambiguous identification results of the technique of Micro Observation almost instantly, and found the true identification result. ,

That is, this is a sword that will never lose to any Immortal Grade!

And battle-hardened.

There is Vicious Spirit in the knife, bloodthirsty and brutal.

If it is in combat, the ordinary Immortal Grade Sword Spirit can’t even play him.

This is the same as people.

People are fierce and brutal Evil Spirit, the one in your hand is a good baby, and it is strange to be able to beat others.

As for your perseverance, use with caution.

Shen Qiang is hehe.

You have all drawn your sword, and you have to be cautious about the fart. The fight is over. Those who win are eligible to live.

In the world of cultivator, aren’t the rules like this?

“Good knife!”

Shen Qiang reached out with admiration: “Let me see!”

But at this time, Aiba Kotaro withdrew back, avoiding Shen Qiang’s hand, and said, “Mr. Shen can see, but not touch.”

In an instant, Shen Qiang smiled.

It doesn’t matter: “Yes, you can also come, let me see his unusual.”

Hearing this, Aiba Kotaro who had already stood up.

The knife has been pulled out of the sheath.

Almost instantaneously, Shen Qiang felt that his body was suddenly cold, and the arm under the shirt immediately had a goose bump.

not only.

1000 mists of 10000 fluff also seemed to come alive.


Aye Kotaro’s knife in his hand immediately used a unique language to seal with one hand, and then wiped the blade.

In a flash, the terrifying killing intent exploded, not only as terrifying as the substance.

Even more terrifying is that although there is nothing in front of her, Shen Qiang seems to see a man with a long knife who is laughing violently and his eyes are fierce.

Such a scene made Shen Qiang instantly think of Evil Spirit Yuwen Hu in the armor.

Not only that, Aye Kotaro’s mutter incantations, one-handed knot printing as a means of blessing the strength of the blade body, made Shen Qiang think of Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s Qingyun sword tactics almost in an instant.

Because despite the different seals, the content is different.

But these 2 methods differ routes to the same destination.

Not only that, but what made Shen Qiang’s brain open instantly was that the weapon used by Qingyun Sword Pavilion disciple was a giant sword. Not only that, but they are different from other sword repairs. In general, those who use swords prefer it Use a sharp blade to assassinate.

But when the people of Qingyun Sword Pavilion started, they all prefer to hack without exception.

That is, the move is more like using a knife.

“The sword is the first weapon in China. In the cultivation field, sword repair is also the well-deserved most mainstream in the cultivation field, but why are their moves more like using a knife? Damn, when I saw the first generation of Pavilion Lord in Qingyun Sword Pavilion, I forgot to ask. , Wouldn’t the goods use a knife, and then afraid of being rejected by the cultivation community, then the knife was replaced with a sword?

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