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Looking at the beautiful girl ninja Yu Wenzi, who frowned at her with a frown, Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once, and said, “You bad girl, actually want profiting from somebody’s misfortune The remaining 4 from Junshan prison The Divine Item is not really interesting.”

Hearing this, the charming Yu Wenzi was unhappy, pouting, and the pink cherry lips curled up in a coquettish arc.

“Anyway, I have to go with you. Junshan Prison promised, but I will treat me as a betrayal. They will try my best to kill me, so I just don’t do 2 endlessly, we take their Divine Item Get rid of it.”,

The beautiful Yu Wenzi, her eyes bright like a little demon, her eyes full of anticipation looking at Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang looked down at her with a strange look in her eyes.

“Good, the question is, do other ninja groups have no so-called sect protecting treasure and Divine Item?”

Yu Wenzi was stunned, and then pulled Shen Qiang’s clothes corner coquettishly, shaking and coquettishly saying, “Junshan prison is a scourge, they will have trouble with us sooner or later, Yoshitake Junsuke, just a young discipline. Among them, there are Old Guys who are very difficult to deal with. Those Divine Items are in their hands and are always a hidden danger. Let’s get rid of their Divine Item. At this time, do you listen to me?”

“Moreover, Junshan Prison has no Divine Item, just like a tiger with tooth pulled out. In this case, you help the Ninja Security Agency, and the weaker they are, the safer the cultivation community, right, cultivation community If it is safe, China will be safer, OK?”

Coquettish and pleading Yu Wenzi’s pitiful eyes seemed to imply that she wanted to roll the coquettish rogue all over the place.

This made Shen Qiang smile and bend his eyes, and then he could not help but said: “I am not sincere, called big brother.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi’s pretty face turned red, and then she said softly: “big brother, big brother, shall we take away the Divine Item from Junshan Prison, okay?”

Shen Qiang smiled and sighed: “It’s really a girl, I’m really afraid of you, if you want to get it, you will get a big wave, He Sheng and that many people, just the Divine Item of Junshan Prison, how to take it back? Enough points? So I ask you, are there any other Sects.?”

In an instant, the coquettish beauty Yu Wenzi was stunned, and she looked at Shen Qiang in shock. After 5 seconds of stunned eyes, her eyes were suddenly shining, and her eyes were excited as if she had discovered the new continent. point.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Her eyes excitedly said: “The Ninja Security Agency, Yoshikawa Institute has it, other small Sects, and some treasures called Divine Item, do you really want it?”

Looking at her faintly anticipating and excited eyes, Shen Qiang pu chi smiled at once.

“I am a noble person, and you should understand that in order to further promote the security and peace in the Asian cultivator community, I think disarming them is conducive to promoting regional peace and stability.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi smiled and bent her eyes, said while playfully pouting coquettishly: “Bad guy, bastard! Obviously you also want to get rid of their treasure, but they say that people are bad girls, hum, ignore you!”

Shen Qiang laughed and said, “Then you sleep on the sofa tonight.”

“Don’t!” The charming Yu Wenzi’s eyes are full of delicate and charming.

Shen Qiang ran away with a smile, and said, “Then you will come after me and catch me. You don’t need to sleep on the couch tonight, otherwise, there is no negotiation.”

Yu Wenzi, who smiled and bent her eyes in an instant, chased and said, “Bad guy, do you want to avoid me? There is no door!”

On the beach, the 2 laughing people frolicked.

Many cultivators around the scene could not help but envy.

“I really envy, I really want to have such a pretty girlfriend!”

“The strongest Assassin didn’t expect in private, it is such a cute and lovely beauty, but unfortunately, no one in this world has the ability of Shen Qiang, ordinary cultivator, in her eyes as powerful as It’s just rubbish.”

“Ai, I really envy Shen Qiang, but it seems that only a strong man like Shen Qiang can have a girlfriend like her.”

In their envious voices.

The people in the real Great Influence cultivator group were shocked.

Junshan Prison Headquarters.

The observer of Seraphim and the old man with short gray hair are face sank like water.

“Yoshikawa Yard is still unable to bear. Kumiko Oda is known as the Illusion Technique Master. He is also famous for making fun of others. The ordinary cultivator thinks she is harmless, so she rarely treats her. It’s killing, but in fact, no one who has ever passed through her Illusion Technique can escape doom, so in private, people in the ninja world are more willing to call her the doom.”

Hearing the old man with short hair and white hair, the observer of Seraphim said: “Yoshikawa Kyoko sent Oda Kumiko to save us some trouble. Now, it is known that Shen Qiang has the strongest medical skills and is not afraid of Illusion Technique. With the legendary China most strong in the Dao fruit, well, in your words, it is called the forbidden technique.”

The old man with short hair and white eyes said coldly: “There is no who in this world, it is really powerful enough to kill, as long as you invite 3 mountain ghosts from Junshan prison, with Divine Item, even if you are in Wenzi Shen Qiang around him will also die, so the real enemy is not him, but Ao Taro.”

“What are you going to do?” Seraphim’s observer said: “Need help? Let the dragon group expand its influence, but this is not what we want to see. Now the cultivator world is talking about Shen Qiang and the dragon group. This makes Very upset.”

The short-haired old man smiled and said, “The best defense is offensive. Shen Qiang is used by us. When the matter is over, I will help you bury him here. After all, it is not difficult, but the premise is that you must I have to mobilize some true powerhouse to come over, because I am more worried that I will be burned.”

“Are you afraid of the dragon group?” The observer of Seraphim was surprised.

The old man with short white hair smiled and looked coldly at the observer of Seraphim, saying, “Aren’t you afraid?”

“Of course, Seraphim is the strongest!”

The old man with short white hair smiled and said, “Then why don’t you snatch the Divine Realm mall that Shen Qiang has gotten? You should understand that that represents endless cultivator supplies, money, and intelligence.”

In an instant, Seraphim’s observer brows tightly knit, not only did not feel ridiculed, but contemplatively said: “This is very strange, I have reported to Seraphim’s top management, but the strange thing is that the above reply is natural.”

“This is very abnormal. Usually, we will spare no effort to curb the influence of the Dragon Formation, whether it is our Seraphim or the Bright Knights. At the same time, we will strive to do better, but this time, I feel that this Divine Realm The clubhouse and Divine Realm forum are not simple, because above, it seems somewhat dreaded to them, otherwise, the reply replies will be particularly tough.”

Hearing this, the old man with short white hair frowned, then turned his head and looked at a thin, skinny man with glasses beside him, saying: “One Qing Hu Taro and Shen Qiang are coming in awesome, we can’t miss one detail , I let you stare at Lily of the Valley at Divine Realm, did you find anything?”

The man smilely smiled, opened the folder in his hand, looked at the photo of Suzuran meeting Yuwen Family Patriarch with a smile, respectfully said with a smile: “No, Suzuran has always stayed in the clubhouse and the hotel by the sea She didn’t do anything except to see Shen Qiang once when she signed the contract.”

“In this case, she should not be the problem we are going to face.” The short-haired old man’s eyes were very serious.

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