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Gao Hui’s cold face is still beautiful and beautiful, but that politely thank you for your patronage, and it reveals a feeling of rejection from beyond a thousand li from the inside out.

Jing Haotian and acne’s fatty were stunned.

“Have you really heard clearly? Our company has 300 employees who can order meals for you for a long time, but that is not a small income.” Jing Haotian reminded.

Gao Hui’s formulaic smile, said: “Thank you for your patronage, please check out.”

The acne-fatty fatty raised his eyebrows and said: “What do you say? What attitude? Our young Master wants to set you down for a meal for you. You don’t give your face to have no shame.”

Hearing fatty said, Gao Hui coldly said: “Please leave after checkout, you are not welcome here.”

fatty sneered: “Do not earn money, are you stupid beep?”

Seeing Gao Hui’s expression getting angry, Jing Haotian slightly smiled, stopped the fat acne face, said resolutely: “Your shop is small, there are few customers, and the price is low, in addition to earning some hard money , Can’t make any money.”

“Accept my order, I can double your profit.”

Gao Hui coldly said: “Thank you for your kindness, please leave after checkout, otherwise I will call the police.”

Fatty slap the table and stand up full of acne, icily said: “You are so ignorant, deserve to be poor in your life!”

Gao Hui glared at him and finally flinched: “Please leave after checking out!”

The face of acne’s fatty, who wanted to smash the store by lifting the chair beside him, at this time, Jing Haotian, who looked gloomy, stood up and coldly took out a bill from his wallet and handed it to Gao Hui, slightly smiled ,let go.

When the banknotes flipped and fell in the air, Jing Haotian said with a slight smile: “You will pay for your rejection, soon.”

Saying that’s all, he turned and walked away.

The acne-faced fatty hastened to catch up quickly, and walked anxiously: “Young Master, this little bitch smashed and dared to refuse you. Is it hard to do so?”

Jing Haotian’s expression was very cold, and Xu Nan’s smile appeared inexplicably in his mind.

“Why? I’m more handsome than Shen Qiang and richer than him. Why do they approach Shen Qiang instead?”

My heart was full of doubts and anger, but Jing Haotian still pretended calmly at this time: “The woman Shen Sheng can look at, there must be something extraordinary. Although she only runs this small bun shop, But maybe it was very wealthy before, and this money can’t be looked down upon at all.”

The acne-fatty fatty was shocked: “Young Master, I have investigated, her family is very ordinary, her father is the driver of the bus company, and her mother is the bus conductor of the bus company…”

“I said yes, she is!” Jing Haotian was furious.

The fat face with acne shut up immediately.

Jing Haotian became more and more angry when he fell on the door.


He Jing Haotian wants to have a figure and a figure, to have knowledge and knowledge, to have a family background, to have money and money, didn’t expect, today in this little bun shop, normally he will not even look at it at all The young woman with a glance didn’t even get the phone number.

She was asked several times to checkout and leave.

This is a shame!

Xu Nan, Wanxin Hesheng’s Eldest Young Lady, has a good talent, a high cultivation base, smart, broad-minded, Xu Family’s own strength is also stronger than Jing Family, she can’t look down on her that’s all, after all, the identity of the family is there With.

But what is this Gao Hui?

A small bun shop, tossing all day long, can sell five-six hundred bucks. It is good to sell five-six hundred bucks. When it is small, it sells more than 2 100 bucks a day.

There is not even a small house at home, and the family is crowded into a rental house.

In this way, she dared to refuse the gift of the young and big!


The majestic Golden Dan Stage True Yuan spewed out, and the fatty on the side scared the complexion pale.

“Young Master, you…”

Jing Haotian coldly said coldly: “I have no patience, I hate this city, I will do it tonight, I will use fierce means to let the asshole of Shen Qiang and the small watch just learned that I am They must kneel down and look at the existence!”

Fatty, frightened by his cold tone, said quickly: “Okay, Young Master, we will do it well.”

Looking through the car window, looking at the little bun shop, Jing Haotian sneered: “Little Jianren, you are proud, tonight I will let you know what is better than death!”


With Jing Haotian’s command, the luxury business car parked on the street slowly drove away…

At the same time, in the storage ring, Shen Qiang, who had already installed about 400 jin of polystyrene raw materials, had returned home.

Ye Xiaolei and Ellie are in the terrace garden, Shen Qiang is more anxious to ask 1000 Shanxue whether they agree with the spoils of war that sells her, but asked, 1000 Shanxue not at all back, so naturally, Shen Qiang told them After 1000 Shanxue returned, she told 1000 Shanxue that Shen Qiang had something to find her.

After the explanation, Shen Qiang went up to the third floor.

Ready to refine Qiqisan.

This thing, in the Auction House of the cultivator, the price is as high as 10,000 Yuan per gram, and the actual cost is only a few tens of a catty. Refining this thing to make money is obviously the most appropriate and appropriate at this stage.

Taking out the furnace cauldron sealed by Immortal Technique, Shen Qiang began to refine Qiqisan.

Because there have been many times of refining experience before, and the current cultivation base is also higher than before, it is naturally easy to refine.

It’s just that when the first furnace of Qi Qi will be refined, Shen Qiang hasn’t had time to recover True Qi.

A silhouette of the window flashed, and 1000 mountain snow in jeans and smart shirts had appeared beside Shen Qiang.

She was full of surprise: “Are you refining spiritual medicine?”

Saying that she completely ignored Shen Qiang’s feelings, she took out a small pair of tweezers, and the Qi Qi that Shen Qiang had just refined was amazed: “It is Qi Qi San.”

Shen Qiang kept all her furry cauldron medicines in the storage ring, frowns saying: “Well, I want to ask you now, can you walk through the door?”

1000 Shan Xue frowned: “Is it important?”

Shen Qiang said angrily: “I need privacy! You can’t appear and disappear unpredictably all day long, understand? Please come and walk through the door when you come in and out. Remember to knock a few times when you enter the house, and come in after getting my consent. ?”

1000 Shan Xue looked at Shen Qiang calmly and said, “I’m asking you, do you have anything important to find me?”

Looking at her beautiful face, she didn’t seem to care about what Shen Qiang said before and so on expression, Shen Qiang was helpless.

But after thinking about it, Shen Qiang still pressed the suffocated tone and said, “That’s it. I need to spend a lot of money on Week 6, but I don’t have the money at hand, so I want to help you sell your hands. The rubbish of spoils of war is used for emergency and how much money is spent. It is regarded as borrowed by me and you, and will definitely be paid back in the future.”

Hearing this, 1000 Mountain Snow screamed.

And when Shen Qiang wondered whether she agreed or disagreed, a bank card had flown into Shen Qiang’s hands.

Then 1000 Shanxue waved his hand.

Oh la la !

At least 100 pieces of various magic weapons were piled up in front of Shen Qiang like a hill.

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