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When night came, when Shen Qiang appeared in a walk on the beach with Yu Wenzi, a female ninja with a solid, beautiful face, not only Junshan Prison Ninja Group, Ninja Security Agency, and Yoshikawain Ninja Group cultivators were paying attention .

Even the cultivators all over the world, and their bodies as sexy as they can burst the cheongsam at any time, also sat in the seaside hotel not far away, watching Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi.

“It seems to be a pair of enviable handsome men and beautiful women, except that they don’t even carry bodyguards and just walk around like this. It seems a little careless.”

Almost at the same time that beautiful and alluring Tianzhao muttered.

Junshan Prison Ninja Group, sent out, powerhouse suspended far behind two people stopped.

“It is the strongest Illusion Technique teacher of Yoshikawa Institute, Kumiko Oda.” One humane.

Another person was nodded and said, “She seems to be in trouble.”

“We just have to stare at them, so just look at it quietly.”

On the other side, the people in the Ninja Security Bureau have also found the direction of the calm and smiling, talking about the women of Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi in the sound of laughter.

“Kumiko Oda, Illusion Technique Master of Yoshikawa Institute, usually as long as she appears, there will be cultivator ugliness.”

“Shen Qiang seems to be in trouble, but it’s good, that bastard has no respect for Yi Qingte, and we just wait to see the joke.”

“Hmph, Oda Kumiko never kills people, because she feels that making others ugly is far more meaningful than killing each other.”

At this time, the beautiful and alluring sky photos, the Ninja Security Agency, and the cultivator of Junshan Prison are all ready to read jokes.

But in fact, there are more cultivators present.

Because this hotel next to the beach is dedicated to receiving cultivators, the people who live here are basically cultivators from various countries. Not only that, because of the development of mobile phones and the Internet, Shen Qiang, who was in the limelight before, took Yu Wenzi, who was charming but notorious, appeared at the beach.

Someone has already picked up the phone and started to broadcast Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi far away on the beach.

It’s just that compared to the regular live broadcast, the audience is undoubtedly much less, but when I saw the middle-aged woman with a general appearance and a little black, she went to Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi who were obviously unaware of the danger. Not many cultivators, but also a barrage immediately.

“It is Kumiko Oda, Illusion Technique Master of Yoshikawa Institute, Tricky Expert!”

“Oh, does Kumiko Oda of Yoshikawa Yon humiliate Shen Qiang, the impudent guy?”

“Haha, I knew that this Shen Qiang wasn’t so good, wasn’t it crazy? The knife shattered 3 pieces of Divine Item, and also killed Jiwu Junjie, and also joined hands with the security office to destroy the Junshan prison, haha, this is good Now, Kumiko Oda is here. In front of her Illusion Technique, there are so many people who lose their face. Shen Qiang will not be surprised, hahaha. If he takes off his clothes, it will be fun.”

All cultivators are like a joke.

Even the cultivator of Wanxin Hesheng, which is also from China and belongs to honesty and integrity, no one has any plans to remind Shen Qiang.

“Oda Kumiko is the strongest Illusion Technique teacher at Yoshikawa Institute and one of the representatives of the entire Illusion Technique Peak in the Ninja world. If she shoots, there will be no danger to life, but it will be shameful.”

“Shen Qiang is so powerful. If you lose someone here, it will be a beautiful talk. He hasn’t suffered a defeat since his debut. At this time, I am afraid that his record will be rewritten.”

“Quickly, give me the camera. If Shen Qiang makes an ugly thing, it will make the entire cultivation community very happy!”

Many cultivators are ready to watch the excitement.

At this time, Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi really didn’t pay any attention to the middle-aged woman who came over. She was a cultivator. This point was discovered by Shen Qiang when it was far away, but here is the hotel where the cultivator gathers. The beach outside is full of cultivator.

They are also hanging out and playing. Shen Qiang, who has a beauty on the side, how can she focus on her.

But when I walked to a distance of more than 3 meters.

Kumiko Oda said to Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi, who were approaching on the face, “Now, excuse me, I seem to be lost.”

This made Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi surprised because the hotel was on the side and you could see it at a glance. How could this be lost?

So 2 people turned involuntarily to see her.

Almost as soon as two people looked at her, they saw the colorful light reflected on her necklace pendant.

Illusion Technique: land of warmth and tenderness.

The role: to evoke infinite reverie, to indulge in the imagined land of warmth and tenderness, usually, will be with his favorite person, so that on the spot to make a lot of extraordinary moves, and lose vigilance.

It is very dangerous and requires careful precautions.

Almost instantly, I was used to seeing Shen Qiang who suddenly saw any strange things instinctively open the technique of Micro Observation, although I saw the woman’s Illusion Technique at a glance.

But in my mind, there was still a slight shock, appearing, the sunny beach, Tianzhao Suzuran wearing a sexy swimsuit, looking at her faint image beautifully.

“Illusion Technique is true and false, I now clearly prefer Yu Wenzi.” Shen Qiang pouted.

But in the afterglow of the eyes, I saw Yu Wenzi’s lovable body trembled, and then the face was blushing, which made Shen Qiang instinctively want to laugh, and even had a faint heart in her heart, wanting to see her ugly impulse, but only in a flash, Shen Qiang was surprised. Discovery.

Although some faint illusions had appeared in front of me, the balance ruler was very clearly telling him in front of him, a few meters in front of him, what angle, what object.

“It’s amazing!” Shen Qiang’s eyes lit up, and it was down to Yu Wenzi’s urge to be ugly. After all, she is now the person of Shen Qiang. Even if she wants to be ugly, she can only appear in front of Shen Qiang. So, when Shen Qiang waved his hand, he put the balance ruler in his hand into the pretty face and turned red, and his eyes were instantly charming in Wenzi’s hands.


At the moment when I took the balance ruler, although it was Shen Qiang who smiled brightly in the eyes, the distance, angle, and shape of the various objects returned by the balance ruler 360掳 No-Dead-Angle all made Wen Zi Instantly sober.

“It’s going to be ugly,” beautiful and alluring Tianzhao sat on the balcony of the hotel, his eyes charming.

Cultivators from all walks of life are looking forward to it.

“Hurry up, whether it’s Shen Qiang or Ci Dun, whoever makes these two ugliness is a joke that will make the cultivator world happy!”

“Magnet escape, if she hit Illusion Technique, it would be interesting, such a big beauty, under the large public, tsk tsk…”

“It must be a stroke. Nobody can spare Illusion Technique of Kumiko Oda! Even if it is a god, it will only be in front of her, ugly 100!”

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