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In Shen Qiang’s words, Mei Mei was looking at Shen Qiang’s beautiful and alluring sky with a touch of smile with a slight smile: “Then it depends on what’s going on, I’m not 10000, and some things can’t be done. Thing, then it can only disappoint you.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said indifferently: “Before telling me about the specific matters for help, I should still, cash in first and just promised her the reward.”

With that, Shen Qiang turned her head, smiled at Wenzi, and then placed a peerless grace and elegance Dan in front of Yu Wenzi, saying: “Reward you, eat it, this is a medicine pill that can maintain youthful beauty forever. .”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi’s eyes lit up, shocked happily said: “covering moon, shaming flowers Dan!”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Covering moon, shaming flowers Dan is used to make money, how can we compare with our own peerless grace and elegance Dan?”

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenzi looked surprised.

The blue scorpion and the beautiful and alluring skylight beside him, their eyes were tense and looked forward.

“Then I’m welcome.” Yu Wenzi smiled beautifully.

Shen Qiang laughed: “Please use, this is the reward you should get for your cleverness.”

Yu Wenzi was instantly shy. After all, she was a smart person. Of course, she knew that the so-called reward was nothing but Shen Qiang did not want her to be mentally burdened. If Shen Qiang was not willing to give it, who could force him?

Eat the peerless grace and elegance Tango, not only filled with strange medicinal fragrance in the room.

Yu Wenzi, who is already beautiful, not only has fair skin, but also becomes white and tender like a baby, and even the five senses and face are almost beautiful in the blink of an eye. The blue scorpion and Tianzhao couldn’t help but be envious and full of envy.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang full of smiles put a peerless grace and elegance dan before Tianzhao.

“Peerless grace and elegance Dan, it’s not a sale, it’s the ultimate beauty saint that you can’t buy with money. Not only will it become more beautiful after you eat it, it will also keep you young forever, even if you die old, you will never look again change.”

Looking at the beautiful and alluring Tianzhao, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “This is the reward for your help, and the content of the help is that I want you to help me, and quietly take away Yu Wen’s Family, imprisonment, kidnapping, kidnapping, it doesn’t matter. I want you to take them to a safe place in the shortest time to ensure that they don’t become Junshan prison and threaten Wenzi’s existence.”

This made Yu Wenzi stunned, and then she anxiously said: “Shen Qiang, don’t mess up, my family has a strong temperament, they…”

“You shut up, pipe down, you are screaming too loudly. If you look like you are yelling, you won’t be able to come back.” Shen Qiang scared her.

In an instant, Yu Wenzi did not dare to speak.

The sky photos of beautiful and alluring, looked at Yu Wenzi, who became more beautiful and beautiful, and then looked at the exquisite Fenghua Dan in a delicate small box in front of her, and the heart was quite moved: “Yu Wenzi You can rest assured that I will persuade them to obey my arrangements.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and said: “You misunderstood, Tianzhao, um, I still call you Suzuran, so comfortable, you have lived so long, you should know the hearts of people, not us If you feel good, others will feel good.”

“What I want is not how you treat Yu Wenzi’s family gently, but force them to be safe and make them impossible to threaten Yu Wenzi’s existence. After the matter of the Security Office and Junshan Prison is resolved, then by then, It’s not too late to preach.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi froze.

The beautiful and alluring Tianzhao pu chi smiled: “Yuwen Family under Junshan Prison has a lot of staff, and the cultivation base is not weak. It is not easy to make them all disappear silently. thing.”

“Peerless grace and elegance Dan, the materials are precious, and I will be the only one in the whole world. Every one is a perfect dream. It is also a chance to miss the opportunity and never come again.” Shen Qiang smiled.

I fully understood Shen Qiang and would definitely not pay more, and implied that if I missed this opportunity, I would never have the opportunity to get a photo of the peerless Huadan again, grabbed the peerless grace and elegance Dan, a said with a smile: “I understand your thoughts, you are worried about the people in Yuwen Family, there are people who have the same interests as the senior leaders of Junshan Prison. Threatening this strange fragrance beside you, as beautiful as Fairy.”

“But now, you can rest assured, take people’s money and eliminate disasters for others. I will help you with your busy work. When the matter between you and Junshan Prison is over, I promise to return them to you.”

Looking at the full of smiles, her eyes glowed with radiance, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Since this is the case, I believe you will become very busy in the next time, so I will not keep you. Ye Guyun , Help me drop off.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Guyun waved to Tianzhao and said, “Ms. Suzuran, please.”

Seeing that she reached her goal, Shen Qiang, who immediately changed her face, had already placed the Expulsion Order, and the beautiful and alluring sky photo immediately stood up and said, “Then see you, Mr. Shen.”


Shen Qiang smiled and smiled.

Looking at her, she was as sexy as she could burst into that suit at any time, with a graceful back and a smile on the corner of her mouth.

“It’s such a sexy woman.” The blue scorpion said sideways.

This made Shen Qiang smile and said, “Well, yes, but she doesn’t seem to feel anything about you.”

“She may like to be ugly.” Qing Scorpion looked at Shen Qiang obliquely and said: “Amazing beauty, what else can I do?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “She likes a man with a sunny masculinity, instead of wearing a wig it will become a beautiful man who likes to hide in corners.”

Green Scorpion raised an eyebrow: “Well, when it comes to bastards, I really don’t seem to be as good as you. In front of me, I gave them 2 peerless grace and elegance Dan, let me look aside, do you look down on me? ?”

Shen Qiang smiled and bowed his eyes nodded, pretending to be surprised: “Are you also interested in peerless grace and elegance Dan? I always feel that you seem to be the kind of man who does not care about appearance.”

“I care.” Qing Xie squinted at Shen Qiang: “You are too stingy, no one will give it to me, which makes me very angry.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

On the table, put a covering moon, shaming flowers dan, and then put on that set, missing a War God dan, saying: “The unrivaled Fenghua is an existence that will never be sold, and War God dan, in A set of 700,000 points in the Dragon Group Mall can only be purchased if it is above the level.”

“Looking at you as Bian Yi younger brother’s face, I give you a chance to choose, beauty or battle strength, you can choose one of them, you can choose which one you want, but remember, choose One of them means that one kind is lost.”

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