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Everyone looked at the beautiful and alluring sky in amazement, and their hearts were shocked, because from her words, everyone instantly realized that she was at least 2000 years old, which is very strange, because for a normal cultivator, it is indeed Will live longer than ordinary person, but have never heard of such a long life.

After all, a cultivator who can live more than 2 100 years old is already known as the old Divine Immortal in the cultivation field.

At this time, the sky in front of everyone, not only looks beautiful and alluring, it looks like a mature woman of 2 16-17 years old, especially the sexy figure, solid, upright, looks youthful, how to look It’s not like someone who has lived for so long.

This made Wen Zi and Qing Scorpion shocked, and even a little frightened.

But for Ye Guyun, she was not surprised at all. After all, she was the head of the Ancient Four Great Vicious Beasts and a big monster in her 300s, but for herself, it was basically equivalent to just grown up. Girl.

So she was not surprised that Tianzhao could live that long.

Shen Qiang knows more clearly that although she is nominally the sea monster king, she is actually Divine Race. In this case, even if she lives longer, it will not be surprising.

After all, the Emperor Hai’s words were once the opponents of the Dragon Emperor, and the Dragon Emperor has been missing for 4000 years.


Shen Qiang, who returned the contract to Tianzhao, took the opportunity to start the conversation and said, “What is the order?”

“Written agreement.” Beautiful and alluring Tian Zhaoyi said with a smile: “You will never really think Divine Realm is stupid, you can take 90% of the profit without any problems, but in the case of reasonable prices, members of Divine Realm , Hope to get your priority treatment.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “I have 3 unsaved, great sins are not saved, I don’t believe in my unsaved, I am unhappy to save, if you agree, I sign, if you don’t agree, forget it.”

Hearing this, beautiful and alluring Tianzhao laughed, took out his phone, and spoke in the chat group.

After a moment, she said with a smile that she bent her eyes: “No problem, your 3 won’t save them and agree.”

Shen Qiang smiled, and then took the pen, under the guidance of beautiful and alluring sky, while signing, while sound transmission said: “I am curious, you are a Divine Race, why did you make the sea monster king?”

“People are skeptical.” Beautiful and alluring Tianzhao smiled charmingly and said, “Compared to you, those sea monsters are holy like white lotus flowers, so don’t ask such naive questions.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “You are too pessimistic. Except for lying and being selfish, there is nothing wrong with human beings, and kind people are everywhere. Of course, I am referring to ordinary persons, not those cultivators. “

The beautiful and alluring Tianzhao laughed. After Shen Qiang signed the contract, he said: “Okay, I will make sense when you say it, but I’m curious, how exactly do you think of it as imperial dragon emperor, and How did they deceive Yujiang and Guiyuanba?”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once.

Being a Dragon Emperor, it was because Shen Qiang got on Dragon Throne. As for cheating Guiyuanba and Yujiang, this thing simply does not exist.

But somehow, Shen Qiang thought of the balance ruler and couldn’t help saying it.

“The key to deceiving is not what you say, but how the other party understands you. If you can guess what he will think and how to do it, then he will take the initiative and send you what you want most. “

These words surprised everyone present.

At the same time, on the car, he has returned to the old man at the Junshan Prison Headquarters, and has just returned to his own position.

“How is it going?”

Someone cannot to bear.

The old man with short gray hair raised his eyebrows coldly and said, “This Shen Qiang is much more powerful than expected. He is a doctor, and his thoughtfulness is beyond my imagination.”

“Yu Wenzi is so beautiful, and has never had a boyfriend, Shen Qiang has no reason not to like her, then she, wouldn’t it be that she didn’t know anything at all?” one person asked.

The old man with short white hair smiled, helplessly said: “Yes, you are right, Shen Qiang likes Yu Wenzi very much, so he wants to make a deal with us. The content is that he will officially start in Taro Before the action, inform us of the content of the action, and the price is that from that moment on, Yu Wenzi is not our person, but the person of Heshenghe.”

Several people in the Conference Hall froze, then laughed.

“Sure enough, people aren’t romantic, and promised him that when things are done, kill him, Yu Wenzi is still Junshan prison.”

“This Shen Qiang is really a whimsical youngster. He doesn’t know that anyone who is an enemy of Junshan Prison will die?”

“Don’t laugh.” The old man with short gray hair interrupted with a deep voice: “If he is so good, I don’t have to notify you to come back to the meeting. He doesn’t believe we will keep our promise, so he asked before dinner tonight, We want to send the strongest one of the 5 Divine Item to him as a guarantee, otherwise the transaction will be invalidated.”

The moment he heard this, everyone in the Conference Hall burst into laughter.

“Oh, he’s really an interesting guy. Does he think we’re cheating? In the cultivator world, what kind of scammers haven’t seen him, he thought we couldn’t guess, he probably will get back immediately after getting the Divine Item China?”

“Laughing dead, such a fool, and wanting to lie to us, this is a joke!”

“This is simply the most funny joke I have heard in recent years.”

In their laughter, the old man with short hair and white hair said solemnly: “Enough, now is not the time when you laugh, you all know the situation, Yi Qinghu Taro has prepared for 20 years for this day, he has now set the trap Waiting for us to jump, and now that he is smart, except for the line of Shen Qiang, we simply have no other way to figure out what he is planning.”

These words made several people in the Conference Hall instantly quiet.

Immediately, one person said: “Shen Qiang is cooperating with Aogi Taro, they are afraid of the power of 5 Divine Item, so this Shen Qiang wants to deceive the strongest Divine Item. some.”

“There is such a possibility!” The other person’s eyes lit up, and he was instantly vigilant: “So this thing is absolutely impossible.”

The old man with short gray hair laughed this and said, “That’s just one of many possibilities. Shen Qiang is a Chinese, after all, he won’t understand that the grievances between us and the Ninja Security Agency are not It’s clear what we have done, and Shen Qiang is a vicious and merciless guy. He doesn’t really care, how many casualties we and the Ninja Security Agency have. His purpose is clear, that is, to Wenzi and 30,000,000 US dollars, for this, He was willing to betray, so I decided to stabilize him first.”

At the moment of hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

“How can this be!” One person stood up to object, but before waiting for his words to finish, the old man with short hair and white smiled: “Shen Qiang scared me when he analyzed the behavior of Taro Aoyu before, but I later Think again, maybe the bad ones are what Ichiro Taro told him to say.”

“Although it is unclear what medicine he is selling in bottle gourd, and it is not clear whether the transaction is true or false, there is a Divine Item that does not help combat in any of the 5 Divine Items. If you can use it to stabilize Shen Qiang, you can listen further. Unreal and real are undoubtedly the best choice.”

“Balance ruler!” An old man’s eyes brightened: “That rubbish Divine Item, has no practical use for combat! Let him hold it first, after solving a Qinghu Taro, then solve him, take the same thing come back.”

“Good idea, I agree!”


“Well, since everyone agrees, then send the balance ruler to Shen Qiang.” The corner of his short-haired white lips showed a slight smile, and said: “Believe, he must not be able to imagine how stupid the conditions he made, nothing Battle strength is really Divine Item. It really exists in this world. Hope, don’t be disappointed when you get the balance ruler, because that will make us laugh.”

“Haha, I really want to see Shen Qiang’s stupid face when he got the useless Divine Item, the wonderful expression on his face!

“He would be ashing for 10000 for his stupidity.”

“Shen Qiang, this youngster, IQ is worrying, then let us, give him this lesson!”

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