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While Shen Qiang and the beautiful Ninja Yu Wenzi hid in the room and chanted, the Ninja Security Office headquarters of the Ninja Kingdom, the conference hall at the upper level, the legendary Ninja special search officer, Ao Taro, Zhengwen Standing steadily on the small podium in the Conference Hall, said.

“At the first time, I thought China’s dragon team was perfunctory. After all, that Shen Qiang looked too young, but since I saw Shen Qiang’s personal ability at the airport, I was pretty sure that this The Dragon Group’s safety consultant is not simple.”

“He has a strong mysterious power, which I don’t need to say, the situation of Divine Realm reception, I believe everyone is understood, Shen Qiang’s medicine and his pharmacy are all our unheard-of, what I haven’t seen, it is precisely Therefore, I can be sure that as long as Shen Qiang is present, our battle strength will not be seriously hit, because Shen Qiang has a powerhouse that can enable us to recover the battle strength in more than ten seconds in the case of serious injuries, and Obviously Junshan Prison cannot do it.”

With that said, the picture on the screen changed, and a photo of Jiao Yuwen smiling appeared on the screen.

“Yu Wenzi, female, 23 years old, Yuwen Family’s genius ninja, belonging to Junshan Prison, is the legendary Junshan Prison’s strongest Assassin, known as the magnetic escape. Storm thunder in the world of ninja. It is the last ten years , One of the three most assertive Assassins.”

“She took two shots at the reception, the first time was to push back Jisuke Junsuke, and the second time was to kill her. From a behavioral analysis, we have reason to believe that the first time To start, she just tried to stop Jiwu Junsuke from working with Shen Qiang, and the second time, when Jiwu Junsuke launched a duel, Yu Wenzi chose to kill him without hesitation.”

“This means that in her heart, Shen Qiang is far more important than Jiwu Junjie, who also belongs to Junshan Prison. According to the judgment of psychologists, in her mind, Shen Qiang should even override Junshan Prison, which means that Shen Qiang Advisor Shen took Yu Wenzi and would not have any problems with actions.”

“But she is a risk.” The person sitting below said: “Junshan Prison’s method of controlling people is very traditional, that is to control the family members of the members. If the members betray, the family members must be subjected to capital punishment, but the people of Yuwen Family are still Nothing happened, it means that your judgment is not valid, Yu Wenzi is still a person from Junshan Prison.”

“Maybe it is, but it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that Shen Qiang is here. With the top ten battle strength of the security hall and those elite people, we have the ability to launch a fatal blow to the Junshan prison headquarters.”

Hearing the words of Yi Qinghu Taro, one of them said: “The risk is too great, because we don’t know when Yu Wenzi will go wrong. If she suddenly rebels, the situation will make us very unfavorable, so this matter should be Careful consideration, the present time may not be mature.”

A Qinghu Taro hearing this, eyes cold, said: “No, the time is ripe, the plan is very detailed, Shen Qiang plus the team around him, is enough to be comparable to a top ten battle strength, no, even more than ten Battle strength is more valuable, and that Yu Wenzi, who is not a loser to the top ten battle strengths, has them and we are already winning.”

“What about the plan? We all want to know about it and evaluate the risk.” A Ninja Security Agency executive said.

Ichiro Taro was laughing at this and said, “I have no intention of offending you. Junshan Prison is one of the three major ninja groups. Their tentacles are all over the country of ninja. The detailed plan content has been sealed and will be shown to you only after they are destroyed. Before the action, only Shen Qiang and I knew the whole plan.”

Hearing this, one person said angrily: “Yi Qingte, do you think we are not worthy of trust? Not as good as Shen Qiang?”

Yi Qing Hu Taro laughed and said: “No intention to offend, but it is true. First of all, Shen Qiang is a member of the Chinese Dragon Group. He did not understand the grievances and complaints between the three major ninja groups, nor how much Junshan Prison did. evil,”

“From the perspective of his behavior style, Junshan prison is indestructible. He actually doesn’t care at all, because Junshan prison is our trouble, not the dragon group. This is the Ninja Kingdom, not China. He may be for money or benefit. , Reached an agreement with any Ninja group, but he is destined not to stay here for a long time, so he may be more unscrupulous in doing things, that is to say, he may act more terrifying than in China,”

“Yi Qingte, please answer my question directly.” The man was not happy.

Yi Qing Hu Taro laughed and said, “My answer is already clear, that is why Shen Qiang is not concealed because he came here to assist us in destroying the King Mountain Prison, so no matter what he reached with him There is no room for manoeuvre in this matter of interest, because if he can’t do it, he will be very embarrassing.

“So, you told him everything, and you are guarding against us?” The man became more and more unhappy, saying: “Don’t you think it’s too much?”

Yi Qing Hu Taro smiled and said: “It is a little too much, which may cause trouble to Consultant Shen, but I have to do this because I know that if the task is only known to me, then I should soon I was assassinated, but others knew it would be different, because then, even if I were killed, I wouldn’t be able to stop the destruction of Junshan Prison, so…”

Taro Aoyu, who raised his voice, said, “I have finished speaking, please wait for the good news and say goodbye.”

After bowing to salute, Aoyu Taro left.

Everyone else left, and the senior man who had been very angry before entered the bathroom in a hurry and made a call.

“You have all seen the process of the meeting, please let my family go!”

“Yes, rest assured.”

Hang up the phone, in the Conference Hall of Junshan Prison Headquarters, the short man with white hair headed by the old man, said with cold eyes.

“Ichiro Taro is our mortal enemy and the most threatening presence in the Ninja Security Agency. He is very smart and tells Shen Qiang the details and arrangements of the operation. In this case, because he is not familiar with life here, the time of the action It’s more urgent, so even if I kill Taro Aohu now, I can’t stop his plan.”

“However, he obviously underestimated us because the death of Yoshitake Junsuke has made us successfully bury a chess piece next to Shen Qiang. Let’s go, it’s time to meet her. I believe that by virtue of last night Shen Qiang must now listen to her and treat her like a treasure.”

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