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Everyone present was stunned for a moment. The beautiful and alluring sky photo also looked at Yusuke Yoshitake with surprise. “Yoshiya, you are too much. Divine Realm’s patience is limited. You are here again and again. It’s hard to think that Divine Realm will let you act wilfully?

At the moment when I heard beautiful and alluring Tianzhao, many of the cultivators present did not speak, but my heart was as clear as a mirror.

“This Jiwu Junsuke should have received the task. Otherwise, as soon as the impossible appeared, she was aiming at Shen Qiang. First she said that Shen Qiang did not dare to come. As a result, she was shocked by Shen Qiang and hit the wall. Chopped up, shot against Shen Qiang, was pushed back by the beauty around Shen Qiang, and now he is even more directly initiating a duel, which is probably an irreconcilable situation.”

“It feels that Jiwu Junjie is a little bit unknowing. What is Shen Qiang’s identity? A medical god-like existence, a duel with him like this? A coward if he doesn’t accept it? What did he think? No point in his heart?”

“It’s a bit too much. Although Shen Qiang represents the Dragon Team, he came here and did cooperate with the Ninja Security Bureau to deal with Junshan Prison. However, such a fierce reaction from Junshan Prison means that they are really afraid.”

Everyone watched, not pitting.

Jiwu Junjie said icily: “I launched a duel. If Divine Realm is a place of courtesy, then I will go to the door and ask for guilt, but now, Shen Qiang accepts it or not. You have no right to interfere.”

These words made the beautiful and alluring sky shine instantly, and the flaming red lips also showed a sneer.

“It’s funny, Shen Qiang is a god-killer. The sea emperor of Atlantic City can’t take him, and he is a courageous impostor who dares to fake the dragon emperor. With a ninja who only has the cultivation base of the Taoist period, he dare to talk to him. Duel? Isn’t this just death? Thought that Shen Qiang is also the cultivation base of the Taoist period. If you fight it, you will win 5 5 open? Joke, he is Divine Race!”

Almost at the same time as the beautiful and alluring sky, the corner of the mouth sneered.

Shen Qiang’s face also froze.

In fact, coming here, Shen Qiang’s goal has always been clear, that is, for the balance ruler, apart from this, if it is best to subdue Wenzi, if not, just leave her here, which has never been shaken Decide.

Therefore, from the beginning to the present, this Jiwu Junsuke has never really been placed in the position of the enemy in Shen Qiang’s heart.

Because the current Shen Qiang is so powerful, it is definitely not as simple as it looks.

First of all, the differences in physique caused by the Foundation Establishment of Fetal Dragon Essence, 5 Sword, Dragon Baby, Youying secret technique, the constructed divine seed, the source of the growing plague, and the madness of Medicine Sage secret technique, plus Shen Qiang’s Daoguo ten meters Heavenly Dao, Shen Qiang’s true battle strength, is now enough to make the Peak Powerhouse drink a pot.

And that’s not counting the particle gun array, Shen Qiang’s infinite sword array, black blade, and the battle cultivation technique taught by the dragon team War God.

If Shen Qiang rises and eats a pill of food, even if it is the Peak powerhouse in the combined period, it will be rubbed by Shen Qiang on the ground.

So for Jiwu Junshen, Shen Qiang never thought of hitting him, killing him, or bullying him.

Although Shen Qiang’s method is very ruthless, in the bones is a real gentleman. In Shen Qiang’s heart, it is meaningless to bully the weak, knowing that the battle will be won, and there is no reward. Why not talk about it?

But now Shen Qiang is a little angry, because of this product, it is coward to say that Shen Qiang does not accept his duel request.

“I haven’t been stupid enough to allow my dignity to be hurt by others. If you want to hurt my honor, then I simply don’t mind, killing ants like you.”

Shen Qiang’s words made everyone present cold.

“Did you finally show your true face? Shen Qiang, I understand you. Instead of being humiliated by such a fool, kill him, he he he, but this is what every Divine Race will do. Sure enough, as a Divine Race You are no exception!”

At almost the same time, in Yu Wenzi’s ear, he suddenly heard the sound transmission.

“Stop him, Ji Wujun is alive, this is the order of Junshan Prison!”

The words that suddenly appeared in her ears made Yu Wenzi, who was also disappointed with Jiwu Junjie, cold, but she had to sigh. After all, when she thought that the family was under the control of Junshan Prison, she could only act decisively.

“let me do it!”

The sudden sound of Yu Wenzi made Shen Qiang frown.

But almost at the same time, the figure had proudly appeared in Yu Wenzi’s presence in front of Ji Wujun. Not only the solid and upright posture and beautiful face, but also the eyes of everyone present, it was like spring ding dong The clear voice also made everyone present could not help but focus all on her.

“Beautiful, this woman’s figure and appearance are impeccable, and the cultivation base is completely inferior to Jiwu Junjie!”

“She is beautiful, but she seems not wise enough. Junwu Jiwu is the strongest young ninja in Junshan Prison. How could she win him as a woman!”

“Too strong is not good, as long as the woman hides, she will do.”

Among everyone’s optimism, Jiwu Junjie frowns saying: “Spark off, the object of my duel is Shen Qiang!”

I heard this.

Unhappy in my heart, I know that Yu Wenzi is definitely because he belongs to Junshan Prison, and he does not want this Shen Qiang, who died in his own hand, Jiwujun Junjie, inexplicably unhappy, can not help but say indifferently: “Want to fight with me You have to have that ability. If you can’t even beat a woman by my side, what are you qualified to challenge me?”

“Shen Qiang! Do you look down on me?” Jiwu Junjie was furious.

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Yes, I just look down on you, and I agree that the reason why she and you are dueling is to humiliate you. In front of everyone, prove that you are not as good as a woman. What can you do? Do you think you I will be used to you all the time for the third time?”

In an instant, Jiwu Junjie froze.

Tian Zhao, who is beautiful and alluring, pu chi, and smiled and bent her eyes.

“It’s really a dangerous man. I really thought he wouldn’t have emotions. Sure enough, after making him irritable, what a gentleman’s manner is not as good as a hearty battle.”

Just as the beautiful and alluring Tian Zhao smiled.

The many cultivators present also laughed.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It would be necessary to pretend to be Shen Qiang. Come on, maybe it’s not good. This Jiwu Wujun really has to fall here today.”

“He can’t afford to lose now. If he loses to the woman next to Shen Qiang, then he can be lost.”

And when everyone laughs, Yu Yanzi’s inexplicable face trembled with a beautiful face and a solid and upright figure.

“Shen Qiang is angry, he knows that I am trying to save people, alas, in this case, all I can do is win, because if I lose, simply cannot stop their duel.”

In the sigh, the wind rose, not only blowing the corner of her skirt, but also blowing her long hair.

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