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In an instant, the people present were stunned, and even the beautiful and alluring sky photos that had long been used to the various magical means in Divine Realm were instantly horrified. Not only did they look at Shen Qiang with shocking eyes, but their hearts were inexplicable. Not only did the laughter of the displeasure completely disappeared, but there was a sense of uneasiness in my heart.

“Impossible, suffered such a serious injury, impossible is treated like this!”

At the same time the feeling of uneasiness rises in the beautiful and alluring sky.

In other cultivators, the corners of the lips curled up to sneer.

“Shen Qiang is crazy, so serious injuries, more serious than Christopher, as long as he does not die, it is already a miracle, still get up to practice?”

“He he he, this Shen Qiang, it’s really funny, no medical skills, Illusion Technique come together, if he can get up and practice, my name will be your last name!”

“Whimsical, does he think he is a healer!”

But the sneering arc just on their lips was just lifted, and it can be seen as a moment of ridicule.

Long Zhiming lying on the ground not only opened his eyes in an instant, the whole person was even a carp, and jumped up.

In an instant, the cultivator absolute silence present, the webcast room, and the Divine Realm chat group, there was no news in an instant. No matter whether it was a cultivator or Divine Race, they suffocated instantly, and even the heartbeat seemed to stop, even the pulse, I can’t feel it in this brief moment.

“Drink it, and then give me a set of military punches!” Shen Qiang calmly dropped a small bottle and returned to Long Zhiming.

Long Zhiming, who had received the medicine bottle, was a little ignorant.

But without any hesitation, she immediately executed Shen Qiang’s order.

“Impossible! The severe injury was immediately healed, and he stood up with the carp!”

Junshan Prison’s chief medical officer, Miki Yukiko, looks pale, and looks at Long Zhiming as if having a nightmare.

“Brother! Is that okay?” Qing Xie’s eyes were a little scared by sound transmission: “Even if you have a good medical skills, he is just right, you let him punch?”

Shen Qiang couldn’t help but sigh, expert lonely.

No way.

Shen Qiang’s Tao Guo is so powerful.

Although the current Shen Qiang cannot yet resurrect the dead with the help of Dao Guo, Shen Qiang’s Dao Guo can prevent the wounded from dying. That is to say, the current Long Zhiming, although True Yuan is exhausted, But his physical condition has returned to before his injury.

In such a situation, his body can feel fatigue and True Yuan is exhausted, but that’s all.

After all, if not even possible, how could Shen Qiang, with 30 elite sea monsters, smash the shrine of Atlantic City?

“Such serious injuries, if you practice immediately, you will definitely commit suicide!” Yoshitake Junsuke coldly snorted: “This cruel request, only you assholes, will mention it!”


In the roar of Jiwu Junsuke, Long Zhiming has started to punch.

Being a bodybuilder.

His boxing style is still strong.

Such a scene shocked everyone completely speechless.

The brain is even blank.

not only.

With a set of military body punches, the faster and faster, only about ten seconds, Long Zhiming’s boxing style has once again launched a powerful True Yuan, although it is far less powerful than the previous Shen Qiang drugs, but its strength The degree is enough to be comparable to the ordinary Primordial Chaos Realm cultivator.

Such a scene not only shocked the beautiful female ninja around her, but also looked at Shen Qiang with 10000 points of joy, and Fang Xin was the jump of peng peng, saying: “It’s amazing! This is the real hand of God Ah, wave your hand and reply to battle strength! This is something that only God can do!”

Not only was her beautiful eyes shocked, the beautiful and alluring sky photos, but also her beautiful eyes stared at Shen Qiang in surprise.

“What a great god killer! Shen Qiang! Why do you pretend to be Dragon Emperor, even if you don’t have Dragon Emperor’s strongest battle strength, you can already be in the Divine Realm with your medical skills alone? Now!”

Just when their eyes were shocked and their eyes looked at Shen Qiang without blinking.

Many of the cultivators present looked at Long Zhiming, who was shockingly watching the boxing style. His eyes changed from shock to fear, but then he immediately became ecstatic.

Before they had expressed their views, even if they died of illness, they would never go to Shen Qiang to seek medical treatment. They immediately burst into cheers and rushed to Shen Qiang more crazily.


One of them was already kneeling down when she had five meters away from Shen Qiang’s front foot. It seemed that she was rushing to Shen Qiang’s thigh to hug.

“Shen Divine Doctor, your medical skills are awesome, my big brother was injured 3 years ago, you save him!”

Blue Scorpion immediately blocked him.

But at this time, all the cultivators present were shocked and ecstatically praised.

“Praise the Almighty God! It was he who directed us to see the super Divine Doctor from mysterious East, Shen Qiang that no one else could!”

“Praise you! Shen Qiang, from now on, you are my idol, you must be the god of medical treatment, please see me in the face of our fate, and promise me, if my family is sick, please help me!”

“You are too great to be the best doctor I have ever seen in your life. You are high-spirited, open-minded, humble, kind, and simply a kind of incarnation. This world is so wonderful because of you.”

They rushed to Shen Qiang’s side frantically, all eyes bright, and boasted Shen Qiang in front of them with a little blush.

Many Chinese cultivators who had been waiting quietly to watch their jokes before were all ignorant.

“Damn, is it so shameless?”

“Hey! Hey! You are too much. You were still shouting there just now. Even if you die, you don’t ask Shen Qiang for medical treatment. Have you changed your face before the words have fallen?”

“I have a big wipe! You have forgotten what you said? What about your arrogance? Didn’t you say that he is so sinful, supercilious, intolerable? This changed his face? Yes, you, that fatty, just shouted at you just now Is the loudest!”

In an instant, the many cultivators present, not looking at the China cultivator who was completely unprepared by them, each of them is a pair, we will never admit that we have said that kind of words, surrounded by Shen Qiang, each Happy smile.

“Shen Divine Doctor, your socks are really tasteful.”

“Consultant Shen, your value is superb in the world.”

“Consultant Shen, I have a plant in my family. I joined the king in 1000. Ping Shi Family’s father regards it as a treasure and waits for idle people. I simply don’t want to see it, but the sword is a hero. The kind of treasure is only in the hands of young people like you. valuable.”

“Mr. Shen, talent on one side!”

“Mr. Shen Merry Liusu!”

“Mr. Shen handsome like a jade tree!”

“Mr. Shen is a real gentleman.”

Listening to their words, Shen Qiang smiled. Sure enough, after seeing Shen Qiang’s first aid, they no longer remember the chief medical officer of Junshan Prison, and did not feel that Shen Qiang said she was a nobody.

Not only that, while the waves of compliments followed by the crowd, the chief medical officer of Junshan Prison, who sighed, Miki Yukiko, had squeezed the crowd and came to Shen Qiang.

Immediately in the eyes of everyone surprised, her waist bent to 90 degrees.

“Mr. Shen, please forgive me for being arrogant. You are right. I am really a nobody, and your first aid is the real…hand of God!”

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