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Hearing the words of the person who looked like a medical assistant, on the stage of Little Wu, the figure with a sexy figure and a beautiful and alluring face, the beautiful eyes lighted up in an instant and lost his voice in consternation: “What? Just 4 days after birth, the skull is huge blood vessels, let Shen Qiang use this operation to compare with the doctor of the Knight regiment? It sounds, really, hehe…fair!”

This remarked the many cultivators of the Knight medical officer before the scene, and was instantly dumbfounded.

“God, can this guy be more shameless? He gave an adult a heart bridge, and then let Shen Qiang do it for a 4-day-old baby with a success rate of only 5%, which is almost a mortal intracranial giant blood vessels tumor surgery. ?”

“Damn, compared with the medical officer of this Knight group, how can I suddenly feel that the seemingly rude and rude Shen Qiang is decent!”

“It’s against the spirit of Knight. It’s not fair. A baby born 4 days old will be so delicate that there will be mortal danger when touched, not to mention the operation of this huge intracranial blood vessel tumor, and it will die when touched. The special code is also called fair competition?”

Many cultivators are obviously angry.

But at this time, the Knight group medical officer who was performing cardiac bypass surgery on the adult, proudly raised his eyebrows coldly snorted and said: “This is fair, I am the medical officer of the Knight group, and Shen Qiang is the number one person of China Medical Road. , I admit that the surgery he is going to do is more difficult than mine, so as long as he does everything well before my surgery is completed, I admit that he won, if he dare not do it, or if it is not done well, Then naturally I won.”

As soon as his voice fell, everyone was stunned.

“Asshole, if you are so shameless, you can say it. Does he treat us all as fools? When this kind of rogue means comes to the test, Shen Qiang will definitely lose.”

But the cultivator present, while having a definition of this competition, Shen Qiang suddenly pu chi smiled and said: “Sure enough, there is no difference between the hypocrisy of the cultivator world and the cultivation world, but don’t forget, in the absolute In the face of its power, any crafty plots and machinations are just a joke, and more importantly, for the medical way, my Shen Qiang is absolutely powerful.”

At the moment when he heard this, Yu Wenzi was stunned, and then said anxiously and angrily: “Shen Qiang, don’t be fooled by your 10000000, just 4 days old baby, moving a huge blood vessel tumor in the skull Once he bleeds, he will die immediately, and the wisdom of your life will be destroyed!”

Not only that, the many cultivators around were also angry, and said to the enemy.

“Yes, this medical officer of the Knight regiment is terrible. If such an operation can be done, he must be rushing to become famous. He thinks that the baby patient must die before handing it to you. Don’t be fooled. You don’t do this. Surgery, we will not think you are inferior!”

“That’s too mean, the dragon wars, the tiger battles that had been full of anticipation have become so disgusting, these people, really for the purpose, do everything they can!”

“Yes, you don’t need to do it, we will prove to you that it is not that you are not as good as Shen Qiang, but that they are too mean!”

At the same time, various messages have also exploded in Divine Realm’s chat group.

“Sure enough, once the specific interests are involved, the ugly nature of mankind is exposed.”

“Poor Little Brat, only 4 days old, has become a victim of battle. It seems that he has already been determined to be unable to survive, otherwise, how could such a small Little Brat appear here.”

“It doesn’t seem to be saved. This Little Brat is also really pitiful. It was not long before he died, but he became the tool of the despicable guy to smear Shen Qiang, and he was suddenly very angry!”

And when the members of Divine Realm, and the cultivator present, were so angry that they were full of fire.

Looking at Little Brat, who gripped one of his fingers with little hands, Shen Qiang’s lips suddenly showed a smile.

“This World, there is life every moment, and some people die, but this Little Brat is obviously a lucky man, because he meets me, it means that he will not die.”

In an instant, everyone who heard Shen Qiang murmured looked at Shen Qiang with shock.

“What do you mean? Shen Qiang is not angry? And, he seems to want to do this operation?”

“Does he think he is a god? This situation can’t be saved. The 4-day-old baby is very weak, and the huge blood vessels in the skull are in the womb, which means that she will definitely die. !”

“It’s too young. A 4-day-old baby would have a craniotomy for surgery. Cracking a joke? God can’t save her!”

The atmosphere in the chat group was instantly dignified.

“Without a powerful ability, how can I deserve the title of Divine Race, maybe this Shen Qiang will not disappoint us? Although, I also think that even if the Goddess of life is here, it is impossible to save the Little Brat, but Suddenly looking forward.”

“The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. After all, Shen Qiang is just a low-level god. If he really has advanced abilities, killing Athena will not become a god-killer, because God-killing means killing, so don’t hope. Okay, because at least you won’t be disappointed!”

“Oh, poor Little Brat, she must not know that she is going to die. She is destined to grow up unhealthy. If Shen Qiang can save her, I think, I am willing to accept Shen Qiang to join Divine Realm because of that At least it proves that he is a god worthy of respect. Although I know that this is unlikely, I still cannot to bear to think so.”

Observed by the gods in the cultivation and Divine Realm, the sexy sky that was originally hostile to Shen Qiang, in the eyes, inexplicably added a gentle sigh, hesitantly said: “Shen Qiang, if you don’t have If you are completely sure that she will return to health, let’s forget it. If you can’t guarantee the quality of her life, then it’s better to let her die.”

“Oh, you are worried that her postoperative recovery is not good enough, leaving repercussions, affecting intelligence and development?” Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes, said: “Then you are too underestimated me, because it is said that surgery Say, you can call me the god of surgery, because in this field, I can make Death God tremble.”

With that, Shen Qiang suddenly waved his sword.

Everyone present was shocked to see that although there was no drop of blood splattered, the baby’s head had been opened in an instant.

Later, everyone just thought saw a flash.

Not only a blood vessel tumor that was the size of an egg appeared on the side metal plate.

The baby’s head returned to its original shape in an instant.

Not only that, the baby who was very quiet suddenly cried out loudly, and the people who were already stunned suddenly startled.

But the sexy sky like the elegant fragrance of lily of the valley, Shen Qiang’s side appeared instantly, and the eyes looked at the little baby with a little big hand, who was crying, and said: “How does she Alright?”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and said, “She is just hungry. Can you help?”

In an instant, Tianzhao’s beautiful eyes were pleasantly surprised, but then, with a smile on her face, she gave Shen Qiang a big white eye and said: “When can you be serious and don’t talk bastard?”


Shen Qiang threw a packet of baby milk powder into Tianzhao’s arms and said with a smile: “When you are smart enough.”

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