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After seeing the sentence, the figure was so sexy that he could burst the cheongsam skylight at any time. He smiled and looked at Shen Qiang: “Well, Mr. Shen, since you must speak, then you might as well listen. listen.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “I am eligible to buy shares, not at all competitors, money and people are not a problem, so what I need to discuss with Divine Realm is nothing more than the problem of profit distribution. Am I right?”

Hearing this, the beautiful and alluring sky, the eyes were instantly cold, and then charming with a smile: “Divine Realm only cooperates with the most powerhouse, so you are only qualified now, but you are not sure to become the Divine Realm mall. Shareholders, so you say, I am willing to hear what you think.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Any business must be approved by both parties before cooperation can be carried out, then the most prone to problems, there has never been only the distribution of benefits, so we will talk from the most difficult and the most difficult place Get up.”

“Okay, please.” Beautiful and alluring Tianzhao raised her eyebrows.

At the moment when I heard this, all the cultivators present put their eyes on Shen Qiang’s body. Not only that, but the peng peng jumped in my heart and was extremely nervous.

After all, as long as the Divine Realm mall is not messed up, as long as it is opened, the daily advance is certain.

“The Divine Realm forum is too powerful, and the Divine Realm mall will certainly make a lot of money. I only care about how much he can earn if Shen Qiang does it? Almost 1%, after all, it is Divine Realm, shopping website, You can buy it for just a little money, but the user is on the Divine Realm forum!”

“Well… it feels so uncomfortable to watch others make money, so I think that Shen Qiang can get at most 1% of the profit. After all, this is breaking the head. Someone is rushing to do things. If Shen Qiang wants too much, I think Divine Realm will look for other partners.”

“The profit of 1% is absolutely impossible. After all, the Divine Realm forum is the real gathering place of cultivator. If there is no forum, just build an online shopping platform and you can only close down.”

Everyone present was not stupid. After all, with the rise of e-commerce, many people have tried it. For a while, various online shopping platforms were as many as the fur, but then they all closed down and survived. It can be counted on one’s fingers, because there is no Sufficient user support, the so-called online shopping platform, simply cannot survive on the Internet.

So almost immediately, they have concluded that Shen Qiang impossible is asking for too much profit.

“After removing the operation, the profit will be 90%. Well, I mean, the profitable part of Divine Realm mall, Divine Realm forum is 90%, and the rest 1% belongs to me.” Shen Qiang said with a smile.

For a moment.

The absolute silence at the reception, everyone looked at Shen Qiang in amazement.

“Crazy! This Shen Qiang must be crazy, is the Divine Realm forum a fool? 90% of the profit is given to Shen Qiang, then a mall for farts!”

“Really greedy, did you expose your nature in front of money?”

“It’s so dark! Compared with this Shen Qiang, I suddenly felt that each of those profiteers is kind and kind.”

At the same time, many cultivators were shocked.

Standing on the beautiful and alluring sky of Little Wu, the nameless flame instantly flashed in my heart, and my lungs were almost exploding!

“Shen Qiang, are you arguing because of tension?”

Beautiful and alluring Tianzhao pressed the anger and asked coldly.

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once, looked at the angry sky, smiled and bent his eyes, because Shen Qiang really needed Divine Realm mall, but at the same time, Shen Qiang knew more clearly, the real origin of this Divine Realm mall , Is a lie from Tianzhao.

And now, the matter has reached this step, and Tianzhao has not been allowed to overthrow.

Because at the first time, the Divine Realm forum was questioned, it could only be a crisis. After all, Divine Realm’s word of mouth was there for many years, which may cause some users to quit, but it won’t take long before they will come back, because the Divine Realm forum Is unique and unmatched.

But now, because of Tianzhao’s series of performances.

This lie can no longer be punctured, because it means that the forum will fall into a scandal, and in that case, innumerable cultivator forums will appear in an instant to compete for users, even in the end Divine Realm has passed, and it is impossible to be such a big company now.

In this case, Shen Qiang had no Divine Realm mall, even if it was lost, what was lost was just a chance to see it, but what about Divine Realm forum?

What they lost, but the user base accumulated over several decades!

Tianzhao lost her identity, which she used meticulously for a long time, Suzuran!

This is not a problem that money can solve.

So Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Of course not wrong, this is very reasonable, because Divine Realm mall, will be operated by me alone, all you have to do is to provide a mall entrance on the forum, and other things If you don’t have to do it, you will enjoy a 1% profit. This is already a pie.”

In an instant, the many cultivators present were stunned.

“Is this Lion’s big mouth? No, this is whale swallowing!”

“It’s so dark! Too greedy. This is really ugly. Is it going to take 90% of the profits directly?”

At the same time as many cultivators were shocked, the beautiful and alluring skylight also smiled coldly, saying: “In this way of profit distribution, Divine Realm has no possibility of accepting it!”

Shen Qiang smiled and raised her eyebrows: “You’d better not talk too deadly. You must understand that this is not possible. At most, I just lost a chance to make money. What you lost was my good intentions. And a god-level doctor who has no choice but to death God. After all, if it is a partner, I think, as long as the price is right, I think I will help you.”

In an instant, Tianzhao froze.

Immediately, at a glance, Meimu saw dozens of messages have popped up in the dialog box on the tablet that was originally used as a teleprompter.

“What a greedy guy, this Shen Qiang is so bold, he is threatening us!”

“You must not promise him!”

“Absolutely not. The glory of Divine Realm is not allowed to be overtaken by Shen Qiang!”

Seeing these words, the beautiful and alluring Tianzhao laughed, but just as she was preparing to fight back, a system hint suddenly appeared in the chat box. All the mute was banned, and only the group owner and management could speak.

not only.

More importantly, a person with a management title suddenly said: “The sea emperor has sought me to kill Shen Qiang, but I am very interested in his words, that is, this Shen Qiang has a godlike The medical technology, in the ten meters in front of him, those sea monsters became Undying Body, not only that, even the powerful war Goddess Athena failed to escape the fate he was killed, so I was thinking about how The treatment of Shen Qiang may be open to discussion, so Tianzhao, to change the subject and get time for us to discuss.”

Seeing such a speech, the beautiful and alluring sky photo, although it was about to explode, was still charming and raised her eyebrows, swallowed the words that came to her mouth, and then seemed to be extremely wronged, complaining: “Divine Realm is just a forum, Shen Boss is the richest, cultivation base is also the strongest, and the power is so strong that one hand shrouding the heavens, how can a weak woman like me and that small forum refuse your unreasonable request What about?”

Shen Qiang instantly realized that this day dressing up is pitiful, it is to do things at the same time.

There are already several cultivators around me, standing up.

“Bulling a girl is not an ability, just because you Shen Qiang wants to hide the sky with one hand? That’s a dream!”

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