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Hearing the beautiful and alluring face, wearing a cheongsam, and sexy Tianzhao said, Shen Qiang’s mind flashed countless guesses in a flash.

But immediately, Shen Qiang was only slightly smiled, calmly said: “Whether you admit it or not, I am still the current Dragon Emperor.”

Tianzhao smiled charmingly and signaled the leader to go down. Then he signaled Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi to follow her, and sound transmission said with a smile: “The person who can’t get the 3 Divine Item is not the Dragon Emperor. This is well-known, so no matter you No matter how hard your mouth is, you can’t change the current situation, so next, you should behave well.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said indifferently: “Although I don’t quite understand what your purpose is, but the meaning is clear, are you suggesting me to beat these children to attend the reception?”

Tian Zhao hearing this for a moment, then pu chi smiled at once, not only the flowers twitched with laughter, but the beautiful eyes also became extremely charming.

“I think you will be wrong. I just hope that you will not be here, and you will lose your reputation that you earned in the past.”

Speaking that’s all, Tianzhao gave Shen Qiang a charming look, then sexy bearing and charming temperament went straight to the reception, a small platform about 30 centimeters high.

That sexy figure, under the package of blue cheongsam, extremely enchanting, each step stepping over, all made the smiling Shen Qiang worried that the cheongsam would burst.

“What did she say to you?”

Yu Wenzi is curious.

Looking at the beautiful and alluring face, the figure exploded, the sky of sexy bearing and charming temperament, Shen Qiang smiled.

“She declared war on me, she made this reception, and the purpose of these people came, not to kill me, but to destroy my reputation.”

Yu Wenzi’s beautiful eyes were surprised, and she immediately held Shen Qiang’s arm in surprise, anxiously: “What do you mean?”

“In this world, there are two kinds of people who eat on the face, one is a politician and the other is a superior. Obviously, I am not a politician, but I am a superior. I have this series of auras above my head.”

“Dragon team safety consultant, medicine king, 10000 demon king, Heshenghe Boss, dragon emperor, and the first youth powerhouse in China cultivation, and all she has to do is to prove in front of everyone that I am nothing more than nothing. Famous people.”

“In this case, I will be embarrassed, and no one will respect me in the future. I will become a joke in the cultivator world, and the dragon team, the China cultivation world and Hesheng will become the object of ridicule.”

For a moment Yu Wenzi was silent.

“Shen Qiang is different from ordinary cultivator. Now Shen Qiang is a banner in China cultivation field. He represents the highest level of youth cultivator in China cultivation field. It also represents the dragon group, and is also the head of Heshenghe, his Fame, it is not his individual involved now. Once Shen Qiang loses, not only the status of China cultivation, dragons, and Heshenghe will drop a thousand zhang in one fall, but in the future I want to become the unparalleled powerhouse of everyone. dream.”

Thinking in my heart, Yu Wenzi, who is good at thinking, suddenly raised his eyebrows and said: “This day’s mind is too vicious. Considering that we are not clear, what kind of abacus she is playing, so we should avoid war now. After figuring out her true plan, think about the countermeasures.”

Shen Qiang’s eyes lit up when he heard Yu Wenzi making suggestions for himself.

Because this is a good sign.

This means that in her subconscious mind, she has accepted the psychological suggestion that she is the person of He Shenghe and she is the person of Shen Qiang.

However, her strategy, although it is the best choice in this case, if it is placed in the battle between sect and sect, forces and forces, this Yu Wenzi took this strategy to deal with it, absolutely stable Like a rock.

However, this is the reception at the Divine Realm forum.

The beautiful and alluring sky is in front of you.

It’s too late to hide.

Even more how, Shen Qiang is not the kind of person who wants to turn and run away when he sees his opponent.

“What you said makes sense, a good strategy, but that’s not my character.” Shen Qiang said with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth: “As the big brother of Heshenghe, a member of China cultivation, I must do it for me Compatriots and themselves have won enough benefits.”

“And the greater the fame, the stronger the deterrent, so as long as I can cope with the troubles of Tianzhao, today’s reception is a good opportunity for Shen Qiang to become famous in the world of cultivator 10000.”

Yu Wenzi froze, willow eyebrows tightly knit said: “The success rate is very low. Since she is sincere to plot against you, she must have a strict plan, and we know nothing about her plan. In this case, we are very It’s hard to win, so now, leaving here is the safest way.”

“People who want to plot against you will never stop because of your retreat.” Shen Qiang, who smiled and his eyes grew increasingly excited, said: “even more how, if the opponent is Tianzhao, then this matter will become interesting. Many, she was supposed to be my man, but now she is against me. How do you think I should punish her?”

Looking at Shen Qiang’s serious eyes and indifferent smile on her lips and the dangerous meaning of Shen Qiang’s mouth, the faint blush suddenly appeared in Yu Wenzi’s pretty face.

“Don’t men think about problems like this when they are in danger? Doesn’t Shen Qiang know to flinch? Such a fearless man is really… It makes people feel like peng peng!”

Almost at the same time, Wen Zi, showing a smile of shyness.

The beautiful and alluring sky photo that has stepped onto the podium has already begun her opening remarks.

The content is nothing bright.

First of all, say hello to the guests, thank you, and then talk about the friendship between cultivators, and then have a toast.

The whole process is high-end atmosphere, but it is hypocritical and drowsy.

But after all, it is the person in charge of Divine Realm Club, and the Divine Realm Forum, the moderator of the Asian region, all the cultivators present, all took a sip to the face, which means something.

And almost everyone thinks that the next time is definitely when everyone drinks and talks.

Standing on a small podium that is not high, the beautiful and alluring sky of the enchanting body smiles brightly, not only stunning the people present, but also said with a smile: “Everyone knows that the existence of Divine Realm Forum is the hope of cultivator There can be barrier-free communication between them, so that everyone can learn more about each other.”

“So this offline reception, the forum has invited everyone. Today, the most dazzling supernova in the cultivator world, the Dragon Group has been the only security consultant since its inception, Shen Qiang! Please welcome him.”

In an instant, not only did everyone put their eyes on Shen Qiang’s body, but the scene instantly applauded.

“Interesting.” Shen Qiang smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Looking at her skylight provocatively, Shen Qiang stepped forward and walked straight past.

Cowardly, evading, planning and moving?


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