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Suddenly, Sugio’s eyes cooled when he heard this, but he hesitated not at all after hesitating for a while, and at this time, he looked at a snow-white dress and was proudly coldly snorted as Jiwu Junjie as The expression of it should be by rights, the female cultivation of all regions present, immediately screamed.

“Wow, Ji Martial Lord is so handsome, so scared that Shen Qiang is afraid to come. What China’s first youth cultivator is a coward compared to Ji Martial Lord!”

“It’s cool, this is a man. I was looking forward to the Shen Qiang before. Absolutely, since he is so famous, he should be very powerful. However, in front of our handsome Jiwu Junsuke, he even showed courage. No.”

“Hmph, as I said a long time ago, Jiwu Junjun’s forbidden technique starfall is the most powerful ninjutsu in this world, a Medicine Refining Master, how dare he appear in front of him!”

In the cheers of the female cultivators, not only the proudly coldly snorted Jiwu Junjie showed a contemptuous smile, but many cultivators around the country also whispered in a low voice.

“What kind of tricks are there in the Dragon group, and now they are rumored to join forces with the Ninja Security Agency to deal with Junshan Prison. In this case, Jiwu Junjie said that the provocation must be arranged, even if the guy in the Dragon group does not have him. It’s great, and you shouldn’t escape.”

“That’s right, even if you can’t beat Jiwu Junsuke, it’s always possible to show a face, even if you don’t dare to show it, it’s really ridiculous!”

“Shameful, what China’s first youth powerhouse is just a coward that’s all!”

In the sneer of everyone’s doubts, Junsuke Yoshitake in a white dress, proudly coldly said: “Sugisuke Sugi, don’t you think the dragon group is very strong? Don’t you think that Shen Qiang very difficult to deal with? As a result he has Frightened to show up, this means that he is nothing more than a gutsless squad, who is known for his reputation. The so-called supernova of the dragon group is nothing but a waste. Compared with me, he is nothing.”

At the moment of hearing this, many of the cultivators and expressions all concentrated on Juno Sugio’s body.

Seeing that he still didn’t speak, many girls immediately wanted to scream and applauded Yoshitake Junsuke at the same time.

With a slight car engine sound, and bright lights.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly and strangely silent.

Then, when an extended business car, protected by two seemingly tough off-road vehicles, stopped at the door of the clubhouse.

Looking at each of the suits, very capable and sturdy China cultivator, trained to get off the bus, security, almost all cultivator looked at the extended business car.

“Yoshibu Junsuke, the person you are waiting for is here.” Sugisuke raised an eyebrow.

In an instant, Jiwu Junjie in a snow-white dress blushed a little.

Many cultivators from different countries were present, all smiling.

“It’s embarrassing. As soon as I said that people were cowards and didn’t dare to come, they came.

“Uh, Ji Martial Lord seems a little worried.”

“Hehe, pretending to be forced to death, just said that others would not dare to come, but they came, so funny thing, it seems that it can become a joke in the ninja world.”

At the same time as everyone’s mind turned slightly, and their faces smiled.

A black clothed man with his back to the extended business car reached out and opened the door.

Immediately, all the cultivators present saw the blue scorpion coming down from the co-pilot position.

At this time, he was dressed as a bodyguard.

But the slender legs and the beautiful face immediately screamed at the many female cultivation present.

“Wow, so beautiful, not right, so handsome!”

“This man is so beautiful!”

“My God, is such a handsome little brother Shen Qiang? How can he dress up as a security guard!”

Seeing a very handsome man step down from the business sedan, he immediately grabbed his limelight and caused many female cultivators to scream, Junichi Yoshitake, True Yuan broke out instantly.


The powerful True Yuan, like a battle flag burning in the dark, not only arrogantly provoked the provocation, but also directly pressed against the blue scorpion.

For a moment, the cold-eyed blue scorpion’s mouth showed a contemptuous smile.


The breath that didn’t lose to Jiwu Junjie completely came out of him. Not only did it not fall down, but the harsh breath and beautiful sneer made many female cultivators around him scream.

“Wow, what a handsome little brother.”


“It’s cool! Such a powerful handsome guy must be a great character in the dragon group!”

“So powerful, is he Qian Qiang!”

In the shocking eyes of everyone.

Seeing, True Origin aura, not at all, what cheap Jijun Takeu, expression turned cold, slammed his sleeve.

“Hmph, you are not Shen Qiang, I disdain you lower oneself to somebody’s level!”

Hearing this, the people present were stunned. Although they felt that this reason was a bit far-fetched, considering Jiwu Junjie, after all, it was the Number One Powerhouse of Junshan Prison Youth, so it was normal.

“Kyrgyzstan Martial Lord really is out of the ordinary.”

At the same time as many cultivators from all over the world transfer their thoughts.

Seemingly embarrassed by Jisuke Junsuke, coldly snorted added: “If it is Shen Qiang, I don’t mind, let him know, I am forbidden technique The power of starfall!”

Hearing this, several female cultivators present screamed immediately.

“Wow, it’s cool, or Jisuke Junsuke is more manly!”

“Good strength!”

“Hmph, this is the man, challenge Shen Qiang face to face, it is estimated that he dare not speak out!”

In the screams of the women.

Shen Qiang’s somewhat lazy and boring voice suddenly appeared clearly.

“Oh, sure enough, there are small characters who can’t be eye-catching everywhere, Ye Guyun, flying him, these 2 2 crispy pork heads are yours.”

In an instant, everyone on the scene understood, with a look of consternation, and those with incomprehension, a face of coercion.

Can be almost at the same time.


Almost at the moment when the car door opened, Yoshitake Junsuke in a snow-white dress flew out like a heavy blow, and where he stood before, he stood with a face full of surprises and smiled, with 2 A petite girl with a petite little tiger tooth.

“Master, I did it, I want 2 bags!”

Almost at the same time as everyone was shocked.

The first ninja of Junshan prison youth who was beaten and flew out, Yusuke Yoshitake, has forcibly adjusted his body, not only stopped the backward trend, but also angered in an instant. Not only did True Yuan rise to the sky in an instant, but the violently rotating True Yuan, more It was an instant tear of the trees and clubhouses around him.

“Asshole, sneak attack me, then you are dead!”

Countless fragments, hovering with the raging wind.

Many cultivators from around the world looked at this scene and were shocked instantly.

“Broken, this girl is angry with Jiwu Junsuke!”

“To suffer, he is the first youth powerhouse of Junshan Prison!”

“Yoshibu Junsuke’s anger is terrifying! He is going to kill!”

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