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The moment I heard Jiao Qiao Ye Gu Yun’s words, I had received an order to ask her to recommend a pillow and use the female advantage to dig out the details of the action from Shen Qiang’s mouth. Yu Wenzi froze, almost in an instant. I realized that all these things are not so simple.

Even Gu Guyun knows that Shen Qiang’s opponent is Yu Wenzi’s family this time. After self-recommendation, will Shen Qiang really tell himself everything?

The answer is… absolutely not!

Not only that, Yu Wenzi also seemed to understand in a moment, why Shen Qiang was hiding her from everything, because the opponent was Yu Wenzi’s family, so Shen Qiang didn’t want Yu Wenzi to know anything, which was very logical In this case, Shen Qiang’s previous behaviors that made her guess are completely understandable.

Knowing Shen Qiang’s Yu Wenzi in her heart, while finding a reasonable answer for herself, Meimu was even more unreasonably cowardly.

“Shen Qiang, this handsome, cool guy, did these things without me. Obviously I was afraid of embarrassment. Moreover, when he knew that I was a Yuwen Family person and a Junshan prison person, he was still protecting me , Then he must like me very much.”

“So happy!”

At the same time, she faintly flushed with faint blush, and looked at the unhappy Ye Guyun. After the beautiful eyes were just a flash, she smiled charmingly, and then she looked thoughtful and said: “Ye Guyun, my Silly younger sister, Shen Qiang cares a lot about the people around me, and even I still do. If they want to deal with you, then the Boss must jump up and kill someone immediately!”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun, who was instantly satisfied with his self-esteem, said: “Of course, but the owner and I signed the symbiotic imprint, and I gave my life half of it.”

Yu Wenzi’s eyes lit up.

At this moment, Shen Qiang’s voice suddenly came from the open door.

“Ye Guyun, Yu Wenzi, you two come in.”

“Oh, okay.”

The two beauties immediately answered and entered the room beautifully.

At the same time, I took the elevator and went downstairs to Aogi Taro. After seeing Shusuke Sugi, outside the hotel door, I looked around and saw all around. There was no member of the dragon group, said solemnly: “Get in the car. “

Saying that’s all, he took the lead in the black commercial vehicle.

After the sloppy Sugi Sugi and the plump Hejian were really in the car, Ichiro Taro, who closed the door, said coldly, “What Shen Qiang is planning is related to Yu Wenzi.”

In an instant, the plump Hejian was really beautiful, and he was startled. “Yi Qingte, I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

Yi Qing Hu Taro lightly frowned, and then said solemnly: “This is too abnormal. As a commissioner sent by the Dragon Group to cooperate with us, Shen Qiang should not bring Yu Wenzi itself. We can find that she belongs to Yuwen Family. Secret ninja, the dragon group has no reason to be unclear.

“Even if it is not clear, I have already made it clear just now, but under such circumstances, Shen Qiang suddenly turned his face with us, threatened us like a little child, and did not allow us to move in style. From his words, I can feel that in Shen Qiang’s heart, Yu Wenzi is above this joint operation.”

Hearing this, the sloppy Sugio Sugi held a cigarette that was not at all lit and said, “I have known for a long time that he is not a good thing. We regard joint action as more important than everything, but in him In her eyes, she is not as good as a woman, so don鈥檛 think about it. This Shen Qiang is just like the one recorded in the data.

Hearing this, Yi Qing Hu Taro’s eyes were fierce and he said, “Shanwei, you think Shen Qiang is too simple. On the appearance, He Jian is really inferior to Wen Zi, but on the figure, she is more sexy, and the crane Jian Huizhen has fallen in love with Shen Qiang. The charming eyes have explained everything. If Shen Qiang is really a prodigal prodigal son, let He Jianhui be his secretary. They will sleep together for a few hours. .”

In an instant, the sloppy Juno Sugi looked at Hejian in surprise.

The cute red slightly red crane really pushed her glasses and said, “Yi Qingte, I’m single. According to the information, Shen Qiang is also single. I don’t break the law even if I like him.”

Yi Qing Hu Taro said with a cold face: “Sorry, I said this, but I was just demonstrating my opinion. Shen Qiang appreciates your figure very much and has no sense of repulsion to you. I can feel that he doesn’t mind happening with you. What, but when I heard that Yu Wenzi was to be handed over to us, Shen Qiang immediately chose to refuse, without any hesitation, which meant that he personally ruined a show that was supposed to be where water flows, a canal is formed , So it is not true to say that he is a man who has lost his sight.”

At the moment when he heard this, Sugio Susuke said solemnly: “Oh, if Yi Qingte’s analysis is correct, then it can already be determined. Shen Qiang brought it to Wenzi specifically. As for the purpose, there are only three kinds. .”

“One, through her, spread false news and confuse Junshan Prison.”

“2, Shen Qiang, through her, secretly made some kind of transaction with Yuwen Family or Junshan Prison.”

“3, he is pursuing her.”

Say that’s all, Sugi Sugiyamaly said: “Yu Wenzi is a secret ninja. It’s hard to fool her with fake news. Shen Qiang is the special envoy of the Dragon group. Impossible deals with them, so the real situation is that Shen Qiang is pursuing She, um, Shen Qiang fell in love with Yu Wenzi, which is the most reasonable guess.”

After hearing this, the plump Hejian painted real, sneaked: “If it is true love, the Shen Qiang will not let Yu Wenzi get involved in this kind of thing, so I think that Shen Qiang is doing a deal because he Is a businessman.”

Hearing the words of 2 people, Ichiro Taro said sole solemnly: “Enough is enough, I don’t want to listen to your argument, listen clearly, I prepared 20 years before I found the opportunity to destroy Junshan Prison, so I don’t allow anyone to destroy us Action.”

“So listen to my order, Sugi Sugi, in the next time, you are responsible for seeing Shen Qiang in secret, if found, it is said to be ordered to protect.”

“Hi!” Sugio Junfu’s eyes lit up.

“He Jian Hui Zhen, you are very good, but the woman in love will become blind, Shen Qiang is like a sweet pastry in front of you, so the thing about Shen Qiang cannot be left to you, and you next The thing to be responsible for is to monitor Yu Wenzi in a comprehensive manner. Before notifying Shen Qiang, I will inform you that when the time comes, I want you to immediately arrest Yu Wenzi in secret and not let anyone know.”


See 2 people are already very clear, Yi Qing Hu Taro waved: “Go.”


After 2 people got off the bus, Yi Qing Hu Taro waved and drove.

At the moment when the car started, a strange shadow under the car quickly withdrew and then merged into the darkness along the corner.

Immediately, in the room, closing his eyes and raising his mind, the beautiful and beautiful blue scorpion opened his eyes.

“Yeah, it looks like it’s time to kill. It’s just killing Hejian Huizhen, or killing Wenzi. It seems that it’s not a good decision.”

As he said, the smiling handsome blue scorpion bounced a fast spinning coin in his hand.

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