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In Shen Qiang’s calculations, the perfunctory of the blue scorpion, and the speculation of being charming in Wenzi, the flight successfully arrived in the Ninja Kingdom.

Along the way, the beautiful ninja Yu Wenzi, because she was just watching Shen Qiang chatting with Qingxie, but they didn’t know what they said, so deep down in her heart, she was not only anxious, but also suspicious.

“Shen Qiang is very strange. If it is said that everything he does is for confidentiality, then start the Formation to prevent others from hearing what he said. Why, he does not even give others the opportunity to read lips. “

“This is abnormal.”

Yu Wenzi is alert.

“The accompanying person is the blue scorpion of the dragon group fighting team, and the members of the dragon group, and then Ye Guyun and me, who is he guarding against? Me? This is weird, because he can obviously use all kinds of fake news to come Test me, but why, don’t you want me to hear a word?”

“There is fraud?”

She looked at Shen Qiang strangely, and suddenly a bold and absurd thought rose in her heart.

“Is Shen Qiang really doing this to me? Is he using this method to put pressure on me while mobilizing my curiosity?”

Thinking about it, her steps slowed instinctively.

“Why did he do this? He was conspiring against me? If it is really the case, does that mean that all this is false? Junshan Prison is one of the 3 major ninja groups, and the Ninja Security Agency does not dare to mess up. of.”

“In this case, the team in the Dragon Group should only protect Shen Qiang.”

“Moreover, the biggest loophole is that they have too few people. A small team, with Shen Qiang, wants to touch Junshan Prison. Isn’t this death?”


Yu Wenzi’s beauty gradually brightened.

She was born as a ninja kingdom.

It is very clear that the various relationships between the three major ninja groups, from the very beginning, she has always wondered whether the so-called joint action is true.

The reason why she believes that the mission exists is because of speculation.

Now, because of Shen Qiang’s absolute confidentiality, Yu Wenzi is suspicious.

“It must be false, otherwise, Shen Qiang should not, even conceal ordinary conversations, he is afraid that I found a weak spot from his conversation with Scorpio, it must be like this!”

Thinking in his heart, Yu Wenzi’s beauty became contemptuous and moved.

The lips of pink cherry blossoms are also more sneered.

“If this is the case, Shen Qiang, you are doomed to have no way to leave here, because you are mine and your life will end in my hands!”

Yu Wenzi, who had thoughts in her mind, followed Shen Qiang and followed her at a moderate pace.

Breathing her familiar air, she was inexplicably a little touched.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang suddenly called out: “Yu Wenzi, come to me, I need you to do the translation.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi smiled. Not only did she walk gracefully to Shen Qiang’s side, she was even more charming.

But in her heart, she was full of sneer.

“Hehe, don’t you want to hide from me? What kind of talent does the Ninja Security Agency have? Chinese-speaking people, plentiful and easily available, in the dragon team combat team, know more Japanese, want to cheat me? Find someone to come Acting? Well, let me see, what tricks can you Shen Qiang play.”

Yu Wenzi smiled with a smile on her face, a pair of Shen Qiang who liked the show, and Ye Guyun, followed by Shen Qiang from left to right.

The handsome blue scorpion, like a bodyguard, is on their side. Later, about one meter will follow.

Crossing the passage, the moment I just entered the airport.

Followed by Shen Qiang, Yu Wenzi, who was full of good shows, suddenly became lovable body trembled, and then looked at with amazement, blocking the two cultivators in front of everyone.

“Behead the sword, Sugi Sugi!”

Seeing the folds on the shirt, he was only about 1.7 meters tall, with a thin beard on his jaw, holding his arm, and the young man who was coldly standing in front of everyone, Yu Wenzi’s eyes instantly shocked.

“Ninja Security Agency’s top search officer! This is impossible, he is in the Ninja Security Bureau, but it is equivalent to the presence of a dragon colonel, and is one of the strongest 7 top search officers!”

It was at the same time that Wen Zi was shocked.

The mature woman standing next to Tosuke Sugi, slightly smiled, politely said: “Excuse me, is it Shen Qiang of the Dragon Group, Mr. Shen? I am the top searcher of the Ninja Security Agency, He Jianhui, this one beside me This is the top search officer, Sugi Sugi. I’m very happy to see you.”

At the moment when she heard this woman’s words, Yu Wenzi, who was next to Shen Qiang, only felt scalp tingling.

“He Jian Hui Zhen! Legend has it, one of the strongest superior search officers with comparable quasi-super strength! Why are they 2 here! It doesn’t make sense, can it be said that Shen Qiang not at all lied to me?”

Almost at the same time that Wen Zi was horrified, and Utopia was together.

Shen Qiang flustered: “Superior search officer? What do you mean? Do you want to search?”

The moment I heard this.

The blue scorpion pu chi laughed a little at the side and lowered his voice and said: “The search officer is about equal to the criminal police.”

Shen Qiang snorted.

At the same time, the top searcher, Sugi Sugi, nicknamed the decapitator, held his arm and said coldly in the language of the Ninja Kingdom: “Oh, it’s really an rude guy, and the degree of ignorant and incompetent, really It’s horrible, such a guy, impossible can help us, telling them that they can leave.”

At the same time as Sugio Shanwei spoke, Yu Wenzi quickly translated.

Hearing these words, the blue scorpion’s face sank.

Yu Wenzi was a little nervous.

All my head was thinking, what does Shunwei Sugi mean.

At this moment, Shen Qiang smiled, because of conscience, Shen Qiang came to the Ninja Kingdom this time. The first goal was scales, and the second goal was to find a way to get things done in Wenzi, as for helping the Ninja Security Agency. It’s just a matter of being piggybacked. It’s a human relationship to help, not to do it.

“Oh, it was my misunderstanding. I have a friend who often downloads some of the best videos of the Ninja Kingdom. His favorite is the kind of search officer series wearing a Little Pi skirt and holding a small pistol, so I always thought that, The search officer and the body search are the same thing.”

I heard this.

Pu Chi, a fellow combatant who traveled with the dragon group, laughed out loud.

And this, obviously, makes the mature beauty He Jianhui really look a little ugly.

“Mr. Shen, are you so unreasonable?”

When she heard this question, Shen Qiang smiled: “I always thought it was the strong cultivation base and battle strength that could help the Ninja Security Agency.”

In an instant, He Jian was really silent.

At this time, Sugi Sugi, holding his arm, said in unusually fluent Chinese: “Enough, Mr. Shen, you are not welcome here, because we don’t need the help of the weak, so please return.”

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