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On the 2nd day at 8 a.m., at the airport, a large group of crazy fans, holding flowers, and being a well-regarded female star in the film and television circle, not only have many fans, but also many entertainment reporters.

“Wow, come out, come out, she is so beautiful, so beautiful!”

Many crazy fans, crazy flowers, all kinds of screams, the popular female stars with beautiful appearance, also full of pride, even posing in various poses, let those entertainment reporters casually shoot.

Not only does it attract the attention of the surrounding passengers, it also makes everyone inside and outside the airport feel curious.

At the same time could not help but admire.

“It’s so beautiful, no wonder so many fans.”

“What a pretty little fairy.”

“So beautiful.”

But at this time, a woman wearing black high-heeled shoes, flesh-colored stockings, one-step hip skirt, upper body white shirt, clean hair, neat, firm and sexy body, beautiful face, as if she did not see it at all The actress, from her side, raised her head with a perfect posture, like a proud swan, passing through the ducks and walking calmly.

For a moment.

The righteous actress who debuted with a beautiful face was stunned. Not only did she stare at the beautiful woman walking by, her eyes were even more shocked.

“She is so beautiful, so temperamental!”

At the stunning moment of the beauty star, the others present were also shocked.

Especially the fans of popular actresses are not only full of surprise, but also full of shock.

“Wow, this woman is so beautiful, this figure is too perfect, this face is as beautiful as a painting, is she here to smash the scene? This figure, face, temperament, instantly kill my idol into scum. !”

“Peerless beauty! The airport really hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Such a beauty can match her, probably only the beauty who met in 1000, Song Weiyin after the peerless film!”

“Pu… Damn, died of life, and charged her for labor, but now she is scummed by passersby!”

While many fans were staring intently at the proud woman, the entertainment reporters at the scene instantly turned their eyes on, not only the various shots of the machine in their hands, but also to be wild with joy.

Especially when they were photographed, the actress looked at her in amazement, and the woman with outstanding temperament walked past the actress, they were so excited that they were about to fly.

“The popular little flower is not as beautiful as passers-by!”

“Amazing beauty but not temperamental spike!”

“Popular beauty star, spiked by a passerby into a fire girl!”

Various thoughts wandered in their minds.

Those onlookers, in a flash, focused their eyes on the woman.

“Don’t think about it, a woman with such an extraordinary temperament is definitely a ruthless female president. If you can meet her, it will definitely be the Peak of life!”

“Leng Ao President Fan! Should call her female Sir Wang!”

“Perfect woman! Why talk about money, if you can have her, it is already Peak in life!”

Just as all the men stared at the woman’s graceful back in shock, her eyes followed her until she suddenly saw that the beautiful woman not only stopped in front of a young man who looked very charming A smile, and then crouched on the ground while helping the man wipe the shoes with a tissue.

Their eyes suddenly became angry,

“I have never seen such a shameless person in my life!”

“Such a beauty, if it is by my side, it must be a fearful presence in her mouth, then the scum of base and shameless even let her shine shoes!”

“It is tolerable, which is unbearable! Such a beautiful girl Sir Wang is actually being persecuted by him, which is simply unreasonable!”

In front of the VIP channel, Shen Qiang surprisedly felt those men and women, who seemed to be not very friendly, full of helplessness, then, to Yu Wenzi squatting in front of him: “Well, you don’t need to give Damn shoes first Now, go over there and give me a call to 1000 Ning and teach her how to put on makeup, um, start with how to apply eye shadow.”

Hearing this, Yu Wenzi reluctantly stood up and glanced at her. She was not far away from Shen Qiang. She looked at her sensibly, obviously all cultivators, and those with obvious military qualities, some lost. The ground snorted, then smiled, and said sweetly: “Okay, I’ll go talk to her now.”

Shen Qiang nodded and ignored her completely, and then not only opened the Formation instantly, but also looked at the man in front with surprise, and said: “You are really sure, I want to work with the Ninja Security Agency to run Junshan Prison ?”

“Yes.” The man said calmly: “This is not to ask about your attitude, but to convey the order. This time you go to the Ninja Kingdom. Your identity is a special agent of the Dragon Group to assist the Ninja Security Agency. The specific action plan is to log in. You will see it after the plane.”

Shen Qiang pu chi smiled and said, “You have to give me the materials for handling the case.”

The man raised his eyebrows coldly: “The case is handled by the Ninja Security Agency. You are only responsible for assistance, support, and provision of necessary military force assistance.”

“The fight is over.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow: “Does this mean?”

The man said solemnly: “Yes, if necessary, our staff will assist you.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Okay, very good, very good.”

Glanced aside, Yu Wenzi, who was constantly looking at the situation here, said said solemnly: “In addition, the lieutenant general will let me convey to you a sentence, the fake is always fake, there will always be a variety of weak spot, but really, never fake it.”

The moment she heard this, Shen Qiang’s eyes brightened, and she said solemnly, “I understand. Thank you Lieutenant General for me.”

“I will convey.”

Say that’s all.

The man turned and left.

Watching his back.

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and said to Yu Wenzi, who was on the phone: “Teach her another day, let’s go.”

Yu Wenzi immediately hung up the phone, oh, and then helped Shen Qiang to carry the bag and followed behind Shen Qiang.

Wait for them to go.

The female star over there also left.

And the scratched head walked head down.

Those fans also seem to be very absent.

On the contrary, it was the entertainment reporters, all with bright eyes and happy smiles, and pulled away with the help of the actress’s assistant, and all smiles.

The onlookers were curious and angry.

“Who is that bastard, is it such a cow? Such a big beauty, just give him shoes and carry the suitcase?”

“Yeah, if I say anything, I have never seen such a cheeky shameless man in this life. Is he rich enough? Can he act wilfully if he has money?”

“It’s simply not human.”

“Wait, what’s so great about VIP, wait for a while to get on the plane, and see him, I must make him look good, then bully the beauty like Goddess, a chivalrous person like me can’t stand it!”

“Yes, wait for a while to get on the plane, and educate him how to be a man!”

Just when they were upset about Yu Wenzi, an airport staff member passed by, and Pu Chi laughed at once.

“What do you think? People special plane, do you think you can get on?”

In an instant, everyone was silent.

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