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Looking at the beautiful and graceful hands, I am full of eyes, and I am proud of my smart-eyed mermaid Princess Koi 1000 Ning, Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once, and then there was some luck, fortunately 1000 Ning Tiansheng was proud, no Together, otherwise, her intelligence quotient, it is really sold by someone who has to help the number of people.

Because this is too obvious.

According to Shen Qiang’s original plan, when sending these cultivators away, they said that Shen Qiang was going to the Ninja Kingdom. Then, Shen Qiang speculated that Yu Wenzi would pretend not to hear it. Next, Yu Wenzi would Make up the reason and follow Shen Qiang to figure out what medicine is sold in Shen Qiang bottle gourd.

Unfortunately, Shen Qiang guessed the beginning, but did not guess the result.

Yu Wenzi is indeed a reason for fabrication, and she must follow Shen Qiang.

This means that Shen Qiang has dug the hole she has jumped.

But at the same time, compared with Shen Qiang’s meticulous layout, she dug a small pit, and 1000 Ning jumped.

And it is the simplest method of principle.

Give 1000 Ning a psychological hint that no locals are in danger, and then?

1000 Ning Instinct wanted to find a local to accompany Shen Qiang.

That is undoubtedly already confessed. She comes from the Ninja Kingdom and is Yu Wenzi of the Ninja. She is the best fellow.

This should have been Yu Wenqi begging Shen Qiang to take her things, because the existence of 1000 Ning turned into a proposal of 1000 Ning, a requirement of 1000 Ning. In this case, Yu Wenzi became an assistant, Shen Qiang missed an opportunity to confront Yu Wenzi directly and establish authority.

What’s more important is that 1000 Ning’s proposal seems extremely reasonable, and it is not normal to refuse.

But at the same time, Shen Qiang unable to bear laughed that this Yu Wenzi, although a master of lies, is really smart, very cunning, with a good appearance, and a strong cultivation base, if If it can really be used by Shen Qiang, it will definitely be a strong teammate.

As for 1000 Ning, hehe, she sings just fine.

Do endorsement.

When necessary, help Shen Qiang to gather sea monsters.

If she is left alone, Shen Qiang is really afraid that she doesn’t even know how she died. It is definitely an undoubtedly cute teammate.

“This sounds like a good idea.”

Shen Qiang is really unable to bear laughing.

It seemed to feel that Shen Qiang had seen through, and Yu Wenzi also smiled and bent his eyes, saying: “If Boss needs a guide, Yu Wenzi would like to work hard.”

Shen Qiang looked at 1000 Ning with a helpless smile, and said, “You really have a good idea, it’s perfect. If Yu Wenzi follows me, you can rest assured.”

Hearing 1000 words of hard nodded, she said charmingly: “Well, there is a younger sister with you, I don’t have to worry, you are bullied by those locals.”

While talking, holding Shen Qiang in one hand and Yu Wenzi’s 1000 Ning in the other hand, while walking into the house with them, he frowned suddenly and said: “Shen Qiang, oh, otherwise, call those Elite sea monsters, follow you. After all, the influence of Tianzhao is too great for the Ninja Kingdom. 10000 As soon as she finds you in trouble, just Wenzi younger sister and you, I worry that you will lose money.”

Hearing this, Yu Wenzi’s eyes were instantly alert, and she looked nervously at Shen Qiang.

After all, she understands.

In the deep sea, Shen Qiang’s identity is Dragon Emperor, those elite big sea monsters are absolute loyal deceased, if those elite big sea monsters follow, then her Yu Wenzi is probably really just a guide, Wanting to get close to Shen Qiang and understanding what Shen Qiang is doing is simply a dream.

“Oh, they do, I made arrangements.” Shen Qiang smiled indifferently, said: “You can rest assured that I haven’t been arrogant enough to take any precautions when going to the enemy’s site, even more how , There is Ye Guyun, her speed, you should understand, not to mention the ordinary cultivator, or the sky, even if it is a god, who can catch up with her speed is also as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn Horns, all the worst, no one can keep me when I want to go.”

Hearing this, after a moment of hesitation, 1000 Ning smiled and smiled, saying: “Well, in this case, Ye Guyun and Wenzi younger sister are by your side, I’m relieved.”

Shen Qiang laughed, didn’t want to say anything.

Because 1000 is condensed here, Yu Wenzi gives her a gun and she will let it go.

Then, all the strategies will be used by Yu Wenzi to borrow her hand to make a pot of porridge.

Not only will there be no effect, but she will easily arouse her vigilance.

Back to the living room.

Sitting on the sofa, he calmly opened the food box Yu Wenzi brought to him.

Standard 4 dishes and 1 soup.

While eating, Shen Qiang looked at Yu Wenzi and said, “Tomorrow’s flight at 8 am, your identity is my secretary. Will the related work be handled? If not, I will call Ye Guyun to pick it up Ke Bizhu.”

The moment I heard this, the charming Yu Wenzi said with a smile: “You know, I am a ninja and I have received relevant training, so you can rest assured.”

Looking at the charming Yu Wenzi, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Very well, then you take a break early. Remember, Heshenghe Group is a big company, so look beautiful tomorrow and don’t embarrass the company.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi smiled charmingly and said, “Okay, then I’ll go back first.”

Saying that’s all, she got up and went back to the room.

When she closed the door, there was no movement, the Koi 1000 Ning suddenly looked at Shen Qiang, and the sound transmission said with surprise: “What do you two say weird?”

Shen Qiang smiled, looked at 1000 Ning and continued to eat a few bites, then put down the chopsticks, and then to the puzzling mermaid Princess Koi 1000 Ning, sound transmission said: “Our words are not strange at all. , You think too much.”

1000 Ning hesitated for a while, and suddenly pu chi a said with a smile: “I don’t care, anyway, you have to go out tomorrow, then you have to accompany me tonight.”

Looking at her charming eyes, slightly red’s pretty face, and the slightly saucy smile.

Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes, saying: “It’s not ashamed.”

1000 Ning’s pretty face, instantly red to the root of her neck, but she still raised her eyebrows stubbornly: “hmph, don’t think I don’t know what the hell you think, anyway, I will let Wenzi younger sister wear it tomorrow morning The tooling will accompany you. Do you want her to dress up beautifully? Well, I don’t agree.”

Shen Qiang burst out laughing.

“Well, smart, generous, be careful, Lady Vinegar.”

1000 Pouting, holding her arm in displeasure and raising her eyebrows, “Then I will go with you tomorrow, and I can also be a secretary.”

Shen Qiang smiled, bent her eyes, stood up, and hugged 1000 directly, then looked at her shy beauty and said, “It looks like it’s time to show the real technology.”

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