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For the next 2 days, Shen Qiang stayed in Jincheng and did not go anywhere. During the period, except for the accompanying Koi 1000 Ning, I met the agent and the head of the entertainment company under Young Master Yi, the whole person has been In the non-stop cultivation, the most simplified version of the core array of particle guns.

This makes Jiaoye Yeguyun a little uncomprehended.

“Boss, you are so strong, you still need such crazy practice?”

The words of the charming Ye Guyun amused Shen Qiang, and sat down with a rare smile at Ye Guyun.

“In this world, there are only three real core forces, military force, money and power.” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows with a smile: “The tricks can be endless, but by the end of the show, the success of the strategy depends on the strength. .”

“Absolutely powerful military force can defeat all enemies, so the enemy’s tricks are useless.”

“Absolutely rich money can buy a lot of people to sell their lives for me. If some people have an absolutely powerful military force, then the enemy’s tricks are useless.”

“And absolute rights are even more powerful. With just one sentence, there will be countless people with military force and financial resources, who will do nothing about it.”

The charming night lonely cloud froze for a while, and said: “Sounds, the power is more powerful, do you have this?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “A little, but not strong enough.”

“So you need to continue cultivation?” Ye Guyun disagreed.

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Money can buy others to serve you, and power can make others obey, but all this is based on money and power. Only one kind is always in your own hands. If you are strong, you have your own strength.”

Ye Gu froze, and then excitedly said: “I understand that the strongest backing is myself! Money may be spent, power may not be there, but his ability will always be there.”

Shen Qiang laughed, said: “So you’d better not be lazy, Da Luo Tianhua robbed the Heart Sutra, the practice still has to be practiced, you can only win the other monsters of Heshenghe and eat more if you become stronger. meat.”

Ye Guyun pu chi smiled at once: “Master, I understand, but you are constantly drawing arrays, is this useful?”

“Of course!”

Shen Qiang smiled.

Swing your wrist.

A glittering gold, floating inscriptions, a halo about the size of a washbasin appeared in front of Shen Qiang.

The surging True Yuan Spiritual Qi, compared with the rapid assembly of Formation, compared with the previous, not only the array has shrunk a lot, but the speed of release is also much faster.

Not only that, but what makes Ye Guyun brighter is that the reduced array starts faster and has a smaller size, but its Condensing True Origin’s speed and intensity have increased.

“The host is so powerful!”

Ye Guyun said excitedly.

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “What’s so great about it, any skills, skills, need hard work.”

“Understood, I will go to practice!”

Ye Guyun got up and returned to the room. After a while, anime music floated in the open window.

Shen Qiang Helpless, shook the head.

Started the cultivation of array again.

After all, a person like Shen Qiang who climbs from the bottom is better than anyone else. Only when he is strong enough is he truly strong.

Shen Qiang cultivation at the same time.

Koi 1000 Ning and other female sea monsters are studying music.

And behind the curtains on the room on the second floor at this time, the beautiful beauty Ninja Yu Wenzi looked at Shen Qiang who had been sleeping for more than 2 hours in the cultivation array.

“Military force, money, and power. Now all three forces are owned by Shen Qiang. He is the king of medicine, the head of Heshenghe, and the safety consultant of the Dragon Group. The power of peers.”

“But under such circumstances, this Shen Qiang has not forgotten his original intention and is still working hard on cultivation, so his success is no accident.”

Thinking in my heart, the beautiful ninja Yu Wenzi sighed, and immediately placed her eyes firmly on Shen Qiang’s body. In the show, she was inexplicably more coy.

“If I could watch him practice every day and sing with 1000 Ning, it would be good if I just passed on indifferently.”

Thinking in her mind, a flash of beauty flickered across her eyes.

But then, she thought inexplicably, before seeing the corner of the file.

In these 2 days.

She never saw the file again. Not only that, but she did not see or hear anything about ninjas.

“Perhaps, that thing has passed, and everything no longer exists. It was just a misunderstanding. It was just a long time ago. There is no such thing now.”

Yu Wenzi thought.

At the same time, quietly watching Shen Qiang, boring, boring, repeatedly contacting the core array of particle guns,

Once, 2 times, 3 times…

Shen Qiang’s array cultivation has continued. Not only is it getting faster and faster, but gradually, it seems that as soon as you raise your hand, the array appears. That point is delayed, and the visual inspection does not exceed 5 seconds at most. If you continue to practice, Sooner or later, Shen Qiang’s particle gun will definitely be instantaneous.

Shen Qiang practice.

Yu Wenzi looked.

Everything is calm, plain, simple and peaceful.

But it’s in Wenzi, thinking that nothing will happen again.

Three black business cars appeared quietly in front of the villa.

Then, in Wen Zi’s surprise, several cultivators who were dressed in casual clothes and couldn’t see their identity at all came out of the car.

Their cultivation base is very powerful.

Each looks very tough.

“There is something!”

Yu Wenzi was instantly alert.

Go downstairs immediately.

As soon as I got downstairs, I heard that the few cultivators who seemed to be very powerful in the cultivation base had entered the villa and were bowing: “Consultant Shen.”

Yu Wenzi’s eyes brightened instantly.

“He Shenghe’s people will be called Shen Qiang Boss, other cultivators will be called Shen Qiang Medicine King, and only the talents of the Dragon group will call him consultants!”

At the same time Yu Wenzi thought, she had heard Shen Qiang laughter.

“You just come, it’s very punctual, the next plan, it’s all up to you.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi’s heart peng peng jumped up and down.

“Plan? Is it about Junshan Prison?”

Thinking in her heart, she could not help but subconsciously stepped forward.

“Consultant Shen, you can rest assured that everything has been arranged.”

“Hush!” Shen Qiang raised his index finger and interrupted the man’s words, then turned his head and looked at Yu Wenzi coming downstairs, saying: “Less than, it’s not too early, the studio people are busy for a day You should be hungry. Bring them to the city for dinner. Find a better restaurant and don’t have to come back too early.

Yu Wenzi froze, her eyes full of disappointment, but she immediately said in courtesy: “Oh, okay.”

She said that she was going out and her ears were raised, hoping to hear some useful information when she left, but then, Shen Qiang’s words made her desperate.

“Come in, let’s talk inside.”

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