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The bounty hunter almost on the top of the building, the moment he pulled the bow and arrow, Shen Qiang, who had always laughed at hehe, his eyes suddenly became bright, not only that, but he also held the palm of the steering wheel inexplicably tense.

Obviously, all this has not escaped, the beautiful female ninja, Yu Wenzi’s observation.

After all, her position in the car is now very good, just diagonally behind Shen Qiang. It can be said that Shen Qiang’s every move, not to mention clenched her arms, even if a hair fell off, don’t want to escape her s eyes.

“It should be the case.”

Almost instantly, Yu Wenzi’s Divine Consciousness has quietly spread out.

As a ninja with Daoqian level, although they call True Yuan Chacha and Divine Consciousness Heavenly Eye, the essence is the same.


With Divine Consciousness, the tide spreads.

Almost instantly, Yu Wenzi discovered the ordinary cultivator that was stick one’s head around to look for in the villa, which made her frown inexplicably, and then just swept Divine Consciousness, and found out that those cultivator and cultivation base are the highest. But it’s the Yin God Realm, put in the eyes of ordinary person, that is Superman, it is the general existence of Divine Immortal, but in Wenzi’s eyes, they are nothing more than that, simply does not constitute a threat, even weak enough, you can easily The crushed ants only.

“It’s strange that these ordinary cultivators are inescapable, and there is no threat. Why is Shen Qiang suddenly nervous and alert?”

Yu Wenzi looked at Shen Qiang strangely: “Maybe, there are more powerful guys hiding aside?”

Thinking in my heart, Yu Wenzi immediately diverted Divine Consciousness to the extreme.

Dividing the Divine Consciousness like a ripple, it was instantly covered with a linear distance of 3 kilometers and a diameter of 6 1000 meters.

The wind moved the grass, and the crickets appeared more clearly in her mind.

“There is no one else, everything is safe. My Heavenly Eye technique, in the Ninja Kingdom, is already Peak’s first-class level, straight line 3 kilometers, centered on myself, there is no cultivator in front, back, left and right!”

Yu Wenzi, who had already observed the results, smiled lightly, looked at Shen Qiang wryly, and suddenly said: “Boss, you look so nervous, why, did you find anything? I think it’s safe nearby.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang frowned, calmly said: “At 7 o’clock, 5 kilometers away, there is a bastard who seems to be blazing a sword at me.”

Yu Wenzi was stunned, her eyes full of shock thought: “5 kilometers of perception range? This is too powerful! How could I, even a genius, even a little more than half and a half of his Divine Consciousness?”

It is at the same time that Wenzi is shocked.

Shen Qiang frowns saying in the car: “7 kilometers away, there is a guy with a different cultivation base who is pointing us at the gun.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi’s eyes widened in amazement and shouted frantically: “Shen Qiang is bluffing me, a straight line is 7 kilometers away from Divine Consciousness? How is this possible? He lied to me, so far Divine Consciousness, probably only The most powerful legendary ninja can do it. How could he, a cultivation base like me, have such strength, and, I am a genius, if he has 7 kilometers of Divine Consciousness, wouldn’t it be me even half of him? None? It’s impossible!”

It was because Wen Zi glared her beauty that she drove Shen Qiang frowns saying: “Ten kilometers away, the guys of the Dragon group are watching us. This feeling of being monitored is not good at all.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi smiled.

“Shen Qiang is pretending to be, he must be dressing up as God, playing the devil, Divine Consciousness ten kilometers, that is impossible, because it can only be done unless Divine Immortal!”

Thinking in my heart, Yu Wenzi said with a smile: “Boss, you really can crack a joke.”

She was firm.

But the 1000 Ning and Ye Guyun all looked at her in surprise.

Because Shen Qiang Divine Consciousness is so powerful, others don’t know, but they both know it clearly.

A straight line of ten kilometers Divine Consciousness is an easy foundation for Shen Qiang. In the sea, 80 nautical miles Divine Consciousness, equivalent to The straight line radius distance is controlled by 150 kilometers. When added back and forth, it is a distance of 300 kilometers. On Dragon Throne, the Shen Qiang Divine Consciousness can cross 4 seas.

So when Shen Qiang spoke, 1000 Ning He Ye Guyun knew that what Shen Qiang said was true.

But Yu Wenzi didn’t know that her knowledge of Shen Qiang still stayed at the level of ordinary cultivator.

So she clearly felt strange in Ye Guyun’s and 1000 Ning’s eyes, but she still didn’t believe that Shen Qiang Divine Consciousness could understand the situation 1 kilometers away.

“I am a genius, my Heavenly Eye is only 3 kilometers, even if Shen Qiang is better than me, and impossible is 3 times stronger than me.” Yu Wenzi is full of confidence, you can’t ignore my expression, if she is really I know that Shen Qiang Divine Consciousness control range can reach 300 kilometers in diameter. I don’t know if she will burst into tears, and I have no confidence in cultivation.

“When you go out, follow me closely, don’t leave the ten meters beside me.”

When the car arrived at the door of the villa, the garage door was opened remotely, the car was driven in, and the fire was turned off. Shen Qiang, who opened the door, said, “The two bastards seem impatient.”

Hearing this, 1000 Ning and Ye Guyun immediately nodded with serious eyes.

At the same time, Yu Wenzi’s pink lips showed a light smile.

The contempt that can’t be concealed under the eyes.

“Huh, this method of scaring little girls is not good for me.”

Thinking in my heart, Yu Wenzi got out of the car and walked straight away.

This situation made Shen Qiang slightly frowned, and then a slight smile appeared.

“Sure enough, this Yu Wenzi is not only a lie-talking guy, but also very proud and arrogant, even taking my words as an ear.”

Such a situation, of course, could not conceal 1000 Ning, nor Ye Guyun.

Ye Guyun was not happy and started to speak, but Shen Qiang lightly stopped, then followed behind Wenzi, walked out of the garage, and entered the courtyard of the villa directly. Wen Zi involves the Moon Palace key balance ruler, which Shen Qiang must have, so she cannot watch her die.

So Shen Qiang, who controlled the distance to about 9 meters, followed quietly.

And almost in the moment of Shen Qiang’s figure, exposed from the garage.

The bow and arrow on the top of the building is a bounty hunter, his eyes full of cold, his fingers loose.


With Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi’s runaway, the arrow that was enough to hold the mountain’s cracking stone terror force, as if in an instant, through time and space, has appeared behind Shen Qiang’s head.

“Be careful!”

“the host!”

Ye Guyun and 1000 Ning Complexion Big Change, because the power of this sudden arrow, the power contained in it is simply terrifying!

“impudent !”

Shen Qiang suddenly raised her eyebrows, disdaind to dodge at all, and turned at the foot, wrapped in a punch of the violent True Yuan, hitting the arrow with great precision.


The arrows burst in an instant, turning into fine fragments of the sky.

And almost at the same time, binoculars have appeared in front of Shen Qiang of pale-gold. The golden inscription like a disc has been lit up. The horror of Spiritual Qi that suddenly burst out fluctuates, not only makes the night alone, Jin The carp 1000 condenses and its eyes are wide open.

Yu Wenzi, 9 meters away, was horrified in an instant. He could not control the three-legged step, so that in a flash, he left the ten meters beside Shen Qiang!

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