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With the charming Wenren Meiqiao, the charming Ye Guyun, the sexy and beautiful Yu Wenzi, and the Mermaid Princess Koi 1000 Ning, after eating, Yu Wenzi said that he would help 1000 Ning to pack things and accompany 1000 Ning Go back to the bar and live there at night.

Considering that Yu Wenzi, a woman, lies so close to her beauty that she is infinitely close, Shen Qiang specially arranged Ye Guyun to follow her. After all, if she was there, Yu Wenzi would not even think about 1000 condensate, she would not Succeed.

And there is a beautiful and charming person, Meiqiao, this arrangement seems very normal.

After all, Shen Qiang and she haven’t seen each other for some time. The 2 people don’t want to be disturbed together, and they said that in the past, so anyone will not have objections,

Not only that, they actually know each other.

Ye Guyun will not say that, where there is Shen Qiang, she must be there.

After Wen Renmei Qiao arrived in Beijing, she had many encounters with Koi 1000 Ning. What happened to her and Shen Qiang, Wen Ren Mei Qiao knew clearly 2 Chu.

Similarly, what happened between Wenren Meiqiao and Shen Qiang, the Koi 1000 Ning was also clear.

Not only that, when eating together, Shen Qiang knew that Wenren Meiqiao and this Yu Wenzi were not strangers. Before coming to Beijing, 2 people had dealt with each other. Wenren Meiqiao had been responsible for the investigation. One case that seemed to be related to Yu Wenzi.

Later, the real murderer was found, Yu Wenzi suspected to rule out.

2 people also have some mutual understanding.

So when eating, Shen Qiang couldn’t get in the mouth, they were all in chirp chirp twitter twitter.

But there is one thing I must mention, that is, when eating, Shen Qiang received a message from Wang Yujiang, a big sea monster. The general meaning is that many sea monsters are not convinced of Shen Qiang without 3 Divine Item, and say they want to challenge Shen Qiang or something.

This kind of nonsense information, Shen Qiang instinctively did not want to ignore it, but the second half of the message, a paragraph of the big sea monster king, still attracted Shen Qiang’s attention. ,

“God-killer, Divine Race must kill quickly, so please be careful.”

This remark made Shen Qiang instinctively vigilant.

Because now, Shen Qiang is not too afraid of powerful cultivator, because Shen Qiang’s current cultivation base is already a monarch.

Above the Daogu period is the Apotheosis period, then the Great Ascension Stage, and once it reaches the Great Ascension Stage, it is already Earth Immortal, equivalent to the fairy who has not risen, and is already the strongest cultivator in the world.

But what about Divine Race?

Now known Divine Race, there is Qing Xuan, she occupies Divine Physique of Goddess Athena of war, and then there is a fight, big sea monster king, You Ying, Gui Shu, 1000 Ning, and Qing Xuan and many others, The siege was unbeatable.

Apart from this, Shen Qiang was impressed by the beautiful sky photo, which she could recognize at a glance. From the aspect of Shen Qiang being the God-killer, Shen Qiang felt that she should also be Divine Race.

“I hope that when I go to get the balance ruler, don’t meet her. That woman should be very strong, and should be very influential in the Ninja Kingdom. Once she is known, if I go to the Ninja Kingdom, she, as Divine Race, I won’t let me go.”

Shen Qiang thinks blankly.

Wenren Meiqiao, who was shopping while holding Shen Qiang’s arm, saw him stunned and couldn’t help saying while playfully pouting: “Shen Qiang, you bastard, it’s also absent-minded to come out and go shopping with me.”

Shen Qiang smiled helplessly and said, “Why don’t you cross your waist first? When I came out of the capital department today, I think you are all bad.”

Wen Renmei Qiao pu chi laughed out loud and said, “Of course, you appear when I need it most. Not only that, but what makes me proud is that your authority is so high, which proves me There was no wrong person at the time.”

Shen Qiang nodded speechlessly: “Yes, you know Divine Vision, you are the best.”

Hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao, who had turned into the community with Shen Qiang, smiled and bent her eyes, then sighed: “When I first met you, I was going to cut you with a knife, because you were so bad at that time. Then, I lost 1000 times to Snow Mountain that many times, and finally won her once, and you ended up stubborn, and I really hated you at that time.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Then there is no way, I will not know you then, there is no reason not to help 1000 Mountain Snow.”

Wenren Meiqiao hearing this said coquettishly: “hmph, anyway, you are a big bad guy, I will still be called 10000 years old by them, I blame you, but this hat can be removed soon With my current cultivation base, one year can be as fast as one year and a year and a half as slow, and I can enter the Daogu period. As long as 2 mountain snow has not yet entered the Daogu period, my 1000-year-old 10000 hat will be It can be removed.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once.

I want to tell her that 1000 Shanxue is following Kunlun Maiden Xue’s special training, and it’s still a matter of thinking. As long as the dragon group is secret, it means of course that this matter is necessary, and on the other hand, it is more important. What’s more, Wenren Meiqiao is smelling beautiful now, and she is in a good mood. Why should Shen Qiang disappoint her?

Anyway, she has lost that many times, and once again, it is estimated that she will not be hit.

But at this time, Shen Qiang had already reached the corridor, and the phone suddenly rang.

Shen Qiang looked at it immediately and was nervous because the phone call was from Bian Yi.

At this time, he called, it must be about, Shen Qiang told him about it.


Shen Qiang connected the phone, and Bian Yi’s voice was heard under the noisy background sound on the other end of the phone.

“My dear Boss, I have good news for you. You have already contacted me for the matter you want me to do. Because the other party’s family business is not doing well and is very short of money, he agreed to sell it and the price will be interviewed.”

“Okay, very good! Money is not a problem, the price is within 100 100000000, you directly decide.”

Excited Shen Qiang’s eyes are bright, because the situation is very obvious. The aria in Kunlun Maiden Xue’s hand is a thing in his pocket. Even if he can’t communicate, he can’t exchange purchases, but as long as the dragon group War God comes forward to guarantee Shen Qiang, go to the Moon Palace When you borrow the Aria Ring, Maiden Xue will definitely agree.

After all, the Aria Ring is Divine Item for humans in space, but on Earth, there is an atmosphere, where is there no place for Water Element at all?

Not only that, the balance ruler that has got the exact information is also destined to be in Shen Qiang’s pocket. Even without Wenzi’s help, Shen Qiang has countless ways to get it.

Plus the Heavenly Palace jade lock already on the body.

7 of the 4 keys are already in the bag!

“The bad news is that I am now at the airport and preparing to fly to Europe. In the next few days, the Heshenghe Group will depend on you…”


Shen Qiang hung up the phone directly, but was not interested in listening to Bian Yi’s poverty. After all, Heshenghe Group Company has already been on the right track, and Bian Yi’s business trip for a few days is not a problem!

Seeing Shen Qiang’s eyes excited, the person beside Meiren surprisedly said: “Why, there is a happy event?”

Shen Qiang hearing this in a good mood laughed, holding Wenren Meiqiao in his arms and said, “It’s a big happy event.”

Immediately, in her shy cry, she entered her room.

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