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Just when Shen Qiang stepped into the practice ground under the watchful eye of the Mermaid Princess Koi 1000, while on the sea beyond ten thousand li, on a luxurious cruise ship, a sea merchant dressed as a wealthy merchant was sitting in a chair On the face, face sank like water looked at the two cultivators standing on the deck of the cruise ship.

“If you want to kill Shen Qiang and change to another bounty hunter, there is definitely no way to do it, but we are different. If I shoot, Shen Qiang will die.” A man in his 30s, Said arrogantly.

Hearing this, the sea emperor sitting on the chair didn’t speak at all, but instead he followed the sea emperor. Hearing this smiled indifferently and said, “I have seen a lot of cultivators who like boasting, but there are not many who have the ability, think It doesn’t matter if you take the deposit, as long as you show your due strength, the money will be given to you immediately.

For a moment, the 30-year-old man smiled, his wrists flicked up, and then a huge horn bow appeared in his hand.

Withdrawing step, Zhang Gong, with the huge horn bow slowly opening, the breath of terror burst out, not only spreading the terrifying killing intent unscrupulously, it seemed to penetrate all the breath, not only disappointed The dark clouds in the sky are in an instant, making the roaring sea breeze stagnant.


The sea emperor closed his eyes and opened his eyes.

“Look, if you want to kill Shen Qiang, this arrow is enough!”

With the deep roar of the man.


Amidst the violent True Yuan fluctuations, with the trembling of the bow string, the harsh sonic boom popped in an instant, which shattered the wine glass in the hands of the sea emperor.

not only.

Even more frightening is that a small island like a black spot on the horizon in the distance suddenly bursts into huge smoke and dust. Not only that, but a huge tunnel with a thick tunnel appeared instantly.

“Great!” The Sea Emperor’s entourage horrified, because from his Divine Consciousness, he clearly saw that after this arrow, the hills on the island had already penetrated.

Not only that, the void on the front is smaller, and on the back of the mountain, a huge collapse burst.

“Good Archer!” The sea emperor’s eyes were sharp.

At this time, watching the wine glass in the hands of the sea emperor burst, and the red wine and broken glass covered the sea emperor’s pants. Not only did he show a look that looked down on the local tyrant, but he also said: “Is satisfied?”

The sea emperor smiled and said nothing.

The follower on the side, slightly smiled, said: “This gentleman, your strength is undoubted, but Shen Qiang is not an ordinary cultivator. Are you really sure you can succeed?”

The man laughing this smiled and contemptuously said: “Shen Qiang is a great character in the field of China cultivation. His every move is under the attention of the cultivator, so it is impossible to hide secrets, melee melee, and his Dao Guo, still in Above the funeral of the Young Master of the Abyss, he can kill him in the eyes of China cultivation, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.”

“But I am different. If I want to kill him, Shen Qiang doesn’t even know how he died, because the members of Qingyun Sword Pavilion are melee, and the monsters of Heshenghe are mostly melee, and the only one is the remote left. Lianghao, in front of me, is just a strange guy with short hands.”

“So as long as I shoot, Shen Qiang and their people are too late to find me, then Shen Qiang is dead.”

The emperor’s entourage smiled and said, “Hesheng and powerhouse are gathered together, and there may not be people who can cure you.”

The man smiled: “You are wrong, everyone in He Shenghe, in my eyes, is just a moving target. Except for a Zhan Deyuan, you can only compare with me. , They don’t even have the qualification to fight back.”

The emperor’s entourage smiled and turned to the emperor.

The sea emperor looked coldly at the man’s silence.

This attitude displeased the man.

“You have already seen my strength. I am a first-rate shooter in the cultivation field. The person I want to kill will definitely not survive, so you should pay the deposit.”

The sea emperor smiled coldly, then slightly nodded.

The attendant on the side immediately handed a box to the man.

The man opened and saw that the box was full of gold. After a brief check, he smiled and said, “I will go back to China and I will start soon, so you are ready to make the final payment.”

Say that’s all, and gave the tall, burly man with a solid muscle to the side, behind our eyes.

Two people one after the other, jumped off the luxury cruise ship, and then drove off in a small boat.

Looking at the back of their departure, the attendant said respectfully: “Admiral Seamaster, this guy, cultivation base Daoguo period, his Daoguo should be applied to the bow and arrow, so that big man The plate is very stable. Obviously, he is protected. Such a pair should be able to complete the task.”

The sea emperor hearing this smiled: “Shen Qiang is not so good to kill. This guy thought his arrow could kill Shen Qiang. This is the biggest illusion. Shen Qiang is a god killer, but God can’t kill anyone. He can do it, which means that he is also a divine seed. Not only that, he is also a guy with absolute saving ability. If Shen Qiang is so easy to die, I don’t need to worry about his existence at all. .”

Hearing this, the entourage froze and said, “Your Majesty the Sea Emperor, I didn’t understand your words.”

Emperor Hai smiled and threw the broken cup in his hand into the trash bin. He said seriously: “I have struggled for thousands of years in the shadow of the last Dragon Emperor. I know the power of Dragon Emperor lineage so well, so, I must know now that Shen Qiang has any other means of attack, because to kill him, even me, there is only one chance.”

The entourage understood it instantly, and immediately said seriously: “You mean, use them to ask for directions?”

The sea emperor smiled and poured himself a glass of wine indifferently. Then, he shaking the wine glass, lightly sniffed the wine in the glass, a said with a smile: “Dragon emperor lineage, each of which is very powerful, this Shen Qiang is the weakest small dragon emperor I have ever seen in his life. He is a fake, but this is not important. As long as I can kill him, in the future Sea Territory, I will be the only one who has been bullied by the dragon emperor for 10000 years and will become In the past.”

The accompanying eyes were sharp, but he was suddenly puzzled and said, “In this case, as long as Shen Qiang is killed, why bother?”

The sea emperor hearing this sneered, said solemnly: “God-killers, none of them are simple guys. Before I was under the oppression of the dragon emperor, I was still at ease, because the dragon emperor himself did not have the means to attack from a distance, and he was strong. , The power is invincible, but as long as I pull the distance and do not fight with him, the Dragon Emperor has no way for me. If Shen Qiang, a fake guy, inherits this characteristic of the Dragon Emperor, then I will be invincible. Where I want to kill him, I can play slowly.”

The Emperor, who drank the wine from the glass and drank it, said: “But if this Shen Qiang has a powerful long-range attack method, then I must kill him in the shortest time, otherwise, once he Rise, there will be no place for me in this world!”

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