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“Perfect appetizer!” When Allie was surprised, 1000 Shanxue had already came back to his senses.

Immediately disregarding the others, but chopsticks swiftly tasted the dishes prepared by Shen Qiang. Every time she tasted one, her eyes lightened up. When she tasted all the dishes in one breath, her beautiful eyes , Already shining like stars in the night sky.

“Perfect, this is the most perfect dinner I have encountered in all these years!”

1000 Shan Xue did not skimp on her appreciation.

Ye Xiaolei also admired intoxicatedly: “I really didn’t expect that before Shen Qiang…cousin’s cooking skills were so superb.”

After tasting the red wine shallowly, Shen Qiang full of smiles looked at Ellie and said: “Look at what you eat so freely, are you still satisfied with the taste of these dishes?”

Ali, full of food, froze for a moment, then flushed with a blush.

Chewing madly quickly, then swallowing the food in her mouth, and while frantically filling the dishes in her own bowl, she blushed and pretended to say proudly: “It’s ok, the taste is average.”

Shen Qiang laughs.

Ye Xiaolei was shocked: “Ellie, you don’t want to cover all the dishes on the plate, that’s too selfish!”

Allie’s face flicked red to the root of her neck, with chopsticks holding vegetables in her hand, some not knowing what to do.

At this time, Shen Qiang pushed a dish over Ellie and said: “Hawthorn stewed pork ribs, this can prevent chronic atrophic gastritis, bloating, acid swallowing, heating, indigestion, weak constitution, dry cough, anemia , Blood deficiency, fatigue, night sweats, so it is right for you now.”

Ali was stunned, and looked at Shen Qiang strangely: “That…you mean, this dish is for me?”

“Please use.” Shen Qiang smiled nodded.

Ali froze, and after a full five seconds, she began to eat silently.

When eating, a 1000-year-old mountain snow who pursued silently, not only raised the glass, but also talked more excitedly.

But after listening for a while, Shen Qiang was embarrassed.

Because of this beautiful boss, just a few words.

“This is good and delicious, I like it very much.”

“Hmm, this one also tastes good, and I like it too.”

“Well, give me another bowl of rice, is there a bigger bowl?”

Ye Xiaolei was very silent, and seemed a little shy not to dare to pick vegetables.

Fortunately, Eli’s big mouth is missing.

There is also Su Xiaonuan, the Dean assistant with long sleeves help one dance beautifully. The whole meal is quite enjoyable.

The only thing that makes Qian Qiang a little awkward is that although she has long known that the beautiful boss 1000 Shanxue has a large amount of food, she still exceeds Shen Qiang’s imagination.

In the end, not only the dishes on the table were eaten up.

In the end, the remaining small half-dish pickled cucumber was also eaten by 1000 Shanxue as a snack after the meal.

After eating.

Su Xiaonuan chatted with them for a while.

Allie first said she was tired.

It was followed by 1000 mountains of snow, and finally Ye Xiaolei.

Hearing that they all wanted to rest, Su Xiaonuan wanted to leave home, but didn’t expect was pulled directly upstairs by Shen Qiang.

Su Xiaonuan became very reserved while knowing that there were people downstairs.

But Xiaobeisheng is newly married.

When Shen Qiang hugged Su Xiaonuan and kissed her pink lips fiercely, that kind of fire-like passion instantly lit the charming Su Xiaonuan.


Located 3000 meters away from Jinyuhuacheng, it is also located in a mansion on the top of the building.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looking at the splendid city, Jing Haotian took a shallow sip of red wine.

Standing behind him respectfully, the fat face with acne took a thick stack of materials in his hand and said respectfully.

“Young Master, the results of the survey on Shen Qiang’s basic situation have come out. He is not from the Aristocratic Family, nor is it a famous discipline. From the results of our survey, he has nothing special about 2 months ago.”

“Even…” The fat acne face was a little hesitant.

Jing Haotian slightly frowned, coldly said: “Don’t go around, say something directly.”

The acne-faced fatly raised her eyebrows helplessly: “Shen Qiang 2 months ago, simply is a lost thread that does not even have the qualification to apply to the Jing Family Group.”

Jing Haotian gave him a cold look and said, “I don’t care if he is fishing or not. I only want the “Daro Tianhua Tribulation Heart Sutra” now.”

The acne-faced fat said: “Young Master, Shen Qiang has no Aristocratic Family background and no great prestigious families to support him. If you just want the big Luotianhua Heart Sutra, use his cultivation base of Qi Condensation period. , I just take a few people and force him to hand it over.”

“Forcing him to hand it over?” Jing Haotian glanced coldly at him: “Do you have any more stupid way? Doesn’t his magical way of poisoning make you remember?”

The acne-faced fat said: “Young Master, in the provincial branch, our Jing Family has 3 powerhouses above Nascent Soul Stage. The surnamed Shen can beat them even if the means of poisoning is stronger? “

Jing Haotian coldly said: “He used his brain, he used to be fishing line, but in just 2 months, not only learned cultivation, but also unfathomable poisoning means, can you be sure that there is no one behind him? ?”

“Even more how, he not only has a slightly subtle relationship with Wanxin Hesheng’s Xu Eldest Young Lady, this provincial city is also a place where the dragon group is active, and the military force is forced. Once a big movement is made, Wanxin Hesheng and the dragon group will definitely know.”

“Not only will it embarrass Jing Family, but it will also cause endless trouble, so we have to start elsewhere.”

Fat eyes shined with acne, said: “Shen Qiang recently made 3 girlfriends, one went abroad, one was in a neighboring small city, and the other was Dean Assistant at Bi Kang Hospital. You think we started with her how about it?”

Jing Haotian sneered: “In 2 months or so, I have made 3 girlfriends in a row. You think he will cherish, just like my girlfriends, you think, they were kidnapped, I will take 150 million to save them?”

“Cracking a joke, I will tell the kidnappers to tear the ticket and save the breakup fee.”

The fat-faced Fatty was embarrassed and scratched his head: “Then only his parents are left. I took someone to tie them up and let Shen Qiang redeem Da Luo Tianhua’s Heart Sutra.”

Jing Haotian coldly said: “You thought of this kind of soil to get slag after investigating for several days?”

The acne-faced fatty hesitated a moment after embarrassingly said: “Shen Qiang has no special hobbies, except for working, going home, and going to the old market, there are hardly any bad habits, and it can’t be forced positively. Except for blackmail, it’s hard Find an opportunity.”

Jing Haotian frowned: “Everyone has weaknesses, no one is impeccable, no chance is not found, it does not mean there is no, it only proves that your work is not done properly.”

After a few seconds of embarrassing silence, fatty said hesitantly: “Young Master, in fact, during the investigation, I also found something unusual.”

“Oh? Let’s listen.”

Fatal hearing this, took a step forward and handed a stack of photos to Jing Haotian, saying: “Shen Qiang invited a private detective to observe this young woman named Gao Hui every day.”

Jing Haotian, who had taken the photo, looked at the beautiful young woman Gao Hui who was smiling, and her eyes light up immediately.

“Good tasteful beauty.”

After drinking a glass of wine in one sip, Jing Haotian continuously flipped Gao Hui’s photos, and his eyes grew brighter.

“A pretty young woman, it’s her, didn’t expect, this Shen Qiang, even better.”

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