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Seeing that, in front of the 1000 sea monsters with fierce faces, Shen Qiang stood proudly, standing behind Shen Qiang, with a beautiful face and enchanting figure Yu Wenzi, not only beautiful eyes, heart It was slamming.

“So handsome, so strong! Good domineering man! Obviously weak in the depths, but even under such circumstances, the Dragon Prestige of Sovereign still can’t be slandered, the box of alms, Shen Qiang, don’t get it by ability. Real man!”

While Yu Wenzi looked at Shen Qiang in surprise, the Mermaid Princess, who had taken a step back when she didn鈥檛 know when, had taken her arms charmingly, and looked at Shen Qiang in surprise, like a good pair Girlfriend said.

“Is it handsome? Over the years, I have seen countless large sea monsters, cultivators, and even cultivators from various countries, but I have never had any man with the charm of Shen Qiang. This is a man.”


Yu Wenzi’s subconsciously nodded, beautiful eyes shining.

But after answering her, she was suddenly inexplicably nervous until she turned her head and saw the beautiful mermaid Princess Koi 1000, not at all looking at her, but she was inexplicably looking at Shen Qiang’s back with a charming and charming eyes. Relaxed.

Immediately, she not only focused her beautiful eyes on Shen Qiang’s body again, but her charming eyes were inexplicably like the river in March, with a little more ripples.

“Now that you have accepted the box, I will assume that the deal is completed, then you and I will be brothers in the future.” Win repair full of smiles.

“Impudent!” Yu Jiang’s face was cold: “Under this sky, no one can be a brother to the Dragon Emperor, I can’t, you can’t win repairs.”

Hearing this, Yingxiu glanced coldly at Yu Jiang and said, “mind your own business.”

In an instant, Yu Jiang looked ugly.

And just as he stepped forward and seemed to be angry, smiling Shen Qiang, coldly said: “Win repair, I sell you medicine, it does not mean that I have forgiven your disrespect for me, next time When I meet, I will let you see the Dragon King 3 Divine Item, when the time comes. If you don鈥檛 kneel and speak in front of me, I will let you know what is Dragon King鈥檚 anger.”

Hearing this, Yingxiu smiled and raised her eyebrows indifferently, “Shen Qiang, the reason why you got the box today is just because I have a large number of brothers under Yingxiu’s men. They and their families need medicines, so boasting If you don鈥檛 need to tell me, it doesn鈥檛 make sense. Remember, the person who has mastered the 3 Divine Item is the Dragon Emperor. This is a fact that will never change.鈥?/p>

With that, Ying Xiu glanced coldly at Yu Jiang, and said, “As for the kind of bald donkey who has forgotten Long Huang’s words, I really don’t care at all.”

“What are you talking about?” The bald sea monster Wang Yu exploded in place with True Yuan.

“I said you were a waste, would you dare to fight me?” Ying Xiu suddenly angered.


With roar.

Yu Jiang’s long spear of vermilion suddenly appeared in his hand.

Yingxiu also showed no signs of weakening the steel fork.

Seeing that the 2 demon kings are about to start.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang suddenly said solemnly: “Enough is enough, I am not in a mood to watch you fight.”

With that said, Shen Qiang flicked the fingers, a one-dollar coin, flew directly to win repair.

Win repair peng sound and took the one dollar coin into his hand.

Then he stopped talking.

At this time, Shen Qiang turned indifferently, calmly said: “Yinhuo 2 鎻? Tongsuo no bullying, the business is complete, you are ready to pay, just wait for the goods to be received.”

Say that’s all.

Shen Qiang Yila Yujiang, sound transmission said: “No fight today, I will wait until I get 3 Divine Item.”

Yu Jiang frowned, but after hesitating for a while, he still sighed, and then left with Shen Qiang.

Yu Wenzi, Ye Guyun, Koi 1000 Ning, follow closely from behind.

The rest of the large sea monsters followed the evacuation.

Seeing them leave.

Holding the steel fork’s win repair, he sneered and leaned on the back of the big turtle, tossing the one-dollar coin smaller than the fish scale in his hand, and a sharp smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth: “this bastard, really Has several points of the spirit of the Dragon Emperor of that year, and more reasonable, just to take 3 Divine Item, he will never have a chance.”

Hearing this, the old sea monster surprisedly said aside: “King, what do you mean?”

Win Xiubang, crush the coin in his hand, and then said with a smile: “Don’t you understand? The reason why I can’t get 3 Divine Item is because he…is not a dragon!”

Under the water, the war-repairing demons that have resolved the crisis continue to greedily clean the shipwreck.

After half an hour.

Above the sea, watching the sea because of the True Yuan of the monsters beneath the sea, and the fluctuations that have occurred from time to time, but now it has calmed down for a long time. The cultivator of many dragon groups in the sea front has been anxious.

“General, we can鈥檛 wait any longer, then win repair is the demon king! With 5000 years of peace and security, no one can force him to do anything, even if consultant Shen Qiang is more powerful, it鈥檚 impossible to influence his ideas. !”

“Fight against them! These sea monsters have never given face to anyone. In the sea, they don’t even give face to any cultivator. Even if consultant Shen is capable, it’s impossible to talk about success!”

“Yeah, General, this is impossible, let’s fight, for the glory of the Dragon Team, we fight with them!”

Under the clamor of many dragon team members, the major general of the dragon team’s sea frontier was also increasingly confused. After all, the core components of the particle gun are good enough to say that without drawings and detailed data as a basis, even if you get that thing, there is no People can imitate.

But the situation is different now, there are drawings and data in that box!

In this case, anyone who gets the box can fully reproduce it as long as they have sufficient financial support. If there is sufficient R&D capability as an improvement, then when a large number of particle guns appear, then any ordinary person All possess the power comparable to the cultivator above the Dao fruit period. At that time, once people with ulterior motives use it, it will definitely lose of life.

“No more, the water has been quiet for nearly 40 minutes, I am afraid that Shen Qiang consultant Shen has been bode ill rather than well, so now we have no other choice, prepare to desperately, do not count on Shen Qiang anymore, because he nor鈥︹€?#8221;


The Major General of the Dragon Frontier was interrupted by the rising waves.

Immediately, in everyone’s horrified eyes.

They clearly saw that, surrounded by beauties and many sea monsters, Shen Qiang, who was proudly defeated, not only stood on the sea, but also followed the old man in the hands of Shen Qiang, but also held the soul of them. Dreaming around the box.

“Successful!” The Rear Admiral of the Dragon Frontier of the Dragon Group said in a moment of ecstasy: “It really succeeded!”

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