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And almost at the moment when Shen Qiang’s many sea monsters turned on their weapons, they were behind Shen Qiang. They were solid and upright, with a beautiful face, flexible mouth and teeth, and they were good at playing all instruments in Wenzi. Full of horror.

Because almost at the same time, there were at least 1000 large sea monsters around the shipwreck, with fierce and terrifying faces. Not only this, but also more terrifying, there were several super-large bodies, which seemed extremely fierce. Over here.

“Be careful!”

Yu Wenzi beautiful eyes exclaimed in horror.

The voice that was originally crisp like Huang Liming Cui Liu appeared extremely silent in the bubbles and the sea water.


A huge sea monster rushed over fiercely, and each of the sharp teeth in the air was as big as an elevator door.

“Broken!” Shen Qiang, who watched the negative hand proudly standing in the water, did not respond to Yu Wenzi’s slim eyebrows at all. After pulling his hand, a weird flute had appeared in her hand.

“Shen Qiang was obviously scared and stupid, but he can’t die now. If he died, I can only be buried here.”

Thinking in my heart, Yu Wenzi of the slim eyebrows, the flute in his hand was already rippling with a faint strange breath.

But at this time, the huge sea monster with a height of 3 floors rushed over and suddenly braked. Then, a very strange face hummed like a cute, not only this, but also its giant The head stretched out in front of the Koi 1000 Ning.

1000 Ning Xiao rolled her eyes and pressed her head with her hand: “Little fish, I remember you, haha, you are so big.”

Such scenes, the surrounding big sea monsters, and Shen Qiang, who are proud to hold hands, did not respond.

After all, they all know that the ability of Koi 1000 to condense is to manipulate all the sea monsters in Sea Territory, so when the sea monsters appear, no one is worried at all.

But Yu Wenzi and Ye Guyun still petrified in an instant.

2 people, staring at the giant giant, but stunned in 1000 hands, shocked.

At the same time, the voice of the big sea monster Wang Yujiang is extremely cold, said solemnly: “Win the repair, you better see clearly, the dragon Prestige of Sovereign, don’t offend, don’t leave yourself a trail.”

Hearing this, Yingxiu laughed strangely.

“Is that the guy around you who can only be used as a toothpick? It depends on him…”


An instant violent rage started, and the violent dragon breath came suddenly. Not only did all the big sea monsters tremble, frightened the sea monsters, but also forcibly won the repair. The words full of pretentiousness were stuffed back.

The strange moment of silence and confusion caused the uncle Gui and many elite sea monsters to laugh.

Winning repair with a very ugly face, his eyes looked at Shen Qiang coldly.

“There is indeed the breath of the Dragon Emperor, but only the guy who has mastered the 3 Divine Item is the True Dragon Emperor, so you guy, no matter what he wants to do here, will be doomed not to succeed, unless you now show 3 Divine Item.”

Hearing Ying Xiu’s words, Yu Wenzi, who was behind Shen Qiang, was frightened and surprised.

Because whether it was the previous Tianzhao, or the winning repair in front of them, they all mentioned the Dragon Emperor 3 Divine Item, which made Wen Zi inexplicably feel the Dragon Emperor 3 Divine Item.

But at this time, Shen Qiang heard this, but there was no reason for irritability.

But it seems that she realized that Shen Qiang’s emotions were not quite right, and immediately hurriedly said.

“Boss, Dragon Emperor 3 Divine Item, is the weapon and armor that Dragon Emperor used to fight in the world. They not only symbolize glory, but also have strong and unparalleled strength. 3 Divine Item comes out, 4 sea conquest, not A joke, and this was also said by the Dragon Emperor personally. Only those who have mastered the 3 Divine Item are the Real Dragon Emperor, so please don’t get angry, please exercise restraint!”

Hearing that old steward returned to Uncle, Shen Qiang took a deep breath.

As a matter of fact, as Shen Qiang, although I don’t know from the beginning to the end, how big is the Dragon Divine 3 Divine Item?

But the recent series of events did make him feel extremely tired.

No dragon bones, 4 sea dragon palaces, no control, no dragon bones, guarding the treasures of 4 sea dragon palaces, helpless, no dragon bones, the name knows where the dragon emperor 3 Divine Item is, but still can only think, simply cannot get it.

“Want to see me in control of Dragon King 3 Divine Item? Yes, this request, I will promise you now. Next time, when you appear in front of me again, I hope you can speak on your knees.” Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows coldly Road.

The cold words shocked the many sea monsters around.

“The next time he meets, he will show the Dragon King 3 Divine Item?”

“This Shen Qiang is worthy of being a big brother, can’t afford to offend, not only does it make the 3 Divine Item brighter, but also wins Xiu kneeling, how arrogant is this, does he really think he is the Dragon Emperor?”

“Ah, this ghostly arrogance is really scary. Our demon king wins repairs, but Emperor Sea has to give 30% of the great character! This Shen Qiang, has the courage to talk to him like this?”

In the shocking eyes of many big sea monsters, Ying Xiu suddenly laughed strangely, not only laughing, but the laughter, but the bigger the laughter, the more unscrupulous the laughter, not only the weird laughter, but gradually cold and severe The look down is even more terrifying.

“Interesting, next time you meet, you will show 3 Divine Item, can I speak on my knees?”

Shen Qiang heard the words ice-cold saying: “This is the price you should pay.”

“Then why are you not bright now? Take it out, I welcome the Dragon Emperor, you can act wilfully here!” Win repair’s expression was terrifying and terrifying.

Shen Qiang takes a deep breath and feels helpless in his heart. If Dragon Qiang 3 Divine Item, Shen Qiang, if he could take it out, would he need to say it?

If it wasn’t for knowing exactly where the dragon bones are, Shen Qiang really wanted not to do this Dragon Emperor, because this is really suffocating, and some baby can’t take it out, obviously it should be his own, but he was unscrupulous in front of him. Pretend.

“Wait, after I get the keel, I’d like to see you bastards, dare to be so arrogant.”

Shen Qiang, who was thinking about it but forced himself to calm down, took a deep breath, and then calmly said: “3 Divine Item I will let you see it, but not now, I am here to come for something.”

At the moment when he heard this, Ying Xiu smiled, and then suddenly stepped on his feet, and the box placed under his feet had already stood up.

“It’s for this.”

Shen Qiang only glanced at it, and her eyes were immediately illuminated, because before coming here, Shen Qiang had already seen the photos, which is definitely the box loaded with the core components and data of the particle gun.

“Not bad.”

At the same time Shen Qiang admitted, Ying Xiu smiled: “Then you can get out, because no one can take away what I like from my hands!”

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