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Kneeling in front of Shen Qiang, the abyss expensive Young Master who has no power to fight back, in a one-on-one situation, killing 3 people in a row and thinking that he lost to Shen Qiang, no longer has the power to turn over, want to take the opportunity to hit a person When he’s down the super powerhouse of the Daogu period!

The very ruthless means and the strength of the cultivation base make the whole cultivation world tremble.

Not only that, the whole process is almost live.

Young Master Yi’s horrible Taoguo funeral, and the way he has developed 3 ways of using Taoguo, makes him as powerful as the horrible black Dark Monarch, and makes him ridiculous on the Internet as a wasteful ordinary cultivator, Shut up instantly.

not only.

Many ordinary cultivators who realized that Young Master Yi’s methods were so terrifying, began to modify and edit those statements before themselves, and then, the entire cultivation community suddenly fell silent.

No one talks about Young Master Yi.

not a single one.

Even Young Master Yi like a night, disappeared from the cultivation world, as if hidden in the night.

But almost at the same time he sank into the deep sea like an anchor.

Shen Qiang suddenly became the focus of the Immortal Realm forum.

“Kneel the strong man. I didn’t expect that the strong man was such a cow. I really fiercely slapped myself a lot.”

“My king is mighty! Domineering side leakage!”

“I will ask you, who else is in front of my king!”

Such seemingly unfathomable mystery’s remarks were quietly filled in the Immortal Realm forum.

But I know that Young Master Yi lost more than once in Shen Qiang’s hands. Not only did Song Weiyin not keep it, but it also damaged more than 100 powerful abyss cultivators, but then he didn’t dare to say a harsh word and left the Hehe. Shenghe, there is no cultivator that wants to report signs of compound Shenghe, but it is very clear.

Young Master Yi is so bullish, he loses so badly in front of Shen Qiang, he dare not say anything, how strong is Shen Qiang?

And the Sect Sect Masters who really understand the inside story can only sigh.

Because their position is high enough, they are even more clear, Young Master Yi is powerful and terrifying, so she is also in awe of Shen Qiang.

This is the root cause of their silence.

“Young Master Yi is terrifying, and Shen Qiang is terrifying. As a Sect Master, must be cautious in this matter, must not speak, must not pretend to know, because once you speak, It’s easy to cause misunderstandings, no matter which one you provoke, you won’t be able to walk around.”

“Ai, in this situation, fools can see that the strongest youth cultivator in the cultivation field is undoubtedly Shen Qiang, but this time it is not possible to openly talk about this matter, because it may annoy the Young Master Yi. “

“Jian Shengyu and He Shengliang, as long as these 100 people are still in the next 2 years, no cultivator will be arrogantly qualified in front of them. Young Master Yi has an irresistible death, and Shen Qiang not only has the same, but more powerful, He still has, absolute cure, so… be silent!”

In this state, the state of the cultivation world, the unusual weirdness, the ordinary cultivator, including the people of the various Sects, praised Shen Qiang strangely.

Their Sect Master not only ignored, but also pretended not to know about Shen Qiang and Young Master Yi.

What’s even more funny is that on the forum, anyone who is boasting or doing something particularly terrible.

Those cultivators will be extremely funny and give a shocked, trembling expression, and then ask: “Shen Qiang, are you?”

This strange situation made Shen Qiang smile hard.

But there is no way, after all, Young Master Yi and Shen Qiang are different, Young Master Yi is the abyss expensive Young Master, has been aloof and remote.

Shen Qiang grew up step by step from a small role.

It can be said that almost every cultivator in the forum has sprayed Shen Qiang, and Shen Qiang has never retaliated against anyone, so these cultivators don’t mind using Shen Qiang to crack a joke at all.

So for a time, Shen Qiang was everywhere in the Immortal Realm forum.

For a time, the name of Shen Qiang was known in China cultivation.

The time soon came to the fourth day after the battle between Young Master Yi and Shen Qiang. After the beautiful film Song Weiyin left Heshenghe because of the issue of schedule.

Among the sea tribes, the invitation letters of the joint names of the big sea monsters have also appeared for the third time at Shen Qiang’s desk.

Shen Qiang usually read the invitation letter in the trash after reading it.

Because Shen Qiang understands that for the current situation, any remedy, any explanation, is better than not seeing those sea monsters first, because this is the safest.

Even if those big sea monsters have real evidence and want to drag Shen Qiang from the position of the Dragon Emperor, they must confront Shen Qiang face to face, so as long as Shen Qiang does not appear in front of them, they will not Way.

And this just gave Shen Qiang time.

Not only that, Shen Qiang has already begun to prepare for his own trip to the Moon Palace. Not only has he sent people to communicate about the moon landing space in 4 places, but more importantly, Shen Qiang has already determined that another key is in the Ninja Kingdom. I believe it will be soon There will be detailed information.

Moreover, because of his fruitless search, Shen Qiang has drawn with the pen according to the key that appeared on the Youying, and has begun to offer relevant clues on the bounty hunter’s platform. Now, there have been many News, but true and false are difficult to discern, many big sea monsters of Heshenghe are running around, one after another to verify.

Therefore, Shen Qiang has made up his mind that he will never go close to the sea border or make contact with those big sea monsters without actually as a last resort.

Because of this, he can maximize his time for himself.

Once you get the keel, then everything is not a problem.

However, when Shen Qiang tried to delay the time by all means, a major general of the Dragon Frontier suddenly took someone to find Shen Qiang.

“One of our cargo ships sank in the ocean of peace and security. There was a box in the sunken ship that contained the test items of the latest high-tech weapons. It was already as powerful as a nuclear bomb, so it had to be retrieved, but that The box is in the hands of the deep sea demon, so we would like to invite you to take a trip to help us retrieve the box. In return, we can open the dragon database to you, and there may be really what you want. thing.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang’s eyes lighted up instantly: “You are suggesting that the dragon group has what I want? It’s just that it’s not in the mall?”

The Rear Admiral smiled and said, “I’m talking about maybe, because I don’t know if there are, because I don’t have enough authority.”

Shen Qiang is silent, but his thoughts are being transferred by telegram. This major general might just want to help himself, but it may also be true. After all, the rank of Shen Qiang is only a captain. If he really has higher authority than the major general, , Maybe you can really find something in the Dragon Group database.

But compared to those things that catch the wind, Shen Qiang cares more about everything in front of her.

“In the Ninja Kingdom, there is something called a balance ruler. I need him. If you promise to help me get it, I can go and help you get the suitcase you want back.”

The Rear Admiral hearing this smiled for a long time and said in silence: “This kind of thing, I can’t promise you, but I can tell you someone who can help you get that thing.”

“Who?” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows in consternation.

The major general smilely smiled: “Yu Wenzi, her origins are far more complicated than you think. If you can talk to her, take the scales and make it easy, because she is from the kingdom of ninjas.”

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