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Looking at the unspeakable uncle Gui, Shen Qiang pu chi smiled and said: “You mean, you used me to resurrect the fetal dragon spirit?”

Uncle Gui was silent for a moment, nodded, and then took the head and said: “No, you are Shen Qiang, this will not be because of the fetal dragon spirit, or, you have the breath of the dragon, the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the dragon, The dragon’s spirit changes, so this is completely different from my previous expectations.”

“You mean, out of control?” Shen Qiang surprisedly said.

Uncle Gui said for a long time in silence: “Yes, it is indeed out of control, otherwise, it should be a young Young Master, controlling your body, but in time, it is you who swallowed him, you have not changed, he disappeared.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang pu chi smiled.

Because Shen Qiang still remembers the Foundation Establishment, in the sea of ​​anger, after the trek, Shen Qiang slaughtered a giant dragon and ate it. At that time, Shen Qiang thought that everything was only because he was in control. Qihai.

But now listening to the words of Uncle Gui, Shen Qiang suddenly realized that the Dragon Slaughter at the Foundation Establishment, swallowed, the real meaning, but Shen Qiang had controlled everything, so strictly speaking, Uncle Gui used the fetal dragon The spirit to devour a human being, and the goal of resurrection has already failed.

“So what are your plans now?” Shen Qiang smiled and looked at Uncle Gui.

After Uncle Gui was silent for a moment, he kept smiling and sighed inexplicably: “I told myself that you are a young Young Master. You have a separate name called Shen Qiang. The difference between you and the ordinary Dragon Race is that you have humans. idea.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “Now I’m in trouble, I can make up for the holes in the Dragon Emperor’s Treasury, but if I can’t get the keel, I can’t be the True Dragon Emperor.”

After Uncle Gui was silent for a moment, he said, “I don’t know where the Young Young Master is, but I know that the person who gave me the young Master’s spirit seems to have a different purpose, so I help Can’t reach you.”

“I need to get the dragon bone.” Shen Qiang stared at Uncle Gui seriously.

Uncle Gui looked at Shen Qiang seriously and said: “I really don’t know, so I really can’t help you in this respect. According to my plan, after you are resurrected, step by step cultivation, about 100 years later , When your cultivation base is strong enough, I will take you back, but now everything is out of control.”

Shen Qiang frowned, looked at Qui Shu long for a while, and suddenly said, “Are you worthy of my trust?”

After Uncle Gui was silent for a while, he said slowly: “As long as you don’t harm Haizu for your own benefit, I’m worthy of trust.”

Shen Qiang heard and said, smiled and said: “You won my respect, Heshenghe is your home.”

After saying that’s all, leaving a daze to return to the uncle, Shen Qiang went straight out to the base camp where the monsters were, then took out the phone, sat by the flower bed in front of the monster houses, and dialed the phone.

“Help me do something.” Shen Qiang straight to the point.

Opposite the phone after a long silence, there was a slightly hoarse voice from Young Master Yi.

“I reject.”

“Don’t ask me what I want you to do for me?” Shen Qiang laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

Young Master Yi was silent for a moment, and said: “Yes, because I am in greater trouble now, so I can’t help.”

“Help me do a good job, I acquiesce you to be arrogant in the abyss.” Shen Qiang calmly said.

Young Master Yi said: “You will die if you are so arrogant.”

“You can’t do it.” Shen Qiang said indifferently: “Other people can’t do the same, so don’t talk about these nonsense, this is a transaction between us. Well done, 1000 Ning is still signed by the company under the company, I There is no guarantee that Heshenghe will not develop into the abyss. If you can’t do it, then you, the abyssal emperor, will sit down.

Hearing this, the other end of the phone, after a long silence, the Young Master said: “Send me the details, this is what I helped Song Weiyin.”

Say that’s all.

The phone hangs up.

Shen Qiang laughed, sent a message to Young Master Yi, put away Shen Qiang after the phone, and then sighed at the residential building full of Demon.

“To make up for the loopholes, you must not let go of any details. Even if you don’t have the strength of the Dragon Emperor now, I am absolutely impossible to allow myself to retreat from this position!”

At the same time Shen Qiang’s eyes became cold.

Among the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the voice of Taiyin Youying has been heard.

“One of the remaining 6 keys is already materialized, let’s take a look.”

Shen Qiang hearing this, my heart sinks into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and at first glance, I was shocked to see the shadow of Taiyin Youying, the things that appeared in the air around me.

It turned out to be a very strange ring, spraying water outward.

“This is one of the other 6 keys?” Shen Qiang was stunned.

A glance at Taiyin quietly, calmly said: “Yes, I always call it the water spray ring, but in fact, its name is called Aria, it is not only one of the 7 keys to open the Moon Palace, but it can be used in any environment. Make water that can be cited, even if you are in the Mountain of Flames, as long as your True Yuan is enough, you can still achieve never lack of water.”

Shen Qiang slightly frowned, but then his eyes gradually brightened, chants, rings, infinite water.

With this thing, doesn’t it mean that there is never any need to store water in the storage ring?

You should know that even if you can control the 1000 dew in the rain dew, the storage ring with you also carries drinking water. This was before she went to the Dragon Palace. When she was preparing, Shen Qiang discovered that at that time, Shen Qiang had Curiously asked, as a sea clan, and at the same time she can control Yulu, why should she bring drinking water.

Her answer is that under certain circumstances, at certain times, she can’t control the rain and dew, so the drinking water in the storage ring is prepared for the worst.

But this chant ring is different, it can produce water at any time.

This means that with this thing, even if you go to the Moon Palace, you don’t have to worry about water at all.

“Good stuff, good baby!” Shen Qiang’s eyes shined.

“It takes some time for these figurative things to come out. Well, I will call you. You can do your business. If you urgently need the keel, then you can start with Aria.”

Hearing You Ying’s words, Shen Qiang’s hard nodded, and after making sure that he really remembered all the details of this water-spraying ring, thought that this left Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Taking out his mobile phone, Shen Qiang first landed in the Dragon Group Mall.

Because this is the easiest, most convenient, and most likely place to find treasure.

After all, this Aria ring is likely to be used as an ordinary Water Element spell ring and hung in a corner of the Dragon Group Mall.

“Water Element, ring.”

Shen Qiang, who entered 4 words, was nervous and pressed the search key expectantly.

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