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2nd day Early in the morning, when the morning sun had just penetrated the curtain and shined into the room, Shen Qiang, who felt itchy on the cheek, woke up. As soon as his eyes were opened, he saw the happy and charming beauty of the eyes. Song Weiyin, positive He leaned his head on the white arm and looked at himself with infinite satisfaction.

The morning sun shot through the curtains not only plated her hair down with a golden light, but also made her white and tender like a newly peeled egg with a layer of crystal, so that for a time, Shen Qiang Can’t help but look dumbfounded.

At this time, she did not apply powder, but her pretty face was like jade, her eyebrows were picturesque, her eyes were like morning stars, her fresh and natural eyelids, her long eyelashes, and her sharp nose underneath, her petite cherry lips were like that. When you get up, you are soft, tender and tender.

Clean and transparent.

The hair hanging down the forehead exudes a faint fragrance.

The jade neck that bullied Séxue and the jade ears that look like dainty and delicate craftsmanship have no flaws, it looks more than pleasing to the eye, if you take a picture for her at this time, I am afraid that everyone Everyone will exclaim, there is such a beauty in the world!

“Little lazy.” Seeing Shen Qiang woke up, Song Weiyin charmingly extended the hand happily, and the snowy arms of the lotus crossed the arc like a swan’s neck, and then used her slender white and tender pink nails Little finger at Shen Qiang, whispered delicately: “So sleepy, punish you for being a pig!”

Shen Qiang smiled and opened his mouth.

It seemed that it was Song Weiyin who was bitten by Shen Qiang, withdrawing her hand with a smile, but then she was embraced by Shen Qiang.

“So naughty, it seems that family law should serve.”

The charming Song Weiyin smiled and bent her eyes, provoking with disdain: “Come on, let me see how powerful your family is.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Family law is me!”

Suddenly, Song Weiyin’s face turned red, and immediately begged for mercy: “Forgiveness, King! How can you bear such a mighty man! Please let go, really please let go!”

Shen Qiang smiled, lying on the bed comfortably, and lazily embracing Song Weiyin, said: “For your fairness, I will remember it for you first, and I will play naughty next time. double.”

“Don’t dare.” Song Weiyin grumbled and spoiled, and then said: “Everyone practices yoga at this time every day, it seems not very convenient here.”

“Convenient, very convenient.” Shen Qiang’s eyes brightened: “You go to practice, and I will give you some gestures.”

Song Weiyin pu chi laughed out loud: “Bad guys, I won’t be fooled by you.”

Shen Qiang laughed and said, “I’m Yoga Level 30, absolutely Master.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Song Weiyin grinning, gave Shen Qiang a charming white eye, which instantly made Shen Qiang’s scalp numb.

“I always think that the pure, gentle and sweet beauty on the screen is you. I didn’t expect that your coquettish ability is full.” Shen Qiang laughed.

Song Weiyin pretended not to be happy: “Actually, people used to do that too. If I wanted to buy grandma when I was a kid, I would be cute, and then she would buy it.”

Shen Qiang pu chi smiled at once: “Speak, what I want, I will buy it for you.”

Song Weiyin raised her lips lightly and said coquettishly: “I want a bad guy. If handsome and guilty of the same crime, he should be the one who chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades. Smaller, I put him in my bag when I work, and take him out when I rest.”

Shen Qiang pu chi smiled at once: “Please let go of that cucumber!”

In an instant, the beautiful Song Weiyin pouted, but pu chi smiled and said: “Bad guy! You bastard! What are you talking about! How can you be a gangster like you, but you are a drug king, a 10000 demon The king is Hesheng Heda, you can say it if you are so greasy.”

“It’s greasy, it’s too dry and easy to tear!” Shen Qiang laughed.

The beautiful Song Weiyin’s face flushed to the root of the neck, said while playfully pouting: “Ignore you.”

The inexplicably cute little eyes and angry movements made Shen Qiang laugh and hug her tightly.

She pouted and pretended to wait for Shen Qiang to coax.

But after waiting for a while, Shen Qiang not only coaxed her, but made a grunt, she was anxious, frowned, and turned her face suddenly, and she saw the full of smiles looking at her Shen Qiang at a glance.

In an instant, she restrained her laugh coyly and said while playfully pouting: “People say you want the bad guy to be you!”

Shen Qiang smiled and bowed his eyes, secretly rejoicing that he had not told them that he had a device such as an immortal capsule that could fit living people into the storage ring. Otherwise, it would be in trouble now.

“If you want, we can be together every day.”

Song Wei Yin Jiao snorted and said: “Just think about it, if I’m together all day, I’m afraid I will be bored.”

“I’m not handsome in your heart?” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Song Weiyin said coquettishly: “No, I said that, because I am afraid that you and me will be annoying me for a long time, so I just feel better, that way I can still have a face.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled: “You are so cute, how could I be bothering you?”

Song Weiyin smiled and said, “I’m not cute at all times, I sometimes lose my temper.”

Shen Qiang laughed and said, “When you lose your temper, will I let you?”

Song Weiyin laughing this, said: “Well, as long as you have time to stay with me on the set, anyway.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “It sounds like a good idea, but the film and television industry doesn’t seem to welcome me.”

Song Weiyin who heard this said, her eyes very charmingly said: “That was before, they didn’t welcome you because Young Master Yi, now it’s different, he left me a message and sent me a photo.”

With that, Song Weiyin, who smiled and bent his eyes, took the phone and said flauntingly, “Look, I was beautiful when I was a kid.”

Looking at Song Weiyin’s mobile phone, the smile was very sweet, and now 70% like Song Weiyin, holding an apple, but changing her teeth, Shen Qiang pu chi smiled at once: “It’s beautiful and beautiful.”

“Young Master said, in fact, in his heart, he always regarded me as a younger sister, but, caring and caring, once made him think it was love.”

Song Weiyin said charmingly with a smile: “He is wishing me happiness!”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I understand, this time you are as you wish, so you are in a good mood, and you will be cute and cute in front of me.”

Song Weiyin smiled and lay in Shen Qiang’s arms, saying: “You and him are the two men I care about most. In fact, in my heart, I always take him as a big brother. When he didn’t say he would marry me Before, our relationship was good.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled, and then said: “So you can, as long as Young Master Yi does not take the initiative to find something, I will not move him.”

In an instant, the beautiful Song Weiyin kissed Shen Qiang’s cheek, Jiao Shengxin happily said: “I know, you are the best!”

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