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Young Master Yi鈥檚 pleading made his grandfather鈥檚 eyes relieved, and Shen Qiang looked at him for a long time, and then suddenly said with a smile: 鈥淜en willing to bow his head for the relatives around him, it鈥檚 too bad to go anywhere, okay, you Young Master Yi’s face I will give.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang waved his hand, and several big demon from Heshenghe immediately carried the four masters of Young Master Yi and other seriously injured cultivators to Shen Qiang’s side.

Shen Qiang glanced at their situation, then sighed and said, “Young Master Yi, I am actually not a soft-hearted person. My heart, I hope you all die, because then you will trouble will completely vanish. “

“However, I know this World is huge, and someone is glare like a tiger watching his prey, so remember your words, when China needs the power of cultivator, as long as you are willing to stand up, you will not lose my way a day out today. “

Say that’s all.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, Shen Qiang opened his own Dao Guo.

Thanks to the powerful ability of the operating room, the Young Master Yi 4 will quickly recover with many cultivators from the abyss.

Look at this situation.

After the Sect Master car of the major Sects in the discussion group was silent for a long time, they began to discuss again, but this time, there is no longer sarcasm and ridicule. Between the lines, the words of the Sect Masters of the major Sects all reveal a little respect. .

“Alas…Shen Qiang is capable of killing Young Master Yi and all the people he brought. Even if Young Master Yi’s grandfather is here, there is the dragon group War God and those powerhouse can only watch him, But Shen Qiang did not choose to kill everything. This mindset is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.”

“It’s not difficult to kill the enemy cruelly, as long as there is hatred in the heart, all this with no difficulty, it is really difficult to let him go when he has enough power, Shen Qiang is not easy, let go of Young Master Yi, it is not It鈥檚 his heart. I can feel that Shen Qiang wants to kill him directly, but he is concerned about him. He may not really like it, really love that Song Weiyin, but at least he would not betray the oath in front of her.”

“Actually, it’s enough. The first Young Master in the cultivation world has already conceded. He not only agreed to abide by the rules set by Shen Qiang, but also begged Shen Qiang, which seems even more difficult for Young Master Yi.”

With a sigh, Kunlun Sword Sect’s new Sect Master, said in the discussion group: “when in the world, one cannot move freely.”

But at this moment, a word from Emei Sword Sect made the discussion group’s sighing atmosphere instantly disappeared.

“Fuck, what do you think? Don’t you understand? Shen Qiang’s means are strong enough to make the cultivation field explode. The first Young Master in China cultivation field, Young Master Yi must obey the rules set by Shen Qiang, I will ask you Who dares to violate it?”

In an instant, after a strange silence in the discussion group for half a minute, the news immediately exploded.

“After weeping, after watching Shen Qiang slamming Young Master Yi on my knees, I have ordered the discipline of my door, and I must give 30% to Hesheng Heli, even if I want to learn, I must give 3 tricks.”

“The first Young Master Young Master Yi is kneeling, we little Sect, where dare not to accept Heshenghe, Yifu, will never blindly fight with Heshenghe, otherwise he will not use his Senior shot, those few big demon casually Come one, I’m extinguish sect.”

“Well, I just changed my pants. In fact, Shen Qiang is more deterrent than killing Young Master Yi, but if it is really killed, any cultivator who has a holiday with Hesheng will be extremely afraid of Heshenghe and fidgeting. In that case, it鈥檚 easy. As a result, multiple Sect teamed up to attack Heshenghe. Now, instead of that kind of thinking, after all, Heshenghe is generous enough.”

Kunlun Sword Sect, the new Sect Leader Ren, sighed and said: “What you said makes sense, but still hasn’t grasped the point. The reason why I respect Shen Qiang is not because of his generosity, nor because of his strength. Because he is the one who really does the major event.”

“Now the cultivators in the cultivation industry are planning for their own benefit. As for China, they are all a matter of mind. Even if they are clamoring for their patriotic all day, they do not at all really do for the country. Order something.”

“It was Shen Qiang, this guy who was scolded by us all, pill concocting, pharmaceuticals, life-saving treatment, and more than the Young Master Yi left by China. Young Master Yi is indeed not a good person or a big hero. But his funeral, if it can be used to protect China, will definitely be a nightmare for any enemy.”

“So don鈥檛 think about it, I鈥檓 pretty sure now that Shen Qiang, who is greedy for money, is the real hero. He is the one who walks in the dark, but full of light, so you should not arrange Shen Qiang right in front of me in the future. No one is perfect Saint. Shen Qiang may have problems, but he is not a holy hero.”

Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master’s words are very long.

But when he spoke, no one interrupted.

not only.

After the words of Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master were finished, the discussion group鈥檚 various sects Sect Master was instantly exploded.

“It makes sense! Who doesn’t have selfishness? Looking at Shen Qiang’s actions, he is indeed greedy for money and lustful. However, his medicine has cured countless people. He joined the dragon group. Now, he has a strong influence and powerful Daoguo鈥檚 Young Master Yi put on the shackles to protect China. This is something that only real heroes can do.”

“I suddenly understood that Shen Qiang left Young Master Yi’s life to treat Young Master Yi’s men, maybe not just for Song Weiyin, he is for China!”

“Poverty is good for one’s own body, while others are good for the world. This is a real good man, a real man!”

In the discussion group, the Sect Masters of many cultivator Sect have bright eyes, because even if they have the power to exceed ordinary people, they are always Chinese, they are detached from the ordinary person, but they are rooted in the ordinary person, and suddenly Aware of Shen Qiang’s good intentions.

When they looked towards Shen Qiang on the screen again, not only did they suddenly feel that Shen Qiang’s eyebrows were clear and amiable, but there was also some respect in his eyes.

“Okay, I scolded him all day long, saying that I had never seen such a shameless person in my life, that’s because I was very jealous of him.”

“Haha, I am the same. If he had taken away all the beautiful women I loved, I wouldn’t bother to say that he was base and shameless.”

“Well… there are many cultivators in the world, but speaking conscientiously, if you look at it that way, Shen Qiang really is the one who deserves the most respect.”

While discussing, everyone stared at the screen, watching Shen Qiang heal those cultivators, watching Young Master Yi tearing away with many cultivators, until they watched the figure is very upright, the face is beautiful, a big encounter in 1000 Song Weiyin, a beauty, was crying into Shen Qiang’s arms.

Has changed his attitude and endorsed the Sect Sect Masters of Shen Qiang, instantly angry, full of screens.

“Asshole, I have never seen such a shameless person!”

“Dirty, shameless!”

“Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Sect Founder is thundering and scumming!”

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