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A few thousand kilometers away, in the luxurious restaurant, dressed in the elegant Young Master Yi, and the help of the abnormal gentleman, Song Weiyin opened the chair after the beautiful film, asked her to sit down, walked to the opposite position, and then looked at with a smile With the beautiful Song Weiyin, he said: “It’s hard to film.”

After the beautiful film Song Weiyin laughed and said, “It’s harder to protect me.”

Young Master Yi laughed and said: “This is exactly what I want to say. In fact, after my careful investigation, it has been determined that the person who rewards your head with 500 million cash on the bounty hunter platform is actually Shen Qiang, your favorite man.”

Song Weiyin became stunned and then silent.

Young Master Yi laughed and said seriously: “So he is a bastard, don’t believe him if you are 10000000 10000000.”

Song Weiyin looked at him silently after the beautiful film, as if she had something to say, but when it came to her mouth, she seemed to swallow it again.

“But you don’t have to worry, it’s all over.” Young Master Yi said with a slight smile: “I have published the public reputation of the cultivation community and told all cultivators that I am protecting you, so you don’t have to worry about those Bounty hunters who don’t have long eyes will come to hurt you again.

“Moreover, I will now call the bounty hunter platform to put pressure on them to cancel the mission.”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin felt awkward after the beautiful film and said, “Young Master, don’t use it.”

“Yes, if this task is not canceled, you will always be in danger, so this matter must be done now.” Young Master Yi said seriously: “The reason why I chose to do this is because I think that I must Debunk the true face of Shen Qiang in front of you.”

After the beautiful film, Song Weiyin looked at the Young Master Yi, and hesitantly said: “No, don’t know, if you are protecting me, those bounty hunters dare not come.”

“Money is not Evil Origin, but poor is.” Young Master said Yi: “People who are fed and dressed will not think of stealing buns, but if he is hungry and cold, even if there are heavy soldiers beside him, he will choose to take risks. So call it.”

Hearing this, the old man standing aside and immediately called.

Song Weiyin’s heart twitched after the stunning film, in fact, she knew long ago that the Bounty Mission was released by Shen Qiang, the purpose was to hold Young Master Yi down, to ensure that in a short time, Young Master Yi will not send to Shen Qiang He’s revenge of He Shenghe, and once this matter is cancelled, the unchecked Young Master Yi will undoubtedly fight Shen Qiang immediately!

“No Young Master, I will handle this matter myself. Besides, don’t you still protect me?” Song Weiyin said beautifully.

Young Master Yi laughed and said solemnly: “Actually, I have been thinking about this for the last few days, especially after you asked me if I really lacked a woman yesterday, I thought about it for a long time, and then I was surprised I found that I seem to have made something wrong.”

“Young Master, the phone is on.”

At this time, the old man interrupted Young Master Yi’s words and placed the phone in front of Young Master Yi.

“Hello, who are you looking for?”

Hearing the voice from the phone, Young Master Yi smiled and took the call, calmly said: “I know you are the manager of the bounty hunter platform, I am Young Master Yi, I think you should know who I am, so I won’t say more nonsense. I’ll give you 3 hours to cancel Song Weiyin’s task. Otherwise, I will use all means to deal with you. Mirage will be unable to move a single step. Many of your business Will be hit.”

The phone was silent across the phone, and after a while, a hoarse and lowly man took the call.

“Young Master Yi, you are better than pretending. I can give you full marks, but I was disappointed. The bounty hunter platform does not accept anyone’s threats.”

Young Master Yi sneered: “You mean, we are going to war?”

“No, you misunderstood, we do not accept any threats, but regarding the Bounty Mission of Song Weiyin Young Lady, I think I need to remind you that it is a mission that has been cancelled. If you want to shake in front of Song Weiyin Young Lady Majesty, I think your timing is good, but it is not wise to threaten us.”

“Cancelled?” Young Master Yi was shocked for a moment.

“Hey, you made it clear, when was it cancelled?” Young Master Yi complexion ashen.

“Don’t you know?” The person on the other end of the phone sneered: “Ten minutes ago, so there is nothing else, goodbye, my dear sir!”

Say that’s all.

The call has been hung up.

He fed the Young Master Yi complexion ashen 2 times.

An old man afraid that he would fall off the phone angrily, hurriedly took the phone from his hand and said, “Calm down.”

Young Master Yi took a deep breath, and then said: “Song Weiyin, you listen to me explain that things are not what you think they are, and they haven’t been shameless yet. After learning that the task was canceled, doing this kind of thing is superior in front of you.”

His anxiety and explanation made Song Weiyin, the most beautiful film behind, show a smile on her pretty face.

Because almost at the moment when the reward was cancelled, Song Weiyin realized that Shen Qiang must have completed what he had to do, and he no longer needed to drag the Young Master.

After all, with the ability of Young Master Perseverance, he is absolutely impossible, using this trick to show off in front of himself.

Because he is the first Young Master in the cultivation field.

“I believe what you say, you don’t need to use this method, and I know that you are not that kind of person at all.” Song Weiyin was comforted after the beauty film.

Young Master Yi hearing this look a lot better.

But then, Young Master Yi cold eyes, said: “The only person who can cancel this task with the calm and tranquil, is the reward, Shen Qiang, he canceled the task!”

Suddenly turning his head, looking at the old man on the side, the Young Master hurriedly said: “Arrange the plane immediately, we must rush over immediately.”

“Okay, Young Master, I immediately arranged that the plane can take off within 20 minutes.”

“Go get a car.”

With the words of Young Master Yi, the old man left immediately.

After he left, Young Master Yi looked at Song Weiyin with a very sorry look: “Sorry, I may not be able to accompany you for dinner. I have to leave important things immediately.”

It is completely clear that the reward is Song Weiyin published by Shen Qiang, and there is no pain in his heart. He hurriedly said: “Young Master, I know you are going to the provincial capital, and you are going to find the trouble of Heshenghe. Can you listen to my persuasion, Don’t fight him, OK?”

Young Master Yi hearing this frowned, surprisedly said: “Wein, are you stupid? You are being used by him, do you understand? Is Shen Qiang rewarding your head, you love him so much, but he wants you to die , Such scum, 10000 broken pieces are not wrong at all, you even help him speak?”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin hesitated a little after the beautiful film, and then said anxiously: “Things are not what you think, don’t be angry? Could you listen to me explain, Shen Qiang is not scumbag?” !”

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