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Watching Shen Qiang sitting on the chair with a smile, on the left hand side is the beautiful mermaid Princess koi 1000, and the right hand side is tall and upright, and the beautiful and beautiful Goddess Athena, not only did not be under siege. Some of the anxiety and anxiety, but also looked at him sarcastically, the sea emperor instantly angered.

“Are you scared crazy? You are so dead that you dare to threaten me? I don’t know who gave you the courage!”

Hearing the angry words of the sea emperor, Shen Qiang smiled indifferently and looked at him calmly: “You look angry, this is right, think about being in a position, if I were you, I would also wish to break me now 10000 corpses.”

“But sometimes, many things can be done without thinking. In the case of overwhelming majority, ideas will always be ideas.”

The sea emperor looked coldly at Shen Qiang: “Do you want me to kill Yu Jiang to correct your attitude?”

Shen Qiang smiled and leaned back on his chair, calmly said: “If your goal is to kill Yu Jiang, then he should have died long ago. If you keep him, you still want 1000 people, but anyone whose intelligence is above the qualified line , Can realize that this is a very sensible decision, so you don鈥檛 have to play hysterics in front of me.”

The Emperor was silent for a moment, and looked at Shen Qiang coldly: “Do you think you can leave here alive today?”

“Yes!” Shen Qiang nodded said with a slight smile: “And took them and left with your farewell.”

“You are a lunatic.” The sea emperor said seriously.

Shen Qiang smiled: “I’m actually not a particularly calm person, because sometimes, I can’t control myself, but I’m not stupid, understand? From your use of that many ordinary sea monster’s death, to arrange a powerhouse sneak attack From the beginning of Yu Jiang, I have realized that you will not kill him.”

“Because Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, controls China鈥檚 Haijiang, if you can conquer him, it means China鈥檚 Haijiang, and you can act wilfully, but you know, he will not submit to you, otherwise, you won鈥檛 immediately Tell someone to stop, and then use words to force 1000 Ning.”

“Because if 1000 is in your hands, the sea monsters around me are also in your hands, and Yu Jiang will be at your disposal. In that case, you can logically control China’s Hai Jiang.”

Many sea monsters around the moment were stunned.

Although their eyes are a little weird, they obviously believed inexplicably.

“I just don’t want to kill.” Hai Sovereign Dao: “Yu Jiang made a mistake. I’m willing to give him a chance to change, but you can’t.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You look hypocritical, it looks very similar to those famous places in the cultivation world, but in front of me, this is useless, you want to kill Yu Jiang, you can start now, you killed him, I just have The reason can call all sea monsters in China’s Haijiang, um…incorrect, it should be said that all sea monsters in peace and security are at war with you.”

The sea emperor’s eyes were instantly cold.

“Your mouth owes so much, I’m really curious how you live to the present.”

“Strength.” Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Because I climbed from the bottom, I am very sensitive. I can always see the true intentions of others under the ground, I actually hate this because many times, Behind the smile is a blade. Such ugliness always makes me feel disgusted, and feels that it is better to be with the monster.”

Seriously looking at Shen Qiang, the afterglow in the corner of the eye, observing more than 100 powerful sea monsters gradually in place, Hai Huangyi said with a smile: “Do you think you will say this, I will let you go?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “You are a very interesting Old Guy. I really thought that after destroying the temple, the irreconcilable fight must be greeted by us, and the worst plan was made, but when you secretly calculated After Yujiang, I instantly understood that you have lost.”

The sea emperor frowned: “You think you can save your life with these words.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said after a moment of silence: “I am a soft-hearted person and always like to believe in others, but I am not stupid. You actually don鈥檛 care about the temple at all, even speaking, you care more than Athena. 1000 Ning, because what you want is never to kill a few people who destroyed your house, but peace and security.”

“10000 Shen Qiang, the strongest Medicine Refining Master, and the Medicine King.” The Emperor suddenly smiled: “You are as cunning as the rumor, it is a base and shameless villain.”

“You don’t know me.” Shen Qiang smiled.

The sea emperor smiled: “You are wrong, I know you well, I know everything about you, you are greedy for money, insidious and cunning, base and shameless, I know all these.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “You said, you pulled yourself off the altar, understand? I always think that since you are a sea emperor, you should be more powerful, stronger, and smarter than ordinary person, but I Overestimate you.”

“No one really understands me.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and smiled, and continued: “The Shen Qiang you know is just me among other people, and this is exactly the funniest thing in this world. You have never even seen me, but instinctively Choose the evaluation of those who have never even contacted me.”

In an instant, the sea emperor froze.

“Human society is like this, so everyone must wear a mask, humble, reasonable, and endless smiles, because they have to beware of what others will say.” Shen Qiang smiled and looked at him: “Because humans have no patience to go Understand others, they like to take shortcuts, like to grab a person and come and ask, XX, how do you like XX?”

“Then XYZ just started to talk, but those who asked were convinced. I think this kind of stupidity, only the person who loves to lie will believe, didn’t expect, you as a sea emperor will also believe.”

Hearing this, the Emperor鈥檚 eyes were cold and cold: “Shen Qiang, your words may make sense, but they are not important. In China鈥檚 cultivation world, you are a terrific person, but here, you are insignificant and want to kill you, It’s too simple.”

“Because all the elites under your hands have arrived?” Shen Qiang looked around at four places and looked at the Atlantic City sea monsters who looked extremely tough, about 4.

The sea emperor coldly snorted: “I’m enough to kill you, you can’t go, so why not save yourself and save the people around you?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I always feel that I am a good person. Compared to killing, I prefer to save people, so I have never done any murdering to seize the treasures, or something that I am trying to win, I have never been in The cultivation world has revealed its true strength…”

“Just because you, a guy who has just entered the Daogu period, is as weak as a trivial ant, and is also worthy of talking about power 2 in front of me?” The sea emperor interrupted Shen Qiang with a laugh.

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