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The beautiful Qing Xuan with her long hair fluttering and her enchanting posture, as if instantly transformed into a killer, almost just in an instant, countless stone cones shot from the ground, like rough giant spears, not only instantaneously It runs through the bodies of countless Atlantic City sea monsters.

The blood mist and dust that broke out at that instant turned the positive film Sea Territory into a dim Asura field.

“Impossible!” The sea emperor standing in the distance looked at the stone spear in his hand with shock: “It doesn’t make sense, Athena is good at planning strategies. Although she can always win, she is a A heavy female warrior, she is good at magic shields and magic swords. What is this strange spell?”

And almost at the same time he was surprised and dazed.

The many sea monsters in those Atlantic City, looking at the scene like hell, instantly roared in horror among those sea monsters still struggling on the stone cone who were still breathless.

“The devil! She is the devil! She is not our Goddess anymore, she is already occupied by the devil! My younger brother, my younger brother is dead!”

“Kill her, she has fallen!”

“Oh, don’t do that. She is our Goddess, just expel the devil from her body!”

The sea monsters in Atlantic City were in shock and fearful roar.

The eyes of many sea monsters around Shen Qiang light up instantly.

“Great, what kind of technique is perfect. In this case, it is almost equivalent to possessing unlimited weapons. Not only that, but even more powerful, this kind of technique is simply too suitable for the current situation!”

“Hopefully! As long as they don’t leave the ground, it’s almost impossible to avoid.”

“Great, such a technique, as long as he comes to him dozens of times, it is estimated that Atlantic City is already empty!”

And just as many sea monsters are excited.

Shen Qiang, who communicated with Qing Xuan, suddenly frowned. Not only did she blink, she rushed to Qing Xuan’s side, and she embraced her in an ambiguous gesture.

“Can you still hold it?”

Shen Qiang sniffed the faint sacred breath from her, and said softly.

“I’m sorry, Master.” Qing Xuan beautiful eyes said faintly: “I haven’t completely mastered this body. Her power has been consumed too much in the long years.”

The moment I heard this.

Shen Qiang also sighed.

This is a very bad situation.

Besieged by many sea monsters, there is also a Divine Race descendant glare like a tiger watching his prey, which is indescribable by Peak Level, plus those looks, the breath is not inferior to the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, gathered in The heart of the powerful sea monster beside Shen Haig, Shen Qiang, sinks a little like those floating dust in the sea.

But there is no way.

If you compare the power of Athena to the power in a battery, how much power is left in a battery that has not been charged for more than 4000 years?

10%? 30%? Still 50%?

This is probably no one can say clearly.

“You’ve done a great job, and it’s already perfect. I don’t believe you see it. Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, now looks at your eyes, already looking at the powerhouse eyes.”

Shen Qiang’s words made Qing Xuan shy.

At the same time.

The far pass again heard the sound of the sea emperor’s scepter hitting the ground.

“The people of Atlantic City, your Goddess has been occupied by demons, she raised a butcher knife against us, so use your courage to defeat her, capture her alive, we will eventually expel her demons with the body !”

With his roar.

Many Atlantic City sea monsters screamed and rushed over again. The scene like the dark clouds made the selected elite sea monsters can’t help but change color.

“There are too many of them, even if they are standing still, let’s chop, I’m afraid we have no strength to kill them all!”

“Quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, so many sea monsters, simply cannot be dealt with by dozens of people.”

“Desperately, kill a capital preservation, kill two to earn one!”

The war continues.

In the case of fight at close quarters, the individual combat capabilities are still selected elite sea monsters.


There are really too many sea monsters in Atlantic City, because this is the settlement of the Sea Kings.

This is their old nest.

Moreover, when looking at the sea emperor’s sullen, calm eyes and the powerful sea monsters around him, Shen Qiang knew that the sea emperor didn’t care about the ordinary sea monsters, he only cared about those really powerful Guy.

So he left the truly powerful sea monster with him.

Choose to use a large number of ordinary sea monsters to kill Shen Qiang and the others.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, ordinary sea monsters, as long as they are born, but this pure existence like the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, not only requires a long time to grow, but more importantly, no one knows , How many sea monsters can there be one like this.

“It’s weird.” While Shen Qiang frowned, the Koi 1000 Ning on the side said very puzzledly: “I think this sea emperor is mental illness? He said that Athena was the enemy while enshrining her in the temple. , While saying that they would not let Athena leave here anyway, they said to the sea monster in Atlantic City that Athena is their Goddess.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled and brought the Koi 1000 with her, and said softly: “This is normal. Humans also like to do this kind of thing. For example, the singer’s favorite singer is usually a deceased one, and the writer’s favorite. The writer is also a deceased person, and the most admired person is also a deceased person.”

“Why?” Koi 1000 said in amazement.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Because the dead will not take away their glory, the sea emperor is still alive. If he says that the God of Atlantic City is himself, it will make him feel arrogant, so he must be someone else, if it is another god. , Being admired by the sea monster in Atlantic City, his existence is a joke.”

“So Athena, who represents justice, holiness, wisdom, and unparalleled beauty, is undoubtedly the most suitable choice, because she is dead, even if the sea monster in Atlantic City worships her again, she will not deviate from the sea emperor.”

Koi 1000 Ning’s eyes lighted up instantly: “I understand, why the original famous singer died immediately, the work immediately became a classic, countless singers admired, it turned out to be like this!”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “So the sea emperor is hostile to Athena, but enshrines her, not at all, what is so surprising, just to meet the needs!”

1000 Condensed, he placed his gaze on Qing Xuan’s body and moved his mouth, but when he reached his mouth, he swallowed it back again.


At this time, among the many Atlantic City sea monsters under siege, a seemingly ordinary sea monster suddenly exploded into the power of the sky, and the peng sound beat the big sea monster Wang Yujiang.

In an instant, Shen Qiang’s heart sank to seabed.

“Sure enough…The sea emperor is not so simple. Among the hidden powerhouse and the weak, it is the most dangerous when a fatal blow is launched!”

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